Friday, October 30, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

When I was pizza driver I saw a Kerry photo pasted in a car window as it were a sacred icon.  I also saw a yard sign placed on the wall of a union hall as it were a sacred icon.  In Objective Reality one has to mentally step back and look at one's thoughts and actions.  One may not like what they find, but one has to do so.  The idea that one should be able to live one's own life in accordance to one's own judgement's such an alien idea to a Leftist that it may as well come from the planet Mars.

I believe in equal rights for everyone, regardless of their race, gender, or sexual orientation.  What's wrong with this?

When I was involved with the U of M Objectivist Club, we had several lecturers from the Ayn Rand Institute.  One of the lecturers was Dr. Peter Schwartz on the subject of Environmentalism.  The club put up several posters advertising the lecture.  Some of those posters were replaced by leftists with posters with obscenities scrawled on them, including swastikas. 

War isn't peace, freedom isn't slavery, ignorance isn't strength, and consensual sex isn't rape.  To accept reality as being real wouldn't allow some folks to pretend that they're some manner of superior person. Especially when they're doing something that's totally depraved.  I think some folks feel a need to achieve, but since they're not the creative or productive kind of person they must then resort to destruction in the place of positive achievement.  Thus the need to denigrate their victims, those persons, groups, or nations who're actually good.  For the advocates of "gun control" it means calling someone who shoots in self defense a murderer.  For Mullahs, Marxists, and National Socialists it means the total dehumanization of the victims prior to murdering them.  The Second Amendment was never about hunting or even about self defense against violent criminals.  The Second Amendment is an inherent component of the Bill of Rights.  The Bill of Rights defines the relationship between the Citizens and the Government.  It's the self appointed Master Class who're working to overturn the primacy of the Citizens and establish themselves as the irrevocable rulers of our nation.

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Quotes Of The Day

"Democrats seem to be drifting toward the concept of prosecution of former office holders by criminalizing policy differences. That's a certain formula for civil war; perhaps not immediate, but inevitable. The absolute minimum requirement for democratic government is that the loser be willing to lose the election: that losing an election is not the loss of everything that matters. As soon as that assurance is gone, playing by the rules makes no sense at all."

-- Jerry Pournelle

"Fascism can cause blunt head trauma and/or violent death. Keep fascism away from children and pets."

-- A banned poster in Wisconsin 

"To send men to the firing squad Judicial proof is unnecessary.  These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail.  This is a revolution and a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate."

-- Che Guevara, Marxist Murderer

Those who dehumanize them themselves can't claim protection under a human right.  Killing a Marxist is no more an act of murder than putting down a rabid dog or eliminating any other hazard to Human Life.

"Humans basically suck."

-- Professor Richard S. Faulkner. 

"...All filth is local...and a joke isn't a joke unless it's at at somebodies expense."

-- Christopher Hitchens 

"Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. 

 -- Voltaire

“It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.” 

– Voltaire

"Beware of strong drink, for it may cause you to shoot at tax collectors and miss."

-- Robert A. Heinlein 

A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.

― Robert A. Heinlein

"Make awkward sexual advances, not war."

-- Thomas Snot.

"Who is this Leftist? Take his description of his political program: A 'declaration of war against the order of things which exist, against the state of things which exist, in a word, against the structure of the world which presently exists'. You could hardly get a more change-oriented or revolutionary programme than that. So whose programme was it? Marx? Lenin? Stalin? Trotsky? Mao? No. It was how Hitler described his programme towards the end of 'Mein Kampf'. And the Left pretend that Hitler was some sort of conservative! Perhaps it not labouring the point also to ask who it was that described his movement as having a 'revolutionary creative will' which had 'no fixed aim, _ no permanency, only eternal change'. It could very easily have been Trotsky or Mao but it was in fact Hitler (O'Sullivan, 1983. p. 138). Clearly, Nazism was nothing more nor less than a racist form of Leftism (rather extreme Leftism at that) and to label it as 'Rightist' or anything else is to deny reality."

-- Dr. John Ray 

"They have an idea, it's to replace the society of social and economic consent that we live in with the social and economic primacy of the parasites over the productive.  Or as their primary philosophical source (and founding trustifarian) put it, 'from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.' And as there's no limit to the needs of the parasite masters there'll be no limit on the burdens imposed on the productive slaves.  Poison is poison no matter how much grape flavoring one adds to it.  They can't avoid knowing that their ideal society is toxic to us and thus have no effective choice but to attack the opposition on trivial issues in order to head off a public examination of their basic ideological premises.  Political ideology is basically a means of giving the appearance of positive virtue to actions that're morally intolerable to the victims."

-- A Retired Cab Driver

"Revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is; it is the act whereby one part of the population imposes its will upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon".

-- Friedrich Engels, On Authority, 1872.

"The Twentieth Century was not all fun and games."

-- Daniel Bonevac

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Members of the Ayn Rand Institute has challenged Paul Krugman to a debate.  I would be surprised if he took up the challenge.



Why do atrocities happen?

Believers in doctrine X believe they're good people doing good things with their victims and opponents being evil.  We could discuss The Holocaust until we're blue in the face, so let's discuss two more recent events.  Paulette Cooper was punished for telling the truth about Scientology.  Shelly Miscavige was punished for doing her job.  From an objective perspective these acts were wrong.  From the perspective of the perpetrators these acts were right.  We need to get into heads of the perpetrators to understand their actions.  We may not like what we find.  

When are we going to treat the Democratic Party as the Enemies Of Mankind they actually are?

Monday, October 26, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

The pen and sword have always been together through the course of Western Civilization and can't be practically separated.  We must remember that government is force.  It should exist solely to protect the Life, Liberty, and Property of the citizens and legal residents of the nation.  Government isn't a platform for someone to strut about and feel good about themselves.  And anyone who can't make the effort to permanently eliminate the voluntary walking hazards to Human Life has no business standing for ANY public office.  None whatsoever.  How dare we not submit to their will and help them pretend that they're Superior Beings(TM)!  You can't argue or negotiate with your self anointed master, all you can do with it is to kill it. 

If there were no other ill effects I would vote for Biden just to see all the smug assholes who support him get some Gulag time.  Nothing like being the star in a live performance of DARKNESS AT NOON to give someone a real appreciation of what Socialism is really like.  We shouldn't be surprised by the existence and degree of insane or outright stupid behavior on the part of those who deem themselves superior to us mere mortals.  The illusion of superiority allows the parasites who make up The Left (and National Socialists are Leftists) to exempt themselves from the rules of the Society of Consent that's the foundation of Western Civilization.  So necessary is the illusion of authority to the parasite that he'll invent facts and rewrite reality to create it.  The fact of the matter is that Leftists lie.  They lie to themselves.  They lie to each other.  And whether they intend to or not they lie to us.  On obvious consequence of this phenomena is that rational debate with a Leftist is simply impossible.  Only violence or the credible threat of same.  The reality is that cannibalism is what some people have to do in order to survive under Communist rule. The rulers, of course, are never short on food.  It's the normal practice of totalitarians to defame their victims, creating the illusion of legitimacy, before murdering them.  In dehumanizing the victims they're in fact dehumanizing themselves.  With a death toll of well over 100 million the Communists have thoroughly demonstrated that they're Enemies of Human Kind in General, and fit only for extermination.

Those who don't remember the past are doomed to retake their history exams.  That which doesn't kill you isn't trying hard enough.  The hot babes of the sixties are now in their seventies or eighties.  The hot babes of the seventies are now in their sixties or seventies.  And the hot babes of the eighties are now in their fifties and sixties.  A future generation will be speaking of Democrats the way my generation was speaking of South American Nazis.  Poison is still poison regardless of what it's called.  And bullshit is still bullshit.

Socialists are inherently parasitic and thus can't take "no" for an answer to their demands for obedience and the material goods they need to exist.  If they did so they would wither away and die.  A dictator, on the other hand, doesn't have to take "no" for answer.  Thus socialists are by necessity inclined to favor dictatorships over citizen ruled republics.  When they see a dictator in the dock, they see their own hopes and desires go with him.  Just because someone else is holding the gun doesn't change the fact that someone's engaged in the act of robbery.  Of course being a Progressive means never having to pay attention to the lessons of Human History.

The Citizen Soldier of a free nation is living proof that the ideology and worldview of the Leftist is wrong.  The Leftist wants to believe that a soldier is an essentially mindless thug who robotically obeys their political masters regardless of the consequences.  In fact it is the mindless thug that the Leftists (and parasites in general) needs in order to inflict their will upon their productive subjects.  The Soldier on the other hand must be actively conscious in order to survive on the battlefield and carry out his mission. Every one of them, from the individual rifleman to the commanding general must constantly perform the Boyd Cycle, the Observe-Orient-Decide-Act loop, as quickly as possible in the course of the conflict.  The Soldier, being mentally active as a virtue, can see through the reams of nonsense emitted by the Leftist demagogue.  And is thus feared and hated by the Left in general.  The Thug on the other hand may be useful to the Leftist ruler but is utterly useless on the battlefield.

To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions.  In an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

So what if a bunch of Gay Married couples want to guard their pot plants with guns?

Real science is never settled. 

Revolutions (real revolutions, not Marxist ones) happen because the state does something stupid.  In the present it's treating Scientology as being legitimate.

The managers at Pizza Hut liked me because I was constantly working, looking for things to do, and not standing around waiting for orders.   For an atheist I had one Hell of a Protestant work ethic.  The store manager paid me at a rate that was eighty five cents on hour above the Federal minimum wage.

JFK, Jr. may have been assassinated.  My grounds for believing this are, firstly, training for the Visual Flight Rules pilot's license includes training on flying with instruments.  Secondly, at the time of his death JFK. Jr. was the junior senator of New York.  Who else wanted the job?

Hillary Clinton.

The assassination of JFK, Jr. looked like an accident, and may have been an accident.  An example of an inelegant assassination was that of Jeffery Epstein.  Epstein clearly had the goods on important people, including Bill Clinton and Andrew Windsor.  (As an atheist republican I won't use a royal title.)  The act of suicide is impossible in the MCC.  The death of Epstein being reported as a suicide should've raised at least one red flag.  The complete failure of the video surveillance system and the sleeping of the guards with their falsification of their logs should've raised a virtual forest of red flags.

 (Image by Mark Urbin)


Saturday, October 24, 2020

It's Happening Again


We identify The Holocaust as the vile act it actually was.  But we're seeing The Holocaust from an objective perspective.  From the subjective perspective the perpetrators of The Holocaust saw themselves (apart from some psychopaths) as being good people doing good things with their victims and opponents as being evil.  We're seeing this again with the Marxists who make up the membership of Anti-fa.  They see themselves as being good and their victims as being evil.  I've said this before: Killing a Marxist isn't an act of murder, it's an act of self defense.  I have a warning for members of Anti-fa, when you Brownshirt someone, don't be surprised that you're treated as a Brownshirt.  I've found through direct experience that the opposition really believe they're the good guys.  (Thanks to Mark Urbin for the image)

For a Collectivist it makes perfect sense to punish someone who's part of racial collective for a crime committed by a different member of that racial collective, even though that particular individual was clearly innocent of that act.  For the NSDAP it made perfect sense to punish Jews in general for a bunch of alleged crimes.  No one alive today, even the actual descendants of slave owners, is guilty of the crime of chattel slavery in the anti-bellum south.  For a member of BLM all "White" persons are guilty of the crime of slave ownership and should be punished.  This is clearly wrong.  If the members of BLM want to behave like a group of racial collectivists, then they should be treated like a group of racial collectivists.  In the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  Those who believe absurdities, such as Racial Collectivism, will commit atrocities.  We saw this before with National Socialism, we’re seeing this again with Black Lives Matter.  What will Black Lives Matter do when their victims march down a street shouting that they don't owe?  It shouldn't be a surprise when Black Lives Matter resorts to violence.

To close, I'll say something in the language of the actual leader of Anti-fa, Comrade Lenin: "Ya by skazal vam idti yebat' tvoyu mat', no bylo by spravedlivo sovet."



Friday, October 23, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Before the adoption of the swastika by the DAP (later the NSDAP) it was seen as a good luck sign, it may qualify as an instance of virtue signaling. 

I appear to more critical of the Republicans than the Democrats.  I want the Republican Party to improve, thus the criticism.

Censorship is the forcible prevention of the transmission of information.  In the context of an adversarial situation, such as the invasion of a Free Nation by a Socialist State the act of censorship is morally mandatory.  Such an invader has no more right to information about the defending forces than a biker gang has to the location of your wife or daughters.  In the context of a civil society valid information concerning those holding or seeking public office and their goals and beliefs is necessary in order for members of the electorate to make a valid decision when they exercise their authority.  To vote correctly, the voter needs to know the truth about office seekers and their beliefs and personal conduct.  Those who must suppress the transmission of valid information, such as corrupt office holders who're acting through their lieutenants, or through the local campus communist goon squad, are harmful to the individual citizens and the political community as a whole.  Those who attempt to practice censorship in a civil society are enemies of that society and must be identified and dealt with as such. 

A man without a conscience is a hazard to human life and human society.  Case in point: George Soros.
Isn't that nice.  Our own socialist party is being actively supported by an individual who actively collaborated with the German National Socialists during the Second World War.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Quotes Of The Day

A rarely acknowledged aim of Leftist policy in a democracy is to deliver dismay and disruption into the lives other people -- whom they regard as "complacent" -- and they are good at achieving that.

As usual, however, it is actually they who are complacent, with a conviction of the rightness and virtue of their own beliefs that merges into arrogance. They regard anyone who disagrees with them with contempt.

Leftists are wolves in sheep's clothing

Liberals are people who don't believe in liberty

Leftist principles are as solid as foam rubber. When they say that there is no such thing as right and wrong they really mean it.

--Dr John Ray

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

I could go on about what I really think of peace activists but I'll keep it short by paraphrasing Keith Richards: I don't have a problem with shooting peace activists, I only have a problem with the police.

There're no safe spaces to hide in and the financial supporters of Democrats (like George Soros) will be off sipping their cool drinks on an island that doesn't have an extradition treaty with us.  The defenders of liberal values are called conservatives but opponents of liberal values are now called liberals.  Republicans were sent to Washington to do a job, but they haven't done it. 

How many lies will Joe Biden tell before the election?

The thoroughly unpleasant fact of reality is that Hollywood is run by a bunch of unimaginative twerps, the kind of people that Ayn Rand used to call Second Handers.  It's the kind of mentality that wants to maximize profits but is unwilling to try something distinctly new or different.   Thus the glut of sequels and the ongoing cinemisation of the successful television series.  Even if the project is not a sequel or a series adaptation, the Second Handers still attempt to reduce risk by only combining elements that appeared to have worked in the past.  Thus "The Adventures of Pluto Nash," an movie that combines the elements of Eddie Murphy, Computer Generated Imagery, and the Sci-Fi environment, still turns out to be an unwatchable piece of crap.  (When I saw the trailer at the 2002 Convergence, my thought was, oh its "Moon Zero Two: The Next Generation.") 

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem. 


Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 The total ideology of The Left can be absolutely reduced to one word:


Over the previous two centuries The Left has generated immense quantities of text and verbiage to conceal this fact.  But when the results are exposed the true goal of The Left is revealed.  Looting as a mode of existence can only be practiced as long as there are victims to loot. Once the victims have isolated themselves from the looters, or have died off, the looters themselves must die off.  Of course The Left is fully aware of this and as a result have actively to maintain their hold on their victims.  Even going as far to use deadly force on some victims to frighten the remainder into compliance.  But because the victims are themselves beings of definite limits even fear as control mechanism will fail as the victims reach their limit to produce. The system of the looters will absolutely fail. This has happened several times in recorded history but The Left refuses to understand the lesson.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

A consequence of being an atheist is accepting responsibility for your own life. 

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem. 

As someone who plays on the political playing field I want cheaters removed.  The Democratic Party routinely cheats.  The Democratic Party wants to eliminate the Electoral Collage and the National Rifle Association.  But the Electoral College and the National Rifle Association were created due to people like The Democratic Party.

The fundamental problem with The Democratic Party and those who aid and support them is that they see themselves as exempt from the reality that we perceive and understand.  The history of errors made by the Progressive movement is absolutely meaningless to them.  The wave of destruction and the death toll is completely blanked out.  Because of his deliberate inattention to history the sitting president had decided to repeat one of the greatest blunders of the last century.  The Munich Agreement of 1938 allowed a totalitarian state to proceed with their program of empowerment and aggression.  This in turn would lead to the most devastating war in recorded history.  There may not be someone left alive to record the history.  

The looser The Left's mental connection to reality, the more they will whine, moan, and groan about the loss of the election.  Those who can't remember the past are a highly sought after voting bloc for those who value political power.  Those who reject the chains of The Left are subjected to public ridicule and slander by the self-styled intellectuals and subject to physical violence by the goon squad, with the ski-mask replacing the white sheet as the attire of choice.

All forms of Collectivism must be seen as the vile doctrines they actually are.  The next great horror will be committed by people who believe they're good people doing good things.  Those people aren't in the habit of mentally stepping back and examining their own beliefs along with the actions derived from those beliefs.  If history has taught us anything it's that those who imagine themselves to be infallible will fail, and those who imagine themselves incapable of doing evil will do evil.

The absolute first thing taught at infantry basic training during the Cold War was that the maximum effective range of an excuse is zero.   On the face of it I saw this as the response to any attempt to explain a failure to learn a necessary skill.  But this idea also applies to the moral nightmare we were facing during with the Communist enemy and their excuses for their crimes.   The functions of ideology are to erase the responsibility of the perpetrators for their actions and to deny the humanity of the victims.  But there's never a valid excuse for murder.

Sunday, October 18, 2020


 Who needs a Reichministy fur Kultur when the Mainstream Media voluntarily lies? 

The Mainstream Media is supposed to inform American Citizens, but instead they try to "shape opinion."

Saturday, October 17, 2020


We in the United States are stuck with two political parties.  The leadership of one party is insane and the leadership of the other party simply doesn't care.  Rank and file members now call establishment members a bunch of Vichy Republicans.

Perhaps its time to start a new political party.  Is a new political party possible?

The answer is, I don’t know.  The opponents of chattel slavery proceeded, even with public opposition.  We, as opponents of political power, have to.  We need to treat exercises of political power, such as censorship, as crimes against Humanity.  We need to treat bans on firearms and free speech as the anti-Human acts that they actually are.  Our political elites have apparently forgotten the lesson taught by our original civil war, that banning freedom doesn’t work.  Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of alcohol, it didn’t work.  Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of hard drugs, it doesn’t work.  Our political elites will try to ban the voluntary ownership of firearms and freedom of speech, it will never work.  Our politicians are supposed to do a specific job and they aren't doing it.  We have to start a new political party to go around them.  We don't have a choice.

Let's call our new party the Freedom Party.

Will the Freedom Party replace the Democratic Party?

I don't think so.  What's more likely is that the Freedom Party will replace the Republican Party just like the Republicans replaced the Whigs.

(I linked to another's persons post on this subject.)


Friday, October 16, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

For a Collectivist it makes perfect sense to punish someone who's part of racial collective for a crime committed by a different member of that racial collective, even though that particular individual was clearly innocent of that act.  For the NSDAP it made perfect sense to punish Jews in general for a bunch of alleged crimes.  No one alive today, even the actual descendants of slave owners, is guilty of the crime of chattel slavery in the anti-bellum south.  For a member of BLM all "White" persons are guilty of the crime of slave ownership and should be punished.  This is clearly wrong.  If the members of BLM want to behave like a group of racial collectivists, then they should be treated like a group of racial collectivists.  In the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  Those who believe absurdities, such as Racial Collectivism, will commit atrocities.  We saw this before with National Socialism, we’re seeing this again with Black Lives Matter.

Idiots exists.

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Thought Experiment

Let's do a thought experiment.

Let's eliminate Donald Trump.

The millions of people who voted for him as President are still there.  They're armed and they regard the order to disarm as very wrong.

If there's an assassination of the President, they're also be very angry.

Donald Trump is the one man standing between this nation and a civil war.  The next civil war won't be anything like the polite affair the first civil war was.  It'll be a bloody knockdown and drag out fight to the death and it'll make the Spanish Civil War of the last century look like a schoolyard brawl in comparison.  The enemy values power and under no circumstance will they willfully surrender it.  And in the areas under their control they'll go fully collectivist, anyone seen as a traitor or insufficiently enthusiastic will be put to death.   And those they can't use will also be put down.  Little girls confined to wheelchairs won’t have their stuffed toys taken from them out of malice, they'll be put down to preserve the resources of the collective, and the enemy will feel good about it too.  When we go into a civil war we'll have to kill every last one of them without exception. 

Imagine for a moment that President Trump has been assassinated.  Does The Left seriously believe that there'd be NO political changes as a result?  There will be political change, and it will be carried out over the dead bodies of everyone who wanted President Trump dead. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Quote Of The Day


My wealth is spear and sword, the stout shield which protects my flesh; with this I plough, with this I reap, with this I tread the sweet wine of the grape, with this I am the entitled master of the serfs.

-- Cretan Warrior (Quoted by John Keegan in A HISTORY OF WARFARE, page 242)

The parasite basically views the productive population as a form of livestock.  Therefore anyone who objects to this status or otherwise resists the moral and legal primacy of the parasite is identified as a diseased animal and is dealt with as such.  Sometimes the whole herd is subjected to culling, as the Ukrainians were under Stalin, Lenin’s command to kill the Kulaks weren't aberrations, they're simply instances of the normal behavior of parasites in power.  Rational people will tolerate the long and drawn out appeals process for death penalty cases, as frustrating as it is, because they want to be certain that an innocent person won't be put to death.  The parasites, when they're in absolute power, simply don't care.  Rational people believe in liberty and justice.  Parasites on the other hand, don't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they are firmly seated on top.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

You don't know everything, live with it.  It's easier to be honest than dishonest.  Everyone has their flaws.  But some people allow their flaws to dominate them.

Isabel Paterson, a friend of Ayn Rand, had something to say about the phenomena of Leader Worship:

“Let it be asked how any person wholly devoid of talent, skill, accomplishment, wit, beauty, charm, or even the practical ability to earn a living by routine labor, can conceivably become an object of flattering, greeted with applause and given a hearing for the feeblest inanities — obviously nothing will serve except political position.”


“When the word leader, or leadership, returns to current use, it connotes a relapse into barbarism. For a civilized people, it is the most ominous word in any language.”

The God of the Machine. (1943)

Monsters never realize they're monsters, they believe they're the good guys.  An example is neighbor in APT #2312.

Censorship is the negation of the human mind.  As rational thought is necessary to living a human life the censor, and those who demand it, are Enemies of Mankind.

Power destroys Humanity.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

Anyone who believes that there is no difference between Right and Wrong is wrong.

Peace is what happens when you run out of targets. 

H. Beam Piper once wrote that political revolutions occur in a nation because the ruling class becomes discredited.  The Republican Party has to a large degree discredited itself by their continued insistence on practicing politics as usual and their continued practice of making deals with the other side.  We're about to receive a hard lesson on political incompetence.  And contrary to what Asimov once wrote, violence will be the first thing that our rulers resort to.  I still remember Waco.

"Change" is a magic word that the material and spiritual parasites use to make themselves feel good about their desire to exercise control over the productive members of society.  The fact of reality is that those of us who are by choice or by default in the Conservative faction generally prefer to deal with other people on the basis of consent.  We generally don't object to a change in the material or social aspect of our lives as long as it is done by consent.  But The Left who presently style themselves as Progressives know that most of us won't consent to being leeched off by willful parasites.  Therefore they seek to "change" our society back to the barbaric structure of a lord/serf structure, with themselves holding the whip over the rest of us.

A totalitarian is a totalitarian.  It doesn't matter if the bullet in your head was placed there by a National Socialist, or a Communist.  What does matter is that you're the victim of someone who truly believed that you and other people existed to serve as tools and materials for the construction of their ideological fantasy and who also believed that those who don't submit are trash to be disposed of.  Every member of the founding leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was once in the custody of the Russian Police for their revolutionary activities.  They should have been put to death, but were instead imprisoned and eventually released.  Adolf Hitler was arrested and tried for his attempt to overthrow the State Government of Bavaria by force.  He should have been hanged for treason but was instead imprisoned and released.  Tens of millions of people died because persons in positions of authority didn't recognize the danger that these violent revolutionaries represented and failed to exercise the full powers available to them to prevent the great massacres of the Twentieth Century. 

It's very easy to predict what a self appointed opponent of Fascism will say.  Just take a mouth dropping of a National Socialist and replace the word Jew with the word Fascist.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

I remember when I could purchase a candy bar for a nickel, today that same candy bar is priced over a dollar.

I think the whole doctrine or practice of Leftism in general can be reduced down to eight words:


Well, that's my theory.

The problem with human sacrifice is that there is always a mess that someone has to clean up.  Evil people don't understand they're evil, they believe they're the good guys.  Evil people want to silence opposition, but the truth is always there.  Criticism must always precede correction, but totalitarian states always forbid criticism, that's why totalitarian states always fail.  A government that's not accountable to The People is a contradiction in terms.  It's no more than a puffed up criminal gang.

Censorship is the negation of the human mind.  As rational thought is necessary to living a human life the censor, and those who demand it, are Enemies of Mankind.  In my view censors are vermin fit only for extermination.

Those legislators who prefer to feel that they're on the side of progress (but who in fact haven't had an original idea since the Stone Age) are invariably envious of the profits made by major corporations.  So much so that at every opportunity these self-styled guardians of the common worker will levy a new tax on corporate profits to the thunderous applause of the ignorant masses.  The dirty little secret that Lords of The Left and their sycophants in the mass media refuse to tell their victims is that each new tax levied on a major corporation has absolutely zero impact on corporate profits.  The fact of the matter is that taxes levied on business are part of the cost of doing business and are passed on to the consumers of goods with the services created by that business.  A tax on a corporate profit is in fact a tax on you.

If Conservatives dealt with the adherents of Liberalism the way The Left has dealt with humans in general whenever The Left has obtained unrestrained power, there wouldn't be any Liberals left standing.  Of the universities and the urban centers of Liberalism there would be nothing left but smoking ruins, and there would mass graves from coast to coast.  We need to face the fact that the present day Left, like the unschooled barbarians who plagued civilization before them, are essentially parasites.  If the Huns or the Mongols were to take "no" for an answer to their demands for food and other material goods they would've died very quickly.  Control of the productive population is essential for their survival and well being.  Compulsion, taking things and persons by force, is inherently necessary to the parasite manner of existence.  Those who resisted had to be killed as an object lesson for others.  The Left not only need material support they also need spiritual support as well.  They need to feel that their victims are not only submitting to them today but will do so tomorrow as well.  Barbarian chieftains and tribal witch-doctors demanded degrading and often dangerous acts of worship from their subjects, up to and including human sacrifice, in order to assure themselves that they would still have a roof (or a tent) over their heads and food to eat the next day.  Those refused to obey were worked over by the goon squad or simply killed.  In the classrooms, editorial offices, and coffee shops of the Left the demand is for unquestioned agreement without regard to the actual facts of reality.  The self styled intellectuals of The Left are the first to demand “speech codes” and other forms of censorship lest they be identified as frauds and poseurs and subsequently bounced out of their comfortable ivory towers, no longer insulated from a real world that demands real thought and real labor.  The Left, being dependent upon others for their sustenance, must stand in opposition to the society of rational consent and openly support systems of compulsion, be it various species of Socialism or the witch-doctor rule of Islam, because to do otherwise is to condemn themselves to death.  Of course, in my view, if The Left would just die it would be nice. 

Why does Bullwinkle the Moose keep trying to pull a rabbit out of the hat?  In spite of clear evidence that it's toxic some people continue to believe in enforced economic equality which was the doctrine that served as the foundation of the Soviet state.  And because the Soviet state enforced a falsehood it had to act in an adversarial fashion with respect to Humanity in General.   Like the Church of Scientology the Soviet State must lie to everyone without exception.  The continued fail of a cartoon character to perform a magic trick is funny.  The suffering that'll be inflicted by The Left will be nothing short of appalling, and most importantly it'll be absolutely preventable.

The facts are that no two people are identically productive and there will be a difference in economic effect.  Weather has been and will continue to be driven by natural causes and is completely out of Human control.  And the species Homo Sapiens in the political context must be seen as a single race, the idea of morally and politically distinctive races was a fundamental cause of the lethal nightmare of the last century.  Yet the believers in these and other falsehoods demand that we submit to their insanity.

Those of us who end up in the conservative camp, by conviction or by default, know damned well that he or she is fallible, that is capable of making a mistake.  As a result each of us makes the effort to obtain all the valid information possible and to separate truth from falsehood.  But the folks on the other side see themselves as perfect, superior, or infallible.  They don't bother to make the effort to see the truth because they feel that they already know the truth.  Thus they stumble about from screw up to screw up.  And they're utterly mystified as to why we won't willingly follow them into the hole. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

A Reminder

It is better to kill one hundred innocents than to let one guilty person go.

-- Dolores Ibarruri ("La Pasionaria"), Spanish Communist

We on The Right tolerate the long and drawn out appeals process for death penalty cases, as frustrating as it is, because in we want to be certain that we won't put an innocent person to death. The Left, when it's in absolute power, simply doesn't care.  We on The Right believe in justice, The Left on the other hand, doesn't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they're firmly seated on top.


Thursday, October 08, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

If O.J. Simpson had stayed home on that horrible night he'd still have a career, real friends, the annoying former wife, a reputation as a stand up guy, and most importantly no one outside of the Los Angeles area would've ever heard the name Kardashian.

When anyone is allowed to vote then anyone will vote.

We need to treat The Democratic Party as the hate group that it actually is.  My question is: Can we now do away with the polite fiction that the Democratic Party is a legitimate political faction and start treating it like the gang of traitors and thieves that it really is?  What's the difference between a Social Justice Warrior and a Brownshirt?  A member of the John Birch Society once told me that monsters are never hiding under the bed, they're sitting behind desks and standing in front chalkboards.  The original National Socialists in Germany had to establish a Reichsministry to bring the press under control.  The American media is voluntarily covering the backside of The Democratic Party. The Truth frightens the parasites.  The one thing they can't tolerate is The Truth.  Because The Truth is they need us but we have absolutely no use for them.  Democrats at the present time have essentially degenerated to the point where they use words in a way that's opposite of their correct meaning, just as the old Soviet Communists did in their day.  When the Mainstream Media acts as the propaganda arm of a political party then the Mainstream Media will be identified and dealt with as such.

We must recognize that warm body Democracy doesn't work.  The fact is that all forms of authority are based on knowledge and political authority is no exception.  But in the present system political authority is granted to any warm body without regard to their the actual state of knowledge.  As a result some warm bodies have traded their votes for a material object such as an IPad or a wad of cash.  Or worse they've traded their votes for the warm and fuzzy feeling of having been compassionate.  The Democratic Party is effectively an industrial scale version of the Manson Family with postgraduate degrees and paramilitary swat teams instead of LSD and old kitchen knives. 

Some Democrats presented themselves as tolerant, in fact they're intolerant.

It really sucked to be Socrates in the democratic state of Athens. 

Humanity isn't merely a physical condition, it's a state of mind.  To be human is to be essentially rational and productive.  The human mentality (or soul) looks upon the world, the land, the animals and plants, the natural forces, as things to be mastered for the benefit of himself and his posterity.  On the other hand, the predator, or savage mentality does not seek to to master the world, but to be the master of men.  The savage prefers not to sustain himself by his own effort, but to seize and consume the lives and property of others for material and spiritual sustenance.  To the predator, justice consists of "getting away with it", those who rightfully resist the predator are to be punished or destroyed.

Idiots exist.  If I have a suggestion for anyone it's to mentally step back and look at what you actually believe.  You may not like what you find. 

Those who want to disarm citizens believe they're good people, so did the members of the NSDAP and the Khmer Rouge.  To disarm the citizen is to render him politically irrelevant, the statist can do  anything to their victims.  David Hogg, and other advocates of public disarmament, believe they're good people, but in Objective Reality they're clearly evil.  Tyrants prefer disarmed subjects.



Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

You don't know everything, live with it.  Never underestimate the stupidity of a self appointed superior being.

On April 14 in 1865 some actor who apparently believed in an older version of the Primacy of the Parasite shot a sitting Republican president.  Fortunately, the present generation of thespians who believe in a more recent version of the Primacy of the Parasite are only sitting around and whining about Republicans, for now.

Just because someone else's holding the gun doesn't change the fact that someone's engaged in the act of robbery.  We see the perpetrators of many horrible events (The Homodor, The Holocaust, The Killing Fields, 9/11, etc) as being evil.  But we're seeing them objectively, in the subjective view the perpretrators see themselves as being good people doing good things with their victims and defenders as being evil. 

 It's simply impossible to reason with or otherwise peacefully coexist with any person, any group, or any nation, that believes that it has the right to control you or to take things from you by force.  Such persons or entities can only be physically isolated from you or ultimately destroyed.  Peace is the absence of enemies but it's not priceless.  As long as there's one person who values power who lives there'll be no peace. 

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem.

To call those who want to "defund the police" stupid is being polite.  The police are the only people standing between The Left and their victims, The Right.  What we're left with is living by the Saigon Rules.

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

It's Happening Again


We identify The Holocaust as the vile act it actually was.  But we're seeing The Holocaust from an objective perspective.  From the subjective perspective the perpetrators of The Holocaust saw themselves (apart from some psychopaths) as being good people doing good things with their victims and opponents as being evil.  We're seeing this again with the Marxists who make up the membership of Anti-fa.  They see themselves as being good and their victims as being evil.  I've said this before: Killing a Marxist isn't an act of murder, it's an act of self defense.  I have a warning for members of Anti-fa, when you Brownshirt someone, don't be surprised that you're treated as a Brownshirt.  I've found through direct experience that the opposition really believe they're the good guys.  (Thanks to Mark Urbin for the image)

Voltaire said it: Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities. 

To close, I'll say something in the language of the actual leader of Anti-fa, Comrade Lenin: "Ya by skazal vam idti yebat' tvoyu mat', no bylo by spravedlivo sovet."

Monday, October 05, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

Leftism is basically an excuse to feel smugly superior to everyone else without regard to actual knowledge, actual ability, and the actual consequences of their actions.  Voluntary Socialism has been repeatedly proven (The Plymouth Colony, Jonestown,etc.) to not work.  Thus in order for Socialism to "work" it has to be made compulsory, through the credible threat of violence against productive persons.  Which means that any social concept that restrains the power of the state, such as the Rights of Life and Liberty, has to be rendered invalid. Preferably by the victims themselves.  What Ayn Rand used to call the Sanction of the Victim.

The members of the KKK, the NSDAP, the CPSU, the CCP, The Khmer Rouge, etc, believed they were good people doing things.  We're seeing this again with members of Anti-fa and BLM.  Anyone who believes that they're perfect isn't paying attention.  Good intentions never result in large body counts.  To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions.  And in an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse.

When I was in the Army I used to tell other people that I was from the Soviet Socialist Republic of Minnesota.

One of the things that is really bothering me is that it appears that we are living out the opening chapters of Atlas Shrugged as well as the Civilization Collapse part of the back story of Starship Troopers

Sunday, October 04, 2020

It's Happening Again

How did The Holocaust happen?

Race A was told they were the victims of Race B.  We saw this in the original Holocaust when the Germans (so-called Aryan Race) were told by the NSDAP that they were the victims of the Jews.  Thus The Holocaust occurred.  We're seeing this again when BLM is telling the Blacks that they're the victims of the Whites.

But in reality ancestry is unchosen so it should be politically irrelevant.  This was a controversial idea when the late Dr King proposed it in the early Sixties.  It shouldn't be a controversial idea now but remains so today.  Holding someone responsible for their race is something only practiced by the Racial Collectivists that once ruled Germany, now are ruling North Korea, and now lead BLM.  Anyone who believes that an individual has no inherent Right to Life is capable of believing anything and as history has demonstrated capable of doing anything.

Voltaire said it: Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities. 

Saturday, October 03, 2020

A Prediction I Made Decades Ago

It was a cold and wet Monday morning in September of 2317 when two men with short and neatly cut hair and wearing dull casual civilian attire stepped off the transit car at the Edison Station in old Northeast Minneapolis. 

Ensign Ian Stuart felt well out of place as he stood and waited for the swarm of students on their way to morning classes at the old Edison High School, to clear the station. 

Ian recalled, with a sense of embarrassment, that he once dressed in a similarly absurd and alien fashion, as the teenagers crowding the station.  He would have felt even more out of place if he and his companion had worn their full naval uniforms. 

Members of the Armed Forces, the Navy and Marine Corps of the former Terran Confederation, were not terribly popular on the home world these days, especially the commissioned officers.

To wear the uniform in public, without being escorted by at least of a squad of Marines, was virtually an engraved invitation to being physically assaulted or killed. 

Ensign Ian Stuart saw that most of the students disembarking at the station wore buttons showing a red line superimposed over the capital letters "ROM," the meaning of the buttons was crystal clear to any civilian, soldier, or able spaceman.

Down with the Rule of Man.

Too bad, Ian thought, the stupid and greedy politicians of Terra, and the voters who put them into office, had clearly demonstrated that they were unfit to exercise any form of political authority. 

A few of the students, most with shaved heads, wore buttons depicting the ancient astrological symbol for Earth, the cross within a circle.  The symbol was used by those who believed in the racial supremacy of the Terrans over all other intelligent species.  Including those humans, such as the Vilani, whose ancestors were dumped by an unknown power on other planets hundreds of millennia ago. 

The Terran Supremacists, like the German National Socialists of the Early Twentieth Century, sought to treat the so-called lesser races as virtual slaves and felt oppressed when their wishes were thwarted.

To Hell with them, Ian thought, to Hell with all of them.

"We should have taken a g-carrier." Said the Ensign's companion. "And a full squad of Marines, sir."

"If we only had one stop to make here I would, Chief."

Chief Petty Officer Barenni stood almost a full head over the Ensign and was more than twice as old.  He was also one of the growing number of ethnic Vilani allowed to join the navy of the Terran Confederation. During the final years of the war against the Ziru Sirka, the interstellar empire of the Vilani, CPO Barenni was a member of the SURFER teams, the elite Surface-Extravehicular Reconnaissance forces of the Terran Navy.  The Chief was now the senior noncommissioned officer on the Ensign's military government team.  

One of the students, a boy wearing a red silken sash and a grotesque and high maintenance style of hair, had apparently caught part of the conversation between the Ensign and the Chief.  The boy turned around and quickly went down the stairs to the ground level. Both the Ensign and the Chief saw this. 

"Let's use the staves on this one, Chief."

"Sir, are you aware of the fact that the other ranks really aren't impressed by displays of studliness?"

"No shit Chief, I'm still using the staff."

Aye-aye, sir."

The Ensign and the Chief both carried a navy issued 11.43 mm automatic pistols with two spare seven-round magazines under their jackets. They also carried surfer-staves, a quarterstaff compressed into a compact unit the size of two D-cell batteries.

The Ensign and the Chief were met at the bottom the stairs by a dozen boys in red sashes and other absurd attire. The gang was posturing as if they were the lords of the transit station and were collectively taunting the two men with accusations of treason and maternal incest.  The closest of the boys presented an open switchblade knife in his right hand. 

Stupid punks, thought the Ensign.Ensign Stuart thumbed the extend button on his staff.  His first blow smashed the punk's right hand and knocked the knife to the ground.  The second blow caused the punk to bend forward and explosively exhale.  The last blow struck laterally across the jaw causing a spray blood and teeth.  The unconscious punk spun around and landed on the pavement with a loud thud.Ensign Stuart had knocked down a second punk when the

remnants of the gang turned and fled from the ground level of the transit station.  Ensign Stuart turned around and saw that CPO Barenni was reholstering his pistol.

"I'm sorry sir, but I heard a police siren."

The Ensign could now hear the sirens of the approaching police grav-speeders.

"No Chief, you were right on that." He replied as he pressed his thumb on the retract switch on the surfer-staff.

"Sir, red wasn't your high school's color, was it?"

"No."  Replied the Ensign.  "If I recall correctly, the school colors at Edison High were Blue and Gold." 

Though there was a history teacher who wanted to change the school colors to Hot Pink and Army Green.

Ensign Stuart looked around and was shocked at what he saw.

The Terran Naval Academy, from which Ian recently graduated, was co-located with the headquarters of the Terran Grand Fleet on a world that was once a sector capital of the Vilani Empire.  Ethnic Vilani as a rule were normally fastidious, even after their liberation by the Terrans.  Whether he was on or off campus, Ian was used to living in a neat and clean environment.  It was not until the Ensign and Chief stepped outside the perimeter fence at Ventura Barracks on Earth that Ian saw litter on the ground for the first time in over four years.  It was a beer can.

The more Ian Stuart looked around, the more strange and alien the world of his birth would appear to him.Trash was scattered all over the floor of the lower level of the transit station. 

The walls had been defiled by urine stains and graffiti. In addition to the crossed out letters "ROM," that were painted on the walls there were also the letters "DTT," which meant "Death to Traitors."  There used to be buttons that read "DTT," but some of the individuals wearing those buttons came down with nasty cases of sudden lead poisoning.  Marines and naval personnel who discharged their weapons in such incidents had the cost of the ammunition deducted from their pay and were quickly reassigned off of Terra or out of the Solar System.

The Ensign and the Chief had their navy identification cards out when the Minneapolis police arrived to clean up the mess.

Friday, October 02, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

We think badly of Hillary Clinton because she appears to be a bad person.  A good person would never do a bad thing like stealing from a charity, like she did from the Haitian relief fund.  We think badly of Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, L. Ron Hubbard, Charlie Manson, Hillary Clinton, and we should.  Each and every one of them took advantage of people who believed they were good people doing good things.  The Left routinely assaults Conservatives but they have the nerve to call us violent?  A Democratic Socialist is still a Socialist and still an Enemy.

The self styled "progressives" have tried to force us into a state of dependency and servitude.  To turn the United States of America, the greatest nation on this planet into a vast slave labor camp.  These aren't the actions of the defenders of "civil order."  These are attacks on civilization and Mankind as such.  We must see reality for what it is, things for what they are, and people for who they are.  We, the defenders of American Civilization, must show our families, friends, and neighbors that we are who we are, and that our enemies are what they are.  Socialism is slavery and socialists are slavers.  And as far as I am concerned, all slavers, regardless of what auditory garbage they put forth as an excuse are enemies of Mankind fit only for extermination.


There's no f**king cure for f**king stupidity.

The Church of Scientology has all the credibility of the NSDAP, which is to say none at all.


Thursday, October 01, 2020


We in the United States are stuck with two political parties.  The leadership of one party is insane and the leadership of the other party simply doesn't care.  Rank and file members now call establishment members a bunch of Vichy Republicans.

Perhaps its time to start a new political party.  Is a new political party possible?

The answer is, I don’t know.  The opponents of chattel slavery proceeded, even with public opposition.  We, as opponents of political power, have to.  We need to treat exercises of political power, such as censorship, as crimes against Humanity.  We need to treat bans on firearms and free speech as the anti-Human acts that they actually are.  Our political elites have apparently forgotten the lesson taught by our original civil war, that banning freedom doesn’t work.  Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of alcohol, it didn’t work.  Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of hard drugs, it doesn’t work.  Our political elites will try to ban the voluntary ownership of firearms and freedom of speech, it will never work.  Our politicians are supposed to do a specific job and they aren't doing it.  We have to start a new political party to go around them.  We don't have a choice.

Let's call our new party the Freedom Party.

Will the Freedom Party replace the Democratic Party?

I don't think so.  What's more likely is that the Freedom Party will replace the Republican Party just like the Republicans replaced the Whigs.