Tuesday, October 15, 2024

On The Übermensch Fantasy

What power?

 The Übermensch Fantasy was a fundamental part of National Socialism as it is in the Cult of Scientology.  The Übermensch Fantasy is one of  the things that make Scientology toxic.



Monday, October 14, 2024


I have to constantly deal with morons.

There's a term for someone who imparts a political belief on a nonvolitional factor: IDIOT.

"Woke" people deny Reality.

As someone who plays on the political playing field I want cheaters removed.  The Democratic Party routinely cheats.  The Democratic Party wants to eliminate the Electoral Collage and the National Rifle Association.  But the Electoral College and the National Rifle Association were created due to people like The Democratic Party. 

Civil Order as understood by adherents of the Platonic/Hegelian/Marxist/Nazi collectivist ("progressive," "caring," etc.) philosophical tradition is a social state in which we, the hominid livestock, live as directed by our self appointed masters.  The bipedal cattle who don’t obey are visited by the "Guardians"/SS/ATF or other such creatures.  Civil Order in the real world as described by Aristotle and Ayn Rand is the societal condition in which we, the humans, are free to live by our own judgement of the facts of reality for our own purposes, without being put upon by thugs and tyrants.

Evil often presents themselves as Good.  Horrors happen because the perpetrators present themselves as being the Good Guys.  Atrocities happen because the perpetrators believe they're doing good.  

The Redneck whose personal library consists solely of The Bible is better educated than most Marxists.

Unfortunately, most Libertarians would be on the left side of the political isle if it weren't already occupied by people who would have to work hard to qualify as idiots.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

On Iran

In some places an election is nothing more than a voodoo ritual that is used to create the appearance of moral legitimacy for the regime in power.  As in the cases of the Soviet Union, Baathist Iraq, and the City of Chicago.  We have to remember that Islam is a scam.  Thus it should come to no surprise to us that the rulers of Iran who hold themselves above accountability would resort to fraud in order to keep their stooges in their positions in the apparatus of the state.  A state without a functioning mechanism of accountability and a means of peacefully removing those who are unfit to govern will eventually fall into corruption and a state of tyranny.  (In the case of Iran that point is moot.  It was a corrupt and tyrannical state from day one.)  It's unlikely that any real reform will occur in Iran.  The scam religion of Islam was created in part to legitimize the tyranny of the false prophet Mohammad.  Any legal mechanism that holds the apparatus of the state accountable to the people would be deemed a man made law and thus would be null and void according to the doctrine of Islam.  And since Islam denies all of the rights of man any attempt to defend those rights is an offense against the false god Allah.  In order for Iranians to truly obtain freedom they must abandon Islam altogether.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Delta Hotel

Delta Hotel is the NATO phonetic initials for a rude word I first encountered during Infantry Basic Training at Fort Benning in the spring of 1982.  The term implies that the individual is stupid and has more cognitive power in his masculine genitalia than in the head.

Not only is this individual a Delta Hotel but he's a Racial Collectivist too.  On the basic level of Racial Collectivism a person defined by an unchosen racial attribute and is collectively separated from Humanity in general.  In most cases those who actively seek to be identified by their race will mentally position themselves to be superior in some respect to Humans in general.  In the most extreme variant of Racial Collectivism another race is deemed to be evil in respect to the superior race and is to be persecuted or outright exterminated.  This individual is either ignorant of The Holocaust or may have chosen to dismiss the event on the grounds that it was a White on White action.  In the original version of National Socialism the Aryan peoples were identified as the Master Race or the Herrenvolk.  All others were deemed to be inferior beings without rights and were to be used or disposed of by the Master Race.  If this Delta Hotel insists on acting as a member of a Master Race then we should deal with him as such.  As was done at Nuremberg after the Second World War.

Friday, October 11, 2024


L. Ron Hubbard once wrote: “One must act, one must preserve order and decency, but one need not hate or seek vengeance.

Never use what is done to one as a basis for hatred. Never desire revenge.

Happiness and strength endure only in the absence of hate. To hate alone is the road to disaster. To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe.”

Tell that to Paulette Cooper.



Thursday, October 10, 2024

On Illinois Democrats

Socialists on the other hand because of their dependency on the production of others must teach the primacy of the parasite and contempt for the actual rights of others.  Thus in Socialist dumps like Chicago the apparatus of government is materially and doctrinally turned against the honest and productive for the benefit of an ever growing swarm of parasites.  This of course sets an adverse example for anyone growing up in Chicago or any other Socialist dump.  If there's one thing I would hate more than a Illinois Nazi it would be a Illinois Democrat.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Quote Of The Day

It is the rare democrat who isn't trying to make America a safer working environment for violent criminals.

-- Mark Urbin