Friday, June 30, 2023


I could start out by quoting George Santayana, but those of us who actually perceive and think already know the statement.

History is being repeated and we're condemned to witness it.

The fundamental problem with the false president Joe Biden and those who aid and support him is that they see themselves as exempt from the reality that we perceive and understand.  The history of errors made by the Progressive movement is absolutely meaningless to them.  The wave of destruction and the death toll is completely blanked out.

Because of his deliberate inattention to history the sitting president had decided to repeat one of the greatest blunders of the last century.  The Munich Agreement of 1938 allowed a totalitarian state to proceed with their program of empowerment and aggression.  This in turn would lead to the most devastating war in recorded history.  The current agreement with Iran will allow the Iranian state to construct nuclear weapons and use them in their program of aggression.  This in turn will result in a far more devastating world war fought with chemical and nuclear weapons.

There may not be someone left alive to record the history.

Thursday, June 29, 2023


In my experience in interacting with Democrats they often think highly of themselves.  But in fact they're stupid.  Democrats are an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect in action.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

On Gun Control

A ballot which isn't backed by force has the same value as unbacked currency.  None.  Those who seek to disarm us (and their servants) want us to be ruled without restraint.  A valid ballot has to be backed by an instrument of force.  Otherwise voting is irrelevant.  As far as I'm concerned an advocate of Gun Control is an advocate of Tyranny.


Tuesday, June 27, 2023


National Socialists often regard themselves as superior beings.  Scientologists, according to their doctrine, ARE superior beings.  Let's treat Scientologists as superior beings.  In the Nuremberg fashion, from the neck until dead.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Quote Of The Day

"Our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest."

-- Adolf Hitler

Sunday, June 25, 2023

On Reparations

Black Lives Matters want racially based "reparations".

"If some men are entitled by right to the products of the work of others, it means that those others are deprived of rights and condemned to slave labor.

Any alleged “right” of one man, which necessitates the violation of the rights of another, is not and cannot be a right.

No man can have a right to impose an unchosen obligation, an unrewarded duty or an involuntary servitude on another man. There can be no such thing as 'the right to enslave."”

"The end does not justify the means. No one’s rights can be secured by the violation of the rights of others."

-- Ayn Rand

BLM is advocating slavery.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

An Idea

The Curmudgeon on Little Green Footballs had a good idea:

The West --including the Vatican-- needs to revive the classic English Common Law concept of the Outlaw, i.e., those who become a law unto themselves, defy all civilized societies, and commit murder and mayhem against the rest of us:

"Outlaws" under the English Common Law automatically lost all civil rights and protections by placing themselves OUTSIDE the law, hence the label. Those declared as "Outlaws" --a civil "death sentence"-- could be hunted down with impunity by anyone at any time.

 This could apply to Scientology.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

A Book Review

Those who're ignorant of history are a highly sought after voting bloc.

Here's a repost of a very important book review originally published in THE RESISTER.  If you haven't read it, you should.


The Ominous Parallels--The End of Freedom in America. Leonard Peikoff. New York: NAL Penguin, Inc., 1982. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 83-60247. ix + 316 pages plus references and index.. Soft cover $10.00.

Reviewed by Red Barchetta

This book asks: "What caused Nazi Germany?" Unlike lesser attempts to explain that blood bath, The Ominous Parallels answers: "The same philosophies that are prevalent in the United States of America." Dr. Peikoff argues convincingly that in both countries the intellectual, educational and political leadership share, explicitly or implicitly, the same core ideologies. These ideologies submit that reality is subjective--a malleable illusion; emotions are the proper guide to human action--especially the emotions of race and the tribe, which cannot be understood by outsiders; self-sacrifice for the sake of others should usurp a man's own desires--and the state must take any necessary action to ensure that sacrifice. These ideologies demand that "individual selfishness" does not obstruct the path of "the public interest."

From Part One, Chapter One: " 'To be a socialist,' says Goebbels, 'is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole.' By this definition, the Nazis practiced what they preached. They practiced it at home and then abroad. No one can claim that they did not sacrifice enough individuals."

The underlying theme in The Ominous Parallels is how philosophy shapes cultures, and reading this book, it is difficult to escape a feeling of hopeless dread; of being caught in racing floodwaters and swept madly toward a destruction you are helpless to prevent. Given the theme of this nation's descent into fascism, and Dr. Peikoff's uncompromising method of proving it, that is the proper effect.

The conclusion of The Ominous Parallels is not that we are helplessly destined to go to the same lengths down the same road as Germany. The conclusion is that it is time for us to choose whether or not we will; that if we fail to consciously decide, the decision will be made for us. Contrary to the bleating of irrationalists then or now, it is only a coherent philosophy of reason and individual rights which will give us the means to choose not to become our own slaughterhouse.

Dr. Peikoff shows that such a philosophy is not prevalent in the United States because, although this nation was unique in being founded on philosophic ideals (rather than arbitrary land-grabs and tribal warfare), it was ultimately lacking a coherent detailed formulation of those ideals, as well as the Aristotelian philosophers to create one. Independence from Europe was only won physically--not ideologically. "The land of poets and philosophers was brought down by its poets and philosophers," says Peikoff. The resulting bowel movement of docile Nazi sheep who obeyed their Fuhrer because they obeyed their philosophers could indeed be us, for their philosophers--their pragmatists and Kants, their Hegels and Marxes--are ours by adoption.

We do have one trump card, "...the philosophical breach between the American people and the intellectuals." In Germany, the intellectuals and the people were united in ideology, feeling at home in their country and with each other. This, says Peikoff, is not yet the case in America. Peikoff's book will help to keep it that way.

After reading The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff I got the impression that the three things that separate the old school German National Socialists from the present day members of the Left here in America are a bath, a clean uniform, and a can of Zyklon-B.

A  shorter version of the book, titled The Cause Of Hitler's Germany is now in print.

I’ll quote from page 44 of The Cause Of Hitler’s Germany by Leonard Peikoff:

“There was Friedrich Nitetzche, the prophet of the superman and the will to power, who was acclaimed by Hitler as one of his predecessors. The extent of Nitetzche’s actual influence in regard to the rise of Nazism is debatable...Nevertheless, he is a fervid romanticist, who revels in the post-Kantian anti-reason orgy, and there is much in his disjointed, aphoristic writings that the Nazis were able to quote with relish.  A view of the universe as a realm of clashing wills, ceaseless strife, and violent conflict; a glorification of cruelty and conquest, of ‘the magnificent blond brute, avidly rampant for spoil and victory’; the view that a few superbeings, ‘beyond good and evil,’ have the right to enslave the inferior masses for their own higher purposes–this is part of the Neitzchean legacy, as interpreted (with some justification) by the Nazis”

Replace the blonde with black and this covers the Black Lives Matter point of view.

Peikoff covers how the German intellectuals laid the cultural foundation for the rise of National Socialism.  And as we're now seeing the same foundation has been laid for Black Racial Collectivism.

Now if the black ubermensch types want to act as old school National Socialists then we must treat them as such.  We must crush them without mercy and execute their leaders.


Monday, June 19, 2023


You don't know everything, live with it.  It's easier to be honest than dishonest.  Everyone has their flaws.  But some people allow their flaws to dominate them.

Isabel Paterson, a friend of Ayn Rand, had something to say about the phenomena of Leader Worship:

“Let it be asked how any person wholly devoid of talent, skill, accomplishment, wit, beauty, charm, or even the practical ability to earn a living by routine labor, can conceivably become an object of flattering, greeted with applause and given a hearing for the feeblest inanities — obviously nothing will serve except political position.”


“When the word leader, or leadership, returns to current use, it connotes a relapse into barbarism. For a civilized people, it is the most ominous word in any language.”

The God of the Machine. (1943)

Censorship is the negation of the human mind.  As rational thought is necessary to living a human life the censor, and those who demand it, are Enemies of Mankind.

Power destroys Humanity. 

Tyrants have their supporters.

Sunday, June 18, 2023


If you're not willing to use force to obtain justice you'll ultimately end up with an unjust world.

As an Objectivist I expect to be judged.

Those who believe they're superior beings aren't.

The theory of Communism was invented by a group of professional parasites in order to give the appearance of modernity and moral legitimacy to the stone age practice of beating up and killing productive people and taking their stuff.  Of course that's about the nicest description I could give to it. Normally I think of the practice of Communism as being the behavior of those who chose to act as subhuman predatory animals.  And as with any other predatory animal that attacks human beings I believe that they should be hunted down and killed.  Parasite mentalities as a general rule see themselves as superior beings and other people, the productive population, exist solely as either tools that they can use to pursue their goals or as trash to be disposed of.  Killing those who rightfully refuse to be the slaves of the self appointed superior beings isn't an act of murder, in their minds it's simply the disposal of hominid garbage.  In practical terms a Communist is a mortal enemy of Mankind and killing a Communist can be no more wrongful than putting down a rabid animal or destroying any other active hazard to human life.

Saturday, June 17, 2023


It doesn't matter how much labor is put into it, an unsaleable item has absolutely no value.

Friday, June 16, 2023


France used to have a positive military reputation.  The invasions of 1870, 1914, 1940, and that Dien Bien Phu thing didn't help that reputation.

Thursday, June 15, 2023


We must remember that no act is too vile and no lie is too great for those who value power.  So it's perfectly fine for Putin and his stooges to proclaim that The Ukraine is under the control of the Nazis even though a Jewish guy is the president. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

A Liberty

A fundamental corollary of freedom of your religion is freedom from your religion. This is another of Hubbard’s errors.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

An Answer

How does Evil Actions occur?

Actions that are identified as Evil often occur because the perpetrators fail to exercise moral judgement.  Jesus Christ claimed that moral judgement was wrong.  Ayn Rand declared that moral judgement was necessary. 

Monday, June 12, 2023


Those people who're preaching Peace, Love, and Happy Chocolates aren't going to receive Peace, Love, and Happy Chocolates. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023


We should consider ourselves fortunate that Uwe Boll never adapted anything by L. Ron Hubbard.  Yeah, Uwe Boll has a "piled higher and deeper" degree.  So what? 


Saturday, June 10, 2023

Criminal Organization

A criminal organization masquerading as a religion is still a criminal organization.


Friday, June 09, 2023


Freedom To Believe is also the Freedom To Disbelieve.  Some people don't understand this.

Thursday, June 08, 2023


I’ve found Mike Rinder’s book A Billion Years to be difficult to read. 

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

My Opinion

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is a subset of Racial Collectivism.  We (Humanity) have to condemn all forms of Racial Collectivism.  We have to identify Black Lives Matter as the Racial Collectivist group that it actually is.  We have to see that Antisemitism is a symptom of a deeper philosophical problem.  So when someone attacks Jews they're attacking all of us.  Rejection of Racial Collectivism shouldn't be a radical idea.  I’ve been called a “bigot” numerous times because I didn’t believe in a person’s orthodoxy.

Tuesday, June 06, 2023


On this day in 1944 some Americans, Brits, and Canadians took a walk in Normandy.

There was a recent YouTube fundraising campaign against autocracy.  In reality Democrats ARE autocrats.

Monday, June 05, 2023

Personal History

During the 2004 campaign season when I was a pizza delivery driver I encountered a Volvo station wagon on a run with a photo of the Democratic Party candidate pasted on it like an Eastern Orthodox icon.

I thought: We're not facing a political faction, we're facing a f**ing cult!

Sunday, June 04, 2023


We've just been notified that Mike Rinder has cancer.  Graham Chapman was taken out by cancer.  I can see David Miscavige doing a virtual dance now.

A Moral Position

The name of this blog is Living In The Surreal World.  I mainly comment on the mental disconnection of other people from reality in general.  But not everyone gets the joke of the title.  Once in a while a moron comes up with a dumb request of someone in a position of authority.  In this case a user of the TUMBR system made the following demand of the administrators:

dear staff please delete blogs that explicitly state they're 'anti-feminism' as they tend to be assholes that the world is better off without

Would it be too much trouble for this blogger to simply explain why the alleged opponent is wrong?

In many cases it's because the opponent is in some way correct and the proponent of the position is in fact wrong.  Or the proponent insists on holding a clearly false worldview and can't withstand a rational examination and dismantling of it.  Thus their constant demands for Censorship.

Censorship is the negation of the human mind.  As rational thought is necessary to living a human life the censor, and those who demand it, are Enemies of Mankind.  In my view censors are vermin fit only for extermination.

Saturday, June 03, 2023

On Gun Control

One thing I noticed when reading history.  Those who do horrible things actually believe they’re good people doing good.  The advocates of Gun Control believe they’re good people doing something good.  In fact Gun Control is always a bad body of doctrines for ANY nation.

This message brought to by NATO phonetic letters ECHO SIERRA ALPHA and DELTA.


Friday, June 02, 2023


Leftists believe they were good people.  So did the National Socialists.  Mark Urbin had his blog No Moss Here removed by some Leftists,


If I've a complaint about The Republican Party it's that they've shown godlike patience with the behavior of The Democratic Party.  Democrats can assault in public those who won't submit to them, destroy property, call for the mutilation ("Lobotomies for Republicans") of opponents, the murder of elected officials who're carrying out their constitutionally mandated duties, and they'll not lift one finger to hurt a single hair on the otherwise useless head of a Democrat.  I once told an editor that I worked for that we needn't rhetorically dehumanize our opponents, all we have to do is accurately describe their ideology and behavior because they've by their own choice dehumanized themselves.

To Democrats the fundamental value is power.  Freedom is the negation of power and therefore must be opposed.  A Democrat wouldn't be caught dead standing up for an actual Human value.  Has anyone noticed that The Republicans are clearly once again the party of liberation while The Democrats have resumed their old role as the party of subjugation?
The worst enemy of any nation are it's politicians.  Having a Democrat whine about someone else engaged in the sexual abuse of others, being corrupt, or having a dictatorial lust for power is like Larry Flynt complaining about someone else being obscene.  If we're to have a future then governmental power has to be limited.  Those who demand unlimited power have to be treated as the Enemies of Mankind they actually are.  But the fact of the matter is that Democrats see people as something to be used. And if a person is unusable by The Democrats, why keep them alive?  The Democrats sent young men to die in the Vietnam War, a Republican administration stopped the Vietnam War.

I've proposed starting a new political party.  

If The Republican Party doesn't clean up its act then we as rational citizens will have no choice but to start a new party if we want to peacefully make changes and restore a rational system of government.  Revolutions (real revolutions, not Marxist ones) happen because the government fails to function.  We in the United States are stuck with two political parties.  The leadership of one party is insane and the leadership of the other party simply doesn't care.  Rank and file members now call establishment members a bunch of Vichy Republicans.

Perhaps its time to start a new political party.  Is a new political party possible?

The answer is, I don’t know.  The opponents of chattel slavery proceeded, even with public opposition.  We, as opponents of political power, have to.  We need to treat exercises of political power, such as censorship, as crimes against Humanity.  We need to treat bans on firearms and free speech as the anti-Human acts that they actually are.  Our political elites have apparently forgotten the lesson taught by our original civil war, that banning freedom doesn’t work.  Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of alcohol, it didn’t work.  Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of hard drugs, it doesn’t work.  Our political elites will try to ban the voluntary ownership of firearms and freedom of speech, it will never work.  Our politicians are supposed to do a specific job and they aren't doing it.  We have to start a new political party to go around them.  We don't have a choice.

Let's call our new party the Freedom Party.

Will the Freedom Party replace the Democratic Party?

I don't think so.  What's more likely is that the Freedom Party will replace the Republican Party just like the Republicans replaced the Whigs.


Thursday, June 01, 2023

It's Happening Again

Susan Huck (Ph.D) told me directly that monsters are never hiding under the bed, they’re right out in the open.

Why did The Holocaust happen?

The actual author of the Book of Genesis actually had a point: Evil often presents itself as Good.

The Holocaust wasn't a unique event.  The Holocaust (and other horrors) were the result of normal people acting normally.  Why did a particular horror happen?  There's an answer but you may not like it.  A horror happened because the perpetrators believed they were good people with their victims and opponents being evil.  We've seen this before with numerous horrors and it will happen again.  What we're dealing with are people who believe they're good people.  We have to deal with them as such no matter how horrible the things they actually do.  Many of the people who’re loudly proclaiming “never again” are going to do it again.  The National Socialists and Soviets believed themselves to be good people, we're seeing the same phenomena with Anti-Fa.  Anti-Fa claims to be opposed to Fascism no matter what they actually do.  Anti-Fa does the things that Fascists actually do.  Members of Anti-Fa will believe the lies they're told regardless of the consequences.  Members of Anti-Fa claim to oppose Fascism, in fact they're what Fascists are.  Most members of Anti-Fa don't know that they're following the dictators handbook.  Most proponents of tyranny, such as members of Anti-Fa (National Socialists, Soviet Communists, etc.) believe they're good people and that their opponents are evil.  If a dogma requires the commission of a vile act then that act WILL be committed.  When someone denies their own Humanity then they WILL commit crimes against Humanity.  It's very easy to predict what a self appointed opponent of Fascism will say.  Just take a mouth dropping of a National Socialist and replace the word Jew with the word Fascist.

Those who don't remember history are a highly sought after group of followers.  We identify The Holocaust as the horrible act it actually was.  And we should be horrified.  But we're seeing The Holocaust from an objective perspective.  From the subjective perspective the perpetrators of The Holocaust saw themselves (apart from some psychopaths) as being good people doing good things with their victims and opponents as being evil.  We're seeing this again with the Marxists who make up the membership of Anti-fa.  They see themselves as being good and their victims as being evil.  I've said this before: Killing a Marxist isn't an act of murder, it's an act of self defense.  I have a warning for members of Anti-fa, when you Brownshirt someone, don't be surprised that you're treated as a Brownshirt.  I've found through direct experience that the opposition really believe they're the good guys.  If a member of Anti-fa wants to see a Totalitarian, all they have to do is look in a mirror.  Totalitarians are never hiding under the bed, they're in plain view.  For those who value power no act is too vile.  Killing a member of Anti-Fa isn't an act of murder, it's an act of self defense.  Members of Anti-fa should be engaged with aircraft like the AC-130 and A-10.  A Fascist isn't who the self styled opponents of the doctrine believe they are.  WE HAVE THE DUTY to see the self described antifascist as they truly are a National Socialist piece of shit who should be hanged from the neck until dead.  And WE HAVE THE DUTY to identify the Mainstream Media are a bunch of liars.  Once a difference in opinion is criminalized a civil war is inevitable.

Voltaire said it: Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities.

I have a question for members of Anti-Fa and BLM: what part of "Never Again" didn't you understand?

Collectivists will behave as Collectivists.

Why don't we assassinate the false president Joe Biden and/or the false vice president Kamala Harris?  Because their assassinations won't solve the problem.  The actual problem is a culture that holds the rights of individuals in contempt.  The assassination of Biden and/or Harris won't solve that problem.