Friday, September 17, 2004

Pattern of Behavior

Union goon rips up Bush/Cheney sign held by a three-year old girl.

That's the goon to the left.

Remember, we on the Right prefer to deal with other people on the basis of consent, the Left on the other hand believes theat we are no better than mindless animals, fit only to be controlled by force or fraud.

("Violence," muttered Les as he polished his AK-47, "I'll show them some f**king violence...")

(Originally posted at about 2030 CDT Thursday Night)

Update at 2237 CDT:

Captain Ed comments:

I also think that her father is an idiot for putting his daughter in that situation.

I think the father mistakenly assumed that he was living in a civilized christian nation.

The Left believes in force, if they had their way they would Gulag the lot of us. And if that didn't work, and it won't, there's always the unmarked ditch outside of town.

Update at 0130 CDT Friday:

The Washington Times has picked up the story.

Update at about 0220 CDT Friday:

The willfully inhumam filth at the Despotcratic Sewer are having a laugh about the incident:

...and to that I say:


Kids cry when they get punished, right? Well, what's the difference here - she got punished for being a proto-fascist! It takes a village to raise a child - especially when the dad's obviously not doing his job.

Well of course assaulting a three-year old girl would be a cause of amusment to the kind of antihuman filth who have no problem with running up a nine-digit bodycount for their ideological fantasy.

So what else is new?


Anonymous said...

Hopefully the young lady will be sitting with Laura Bush at the WH on Sat...The JoFo and Jedwards show would not have the class this fix their own mess...

Anonymous said...

Not that I'd tend to agree with the wackos at DU on anything but I must give a few of the posters (and I mean only a few) credit for displaying an appropriate reaction of disgust for Mister-IUPAT-Loser's reprehensible actions.

The rest are the typical nasty moonbats with their ignorant ideas that it could have been "staged" or that the father was wrong for taking his daughter to the event (nevermind that the Herald Dispatch has a photo of Kerry-Edwards supporters with children present.)

Leslie Bates said...

I certainly have to agree with Anonymous I.