Thursday, October 17, 2024

On Collectivism


Of course comparing the The Republican party  to the NSDAP is complete nonsense.  Especially as the general doctrine of The Democratic Party is essentially National Socialism without what could be called the Aryan frills.  Central to the depicted nonsense and in particular the final line is the myth of the collective reality.  In collective reality there’s only the alleged view of the group and the specific person is denied the right to examine the facts for himself and to reach his own conclusion based on those facts.  And as with all variants of Collectivism the person is seen as a thing to be used for the alleged benefit of the collective.  In this case the gay man is denied the right to identify himself as a Citizen of the United States and to rationally cast a ballot as an individual American Citizen.  Of course there is the implicit death penalty for the betrayal of the alleged homosexual collective.  This was the case in history when individuals were executed for race treason under National Socialism and for class treason under Communism.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

On Islam

Were it not for the adverse precedent of The Holocaust our nation and the rest of Humanity would be well on the way to performing a final solution to the problem of Islam.  The fact is that in the past the basic response to a barbaric action by primitives against an advanced society was to massacre them.  There’s no question that the most consistent adherents of the doctrine of Islam would have to work their way up to qualify as primitive with respect to us.  Islam has rejected the basic moral laws of even the most backward societies which is the prohibition of theft and murder.  The most consistent adherents of Islam are effectively indistinguishable from predatory animals. The war of Islam against Humanity won’t end until we identify and deal with the most consistent Muslims as such.





Tuesday, October 15, 2024

On The Ãœbermensch Fantasy

What power?

 The Ãœbermensch Fantasy was a fundamental part of National Socialism as it is in the Cult of Scientology.  The Ãœbermensch Fantasy is one of  the things that make Scientology toxic.