Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Another Fact

For his monsterousness Adolf Hitler only came in third place as a mass murderer after Marxists like Stalin and Mao.
(Image by Mark Urbin)

Monday, April 29, 2019

A Fact

History is being forgotten and repeated.

If the United States had a real educational system instead of the trash left behind by John Dewey, Socialism would be identified as the most toxic ideology of the last century.  Comrade Che was the piece of excrement Comrade Castro put in charge of murdering opponents of the revolution.  Che shirts wouldn’t be worn.  Wearing a Che shirt in America is as disgusting as wearing a Heinrich Himmler shirt in Israel.  Killing a Marxist isn’t an act of murder.  Killing a Marxist is an act of self defense.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Rant Of The Day

The fact of the matter is that the self-described "Peace Activist" doesn't act out of conscience but out of a fraudulent desire to pose as a morally superior being without any regard for the millions of innocents they condemn to death and servitude. A "Peace Activist" is a willing accessory to the acts of mass slavery and mass murders committed by the various adherents of toxic ideologies such as Socialism and Islam. And killing a "Peace Activist" isn't an act of murder, it's in effect the putting down of a diseased animal which is a demonstrated hazard to innocent Human Life.

Friday, April 26, 2019


 The United States will have another civil war.

The next civil war will be nothing like the gentlemanly affair conducted by President Lincoln and that nice Mr. Davis.*  It'll be a bloody knock-down and drag out fight to the death.  And it'll make the Spanish Civil War of the last century look like a schoolyard brawl in comparison.  The enemy values power and under no circumstance will they willfully surrender it.  And even if they do allow a partial succession it'll only be a temporary respite as they prepare to take back full power over what they regard as rightful control of their slaves.  And in the areas under their control they will go fully collectivist.  Anyone seen as a traitor or insufficiently enthusiastic will be put to death.   And those they can't use will also be put down.  Little girls confined to wheelchairs won’t have their stuffed toys taken from them out of malice, they'll be put down to preserve the resources of the collective.  And the enemy will feel good about it too.  When we go into a civil war we'll have to kill every last one of them without exception.

*Yes, I’m being sarcastic. There'll be another civil war in the United States.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Question Of The Day

Should the Goebbels Award be given to entire Mainstream Media?

And So On And So Forth

The fact of the matter is that all religions are false. No amount of whining or coercion will change this. In order to ascend to the height of civilization that we've reached we had to culturally compartmentalize our religion to Sunday Morning.  Some people, myself included, are now taking the next logical step and dropping religion altogether. In all aspects of their lives.

But, as some Christians are whining, without obeying God everything will descend into chaos and destruction.


Because God is a figment of the imagination we've no alternative but to accept responsibility for our own lives and actions. We'll have to see things as they are and live according to the actual requirement of human life.  The fact of the matter is that all religions are false. No amount of whining or coercion will change this. In order to ascend to the height of civilization that we have reached we had to culturally compartmentalize our religion to Sunday Morning. Some people, myself included, are now taking the next logical step and dropping religion altogether. In all aspects of their lives. 

Because God is a figment if the imagination we have no alternative but to accept responsibility for our own lives and actions. We'll have to see things as they are and live according to the actual requirement of human life.  And the clergy will have to find real jobs.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Another Fact

If we're to have a future then governmental power has to be limited.

Those who demand unlimited power like Hillary Clinton (A.K.A. the Big Bitch) have to be treated as the Enemies of Mankind they actually are.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Monday, April 22, 2019

A Question For Progessives And A Special Day

What are you going to do when your victims march down the street holding their fists in the air and shouting HELL NO, WE DON'T OWE?

And today is Earth Day.  Or, as it will be known in the truly rational civilization that succeeds us, Exterminate Mankind Day.

Update 1420 hrs: 

I forgot, today is the birthday of an Enemy of Mankind.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Fact

Adolf Hitler, for all his monsterousnes, only came in third place as a murderer after Marxists like Stalin and Mao.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019

Remember Waco

Here's a thousand words why I will never vote for The Democratic Party.

There's a right way to with deal someone like Koresh and it wasn't followed.

Today is the anniversary of the event commonly known as the Waco Massacre.

What happened?

The local office of the BATF received a report of automatic weapons fire at the residence of Branch Davidians outside of Waco, Texas.  No inquiry was made with the local law enforcement agencies.  Nor did they as allowed under the current regulations send agents out to inspect the federally licenced firearms dealer residing on the site.  And they could have arrested Koresh as he made his morning run but did not do so.   With his past history of cooperation with local law enforcement they could have simply asked him to come down to the local sheriff’s station.  Instead they attempted to stage a military style assault, code named Operation Showtime, in order to impart a positive impression of the agency upon the current administration in Washington.  After the task force was driven off the Hostage Rescue Team of the FBI, descended upon the Branch Davidians and laid siege to the residence.

On this day The HRT used armored vehicles to destroy the exits from the building and to allow the wind to blow through it and then injected CS gas, known to be inflammable and toxic to children and elderly persons, into the wooden structure.  HRT fired CS rounds, which are incendiary devices into, the building.  A tactic to commit mass murder used by the Nazis in Poland and Russia was to confine civilians, especially women and children, in wooden buildings and set the structures on fire.  To this day the perpetrators remain at large.

The other anniversary today is of the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.  Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the Oklahoma City bombing was a white racial collectivist and was acting out the white racial warrior martyrdom fantasy depicted in The Turner Diaries.

The novel, if I recall reading it correctly, depicts the conquest and subjugation of the white population of the United States by a self appointed elite group that called itself "The Order." All non-whites, including Jews, were exterminated. Any white person who refused to obey The Order was executed as a race traitor. The actions of The Order as depicted in the novel were very much like the practice of Islam without the claim of divine sanction. Unlike today's political Right, but like all known collectivists, such as the National Socialists of Germany, The Order rejected all of the Rights of Man and killed anyone who served no place in their collective.  Fortunately, I read it on a website where the text was posted. So apart from the fee for Internet access, I didn't have to pay a cent to read it. I would later describe the experience of reading it as being the intellectual equivalent of the act of swimming in raw sewage.  The website and text is gone now. I think this is somewhat unfortunate because I believe that no rational person should have to pay a cent for the privilege of reading a book that calls for their own murder.

 I reposted on THE NEW RESISTER an article about the Waco Massacre that was originally published on the Libernet Mailing List in 1993.

My Editorial Introduction.

Part One.

Part Two.

Part Three.

Part Four.

Part Five.


Koresh, if he was alive, would clearly be a mortal enemy of an Objectivist.  But someone has to speak for him

Here's another thousand words why I will never vote for The Democratic Party.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Two Questions

Is Eric Sallwell an Enemy Of Mankind?


Should he be put to death?

Yes, in the Nuremberg fashion, from the neck until dead.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A Fact

We think of Washington, DC as a magnificent city.  But apart from some hills our national capital was basically built on a swamp in what was at the time the middle of nowhere.  Which tells us what The Founders really thought of national government.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


A falsehood is still a falsehood.

This message brought to you by the NATO phonetic letters Foxtrot and Uniform.

Monday, April 15, 2019

On The Contrary

Christian Conservatives believe that Atheists are a problem.  No, they aren't.

But today we are subject to the literal whims of creatures with absolutely no understanding of Human Life or of the responsibilities of citizenship.  They scream and throw temper tantrums that would embarrass an actual child while making demands that are absolutely insane.  Their ignorance of ethics and economics lead to demands that could only be enforced by those with an total lack of conscience such as Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge.

At least I'm not a problem.

Thought For The Day

Reality is real and no amount of claimed authority will ever change that.

Sunday, April 14, 2019


I once wrote that anyone who believes that they're automatically right are automatically wrong.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

A Fact

Reality cannot rewritten by the wish of anyone, no matter what their intentions or ideology. Instead of objectively observing the real world and thus learning how to become the master of it, liberals (or as some of them prefer to call themselves, progressives) willfully ignore the facts of reality and stumble about in a surreal fog from error to error, to ultimately stumble about from disaster to disaster.

Liberals (or as some of them prefer to call themselves, progressives) openly state their desire to rule over the whole of Humanity and then proceed to conclusively demonstrate that they are totally unfit to do so.

Friday, April 12, 2019


If the United States had a functional government then the site of the Kaaba would be a radioactive smoking hole in the ground, the perpetrators of the Waco Massacre would have been executed as the murderers that they actually are, the Church of Scientology would be treated as the criminal gang that it actually is, and Hillary Clinton would be in prison as the traitor that she actually is.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A Message

I have a message for all those who believe in anthropogenic global warming:


We now return you to your regularly scheduled (nonstatic) reality.

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

A Quote

It is better to kill one hundred innocents than to let one guilty person go.

-- Dolores Ibarruri ("La Pasionaria"), Spanish Communist
We, the truly rational, tolerate the long and drawn out appeals process for death penalty cases, as frustrating as it is, because we want to be certain that we will not put an innocent person to death.  The self appointed masters, when they're in absolute power, simply don't care.  The fact of the matter is that the only crime to those who value power is simple disobedience. To perceive and think as a proper rational person is fundamentally toxic to the masters.  And reason must be suppressed by any means necessary.  We the living believe in justice.  The masters on the other hand, don't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they're firmly seated on top.

Monday, April 08, 2019

A Fact

Reality cannot rewritten by the wish of anyone, no matter what their intentions or ideology.  Instead of objectively observing the real world and thus learning how to become the master of it, liberals (or as some of them prefer to call themselves, progressives) willfully ignore the facts of reality and stumble about in a surreal fog from error to error, to ultimately stumble about from disaster to disaster.  The liberals (or as some of them prefer to call themselves, progressives) openly state their desire to rule over the whole of Humanity and then proceed to conclusively demonstrate that they're totally unfit to do so.

Sunday, April 07, 2019

Another History Lesson

Here's a quote:
- We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens.
- The abolition of incomes unearned by work.
- The breaking of the slavery of interest
- Personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We demand therefore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
- We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts).
- We demand profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises.
- We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age.
- We demand the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation
- The State must consider a thorough reconstruction of our national system of education. The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the nation of the State (through the study of civic affairs).
- The State must ensure that the nation's health standards are raised by protecting mothers and infants, by prohibiting child labor.
- We demand the abolition of the mercenary army and the foundation of a people's army.
- The publishing of papers which are not conducive to the national welfare must be forbidden.
- Our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest.
- To put the whole of this program into effect, we demand the creation of a strong central state power
Guess which well known socialist party had all that in its platform?

"We demand the abolition of the mercenary army and the foundation of a people's army." That sounds like something The Democratic Party would agree with.

I want to watch the DUmmies, the KOSsacks, and the members of Antifa pop arteries when they find out who really wrote it. (Tee hee hee.)

Saturday, April 06, 2019

History Lesson

What most people don’t realize is that The Matrix is really a remake of the 1969 East German film Wirklichkeit ist eine Illusion, also lassen Sie uns sprechen Rätsel, Eintragfaden-Polizei und Tanzkampf (”Reality is an Illusion, so Let Us Speak Riddles, Shoot Police and Dancefight”). This film was made in response to the large number of philosophically obscure European films released in 1968 and the East German communists didn’t want to be left in the dust by their Western opposite numbers (It’s the RED pill for a reason).

Unfortunately the East German censors were either not “read in” on the project or they didn’t care and they refused to approve of its release and the film was placed into storage until the fall of the East German communist government in 1989. After a very short limited release a number of VHS copies of the film made it to Los Angeles and the rest is history.

Friday, April 05, 2019


Those who deny the validity of our Constitution should hanged with piano wire.  Yes, I know the Constitution forbids "cruel and unusual punishment."  But these assholes deny the validity of our Constitution.  So why not?

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Thought For The Day

Having a Democrat whine about someone else engaged in the sexual abuse of others, being corrupt, or having a dictatorial lust for power, is like Larry Flynt complaining about someone else being obscene.

Tuesday, April 02, 2019


Why do Leftists have such a problem with tyrannicide?

We must take into account the fact that the Left's ideal of society is one where the State controls all aspects of human life and where the refusal to submit to the will of the State is a punishable offense. Punishments which include the penalty of death.

In short, the Left seeks to establish a state of tyranny.

This may explain why they have a problem with those who practice tyrannicide.

Monday, April 01, 2019


Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot died peacefully instead of properly at the end of a rope.  Socialism was the most toxic ideology  promoted in the previous century, there's no excuse to push it.