Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Second American Civil War

The next American Civil War will be nothing like the gentlemanly affair conducted by President Lincoln and that nice Mr. Davis.*   It will be a bloody knock down and drag out fight to the death.  And it will make the Spanish Civil War of the last century look like a schoolyard brawl in comparison.

The enemy values power and under no circumstance will they willfully surrender it.  And even if they do allow a partial succession it will only be a temporary respite as they prepare to take back full power over what they regard as rightful control of their slaves.  And in the areas under their control they will go fully collectivist.  Anyone seen as a traitor or insufficiently enthusiastic will be put to death.  And those they can't use will also be put down.  Little girls confined to wheelchairs won’t have their stuffed toys taken from them out of malice, they'll be put down to preserve the resources of the collective.  And the enemy will feel good about it too.

When we go into a civil war we will have to kill every last one of them without exception.

*Yes, I’m being sarcastic. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Thought Of The Day

Our opponents believe they are the good people fighting evil. 

Conscience is the expression of the ego in the moral realm.  To make a moral judgment and to act on it are basically selfish acts.  It's the self that sees through its own eyes and acts on its own knowledge of right and wrong.  You couldn't be selfish if you can't live with yourself.  Rational Selfishness as defined and advocated by Ayn Rand was limited to acts which benefited one's self but caused no harm or inflicted a cost on another person.  The narcissist, especially in the political realm, isn't concerned with the injuries and burdens inflicted on other people.  In fact, the more destructive the consequences of obedience to those who obey the narcissist, the better.  Human sacrifice with beating hearts cut out and victims flayed alive, that's great.  Millions worked to death in slave labor camps in Siberia, as far as the narcissist is concerned that's better.  In order for me to say, "I, Leslie Bates, do solemnly swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America..." I have to say "I". That was my ego speaking when I took the oath of enlistment.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Power Of Belief

Money is a set of tools, a means to an end, not an end in itself.  Some people (like David Miscavige) don't realize this.  A case in point is that the MV Freewinds needs to be replaced.  Because of the pandemic replacement vessels have become available sooner and less expensively than they would have in normal times.  But David Miscavige won't spend the necessary money because he's bought into the notion that the amount of money is actually wealth.

Monday, December 28, 2020


 Those who believe they are fighting monsters are about to become monsters.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

History Lesson

Some people have commented on the title of this blog.  I'm just describing and commenting on the insanity I've encountered over the course of my life.

When I was a pizza delivery driver I saw a large photograph of a political candate pasted on an automobile as it were an Eastern Orthodox Christian icon.  During the same job I saw a yard sign for a dead political candidate attached to the wall of a union hall as it were an Eastern Orthodox Christian icon.  We're not facing a political faction, we're facing a Goddamned cult.

When I visited the gift shop at the NASA Museum at Huntsville, Alabama, I purchased a VHS copy of 2001: A Space Odyssey, the clerk called it: "the monkey movie."  2001: A Space Odyssey, should be a historical film, not a fictional one.


Saturday, December 26, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

 If the United States of America had a real government Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would already be dead.  Those are the kind of people I swore to kill when I was in the United States Army.

The State, like fire, can be useful.  Like fire, the State must be limited.

Atheists must separate themselves from Karl Marx and the doctrine of Marxism.

Friday, December 25, 2020


Today was the anniversary of George Washington's Raid on Trenton, New Jersey.  In this operation a brigade sized force, including hoses and cannon, was put across the Delaware River.  The raid should have been seriously contested if not an actual failure.  A Loyalist had observed the crossing and went to Trenton to report it.  A note was written and given to the commander of the Hessian regiment stationed in the town.  Colonel Rall placed the note in his coat pocket and returned to his ongoing card game.  When the battle properly began he was one of the Hessian dead.  It really helps when the opponent is being stupid.  If our opposition continues to ignore reality we may have a chance of taking back our nation.  

On this day in 1989 a dictator was properly disposed of.

On this day in 753 ab urbe condita someone important was allegedly born in a barn.  There's now evidence that Christianity was created as a political control mechanism by Roman Empire.

Today was also the anniversary of the official fall of The Soviet Union.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


The Left lied, millions died.

The Worst Day of the Year

Contributed by George Mellinger

Monday will be a day for contemplating all that is best, most noble and perfect in our world. But today is the day to contemplate all that is ugly, criminal and thoroughly demonic. It behooves us to remember from time to time all the worst of which we are capable, and today is the most fitting day of all. On December 22, 1879, in the Georgian village of Gori was born Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, better known as Stalin.

I would also say that killing a Marxist is no more a wrongful act than is putting down a rabid dog.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Quote Of The Day

My wealth is spear and sword, the stout shield which protects my flesh; with this I plough, with this I reap, with this I tread the sweet wine of the grape, with this I am the entitled master of the serfs.

-- Cretan Warrior (Quoted by John Keegan in A HISTORY OF WARFARE, page 242)

The parasite basically views the productive population as a form of livestock.  Therefore anyone who objects to this status or otherwise resists the moral and legal primacy of the parasite is identified as a diseased animal and is dealt with as such.  Sometimes the whole herd is subjected to culling, as the Ukrainians were under Stalin, Lenin’s command to kill the Kulaks weren't aberrations, they're simply instances of the normal behavior of parasites in power.  Rational people will tolerate the long and drawn out appeals process for death penalty cases, as frustrating as it is, because they want to be certain that an innocent person won't be put to death.  The parasites, when they're in absolute power, simply don't care.  Rational people believe in liberty and justice.  Parasites on the other hand, don't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they are firmly seated on top.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

On Anti-Fa

If there were no other ill effects I would support Anti-Fa just to see all the smug assholes who support them get some Gulag time.  Nothing like being the star in a live performance of DARKNESS AT NOON to give someone a real appreciation of what Socialism is really like.  We shouldn't be surprised by the existence and degree of insane or outright stupid behavior on the part of those who deem themselves superior to us mere mortals.  The illusion of superiority allows the parasites who make up The Left (and National Socialists are Leftists) to exempt themselves from the rules of the Society of Consent that's the foundation of Western Civilization.  So necessary is the illusion of authority to the parasite that he'll invent facts and rewrite reality to create it.  The fact of the matter is that Leftists lie.  They lie to themselves.  They lie to each other.  And whether they intend to or not they lie to us.  On obvious consequence of this phenomena is that rational debate with a Leftist is simply impossible.  Only violence or the credible threat of same.  The reality is that cannibalism is what some people have to do in order to survive under Communist rule. The rulers, of course, are never short on food.  It's the normal practice of totalitarians to defame their victims, creating the illusion of legitimacy, before murdering them.  In dehumanizing the victims they're in fact dehumanizing themselves.  With a death toll of well over 100 million the Communists have thoroughly demonstrated that they're Enemies of Human Kind in General, and fit only for extermination.  It was clear to every rational observer that a member of Anti-Fa was absolutely unfit to exist in the real world.  It was clear that a member of Anti-Fa possessed no valid understanding of human life and of the government that protects it.  It was very clear that a member of Anti-Fa had been indoctrinated in the falsehoods of Marxism and was an adherent of the antihuman doctrine of Environmentalism.

Socialists are inherently parasitic and thus can't take "no" for an answer to their demands for obedience and the material goods they need to exist.  If they did so they would wither away and die.  A dictator, on the other hand, doesn't have to take "no" for answer.  Thus socialists are by necessity inclined to favor dictatorships over citizen ruled republics.  When they see a dictator in the dock, they see their own hopes and desires go with him.  Just because someone else is holding the gun doesn't change the fact that someone's engaged in the act of robbery.  Of course being a Progressive means never having to pay attention to the lessons of Human History.  To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions.  In an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse.


Saturday, December 19, 2020

On Political Correctness

Political Correctness isn't correct.  "Get Woke, Go Broke," isn't just a slogan, it's a fact of reality.  Political Correctness is easy to correct, some people (like myself) call it the Saigon Special.  

Friday, December 18, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

A clear sign that something is wrong is that criticism of of a particular person or doctrine is forbidden.  Putting a happy face on vileness doesn't make a doctrine less vile.  If you want to know who's vile ask who you're not allowed to criticize.  If history has taught us anything it is that those who imagine themselves to be infallible will fail.  And those who imagine themselves incapable of evil will do evil.

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020


Why did a particular horror happen?  There's an answer but you may not like it.

A horror happened because the perpetrators believed they were good people with their victims and opponents being evil.  We've seen this before with numerous horrors and it will happen again.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

 When one believes in a toxic doctrine one shouldn't be surprised that one has been mentally poisoned.  There's a noose waiting for Joe Biden.

Why don't those who advocate Socialism emigrate to a Socialist country when they are free to do so?  Because to emigrate to a Socialist country they would be another drone in the Socialist collective, something else to be used.  They want to be masters.  They need us, we don't need them.  Socialism is toxic to humans whether it's practiced by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union or the National Socialist German Worker's Party.  It doesn't matter if grape flavoring or orange flavoring is added to the toxic brew, poison is poison. 

They have an idea, it's to replace the society of social and economic consent that we live in with the social and economic primacy of the parasites over the productive.  Or as their primary philosophical source (and founding trustifarian) put it, "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs."  As there's no limit to the needs of the parasite masters there'll be no limit on the burdens imposed on the productive slaves.  Poison is poison no matter how much grape flavoring one adds to it.  They can't avoid knowing that their ideal society is toxic to us and thus have no effective choice but to attack the opposition on trivial issues in order to head off a public examination of their basic ideological premises.  Political ideology is basically a means of giving the appearance of positive virtue to actions that are morally intolerable to the victims.

Socialists are inherently parasitic and thus can't take "no" for an answer to their demands for obedience and the material goods they need to exist.  If they did so they would wither away and die.  A dictator, on the other hand, doesn't have to take "no" for answer.  Thus socialists are by necessity inclined to favor dictatorships over citizen-ruled republics.  When they see a dictator in the dock, they see their own hopes and desires go with him.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A Request

I Printed off 50 copies of this leaflet and managed to give away 5 of them:

A Request

The very first act that every individual performs upon enlisting in the Armed Forces of the United States is promise to uphold and defend The Constitution.

For the Army the oath of enlistment was this:

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

 All of us who served in the Armed Forces made this promise to the nation.

The time has come for us who served to keep the promise.

In 2008 it was clear to every rational observer that Barrack Obama was absolutely unfit to hold any public office.  It was clear that he possessed no valid understanding of human life and of the government that protects it.  It was very clear that he had been indoctrinated in the falsehoods of Marxism and was an adherent of the anti-human doctrine of Environmentalism.  And finally in office he has opened the way to the nuclear arming of the Islamic dictatorship in Iran. 

As President Barack Obama has acted as an adversary to the nation and a friend to our enemies and to Humanity as a whole.  There is no question that he is absolutely unfit to occupy the office of President and must be removed.

Although Congress has the authority to remove a President through the process of impeachment it will not happen.  The Republican Party, which actually represents the People of The United States, lacks the votes and the fortitude to carry out this task.  And the other party is simply too depraved to do it.

There is no question at this point that the Armed Forces must step up and remove Obama from office.  We need a military coup–right now.

Please copy and pass along.

Monday, December 14, 2020

On Mass Murder

We think of The Holocaust and The Killing Fields as unique events, but they weren't.  The perpetrators of The Holocaust and The Killing Fields thought of themselves as good people and their victims as evil people.  We think of Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot as as evil people, and they were, but they were just individuals, it was their followers that gave them the power to commit atrocities.  I went over to the Underground Bunker and found those who would commit the next great atrocity were already posting in the forum.  The monsters who would commit the next great atrocity are never under the bed, they're staring at themselves in the bathroom mirror.  Those who refuse to think about the beliefs and actions of their victims can never be your friend.  I've learned this fact though direct experience.  Someone I thought of as a friend tried to steal some firearms I owned while I was confined in a hospital.  This person didn't understand that I would attempt to solve the alleged problem independently instead of simply turning the firearms over to him.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

On Leftism

The Left abhors the thought of being judged by their character because they have none.  What's present is the black hole of their lust for power.  A desire for control over every aspect of our lives that distorts or destroys everything that comes within their influence.  The positive side is that if we don't drop below their moral event horizon we can escape from their influence.  But we will be damaged as a result.  The problem with painting the streets with the blood of our enemies is that we have to clean up the mess later.  I still wonder how folks on The Left manage to get out of bed without seriously hurting themselves.

An election in a constitutional republic is a process of hiring someone to perform a constitutionally defined task.  It's not a mystical collectivist ritual for the anointment of a stone age god-king.  We don't believe in The Leader Principle. We don't believe that the stone age god-king that Democrats believe in is in any way the embodiment of a collective will.  And we certainly don't believe that we're in any way subject to what's in fact a Democrats personal whim.  We aren't and never will be a living prop in a ideological fantasy.  We won't bind ourselves with the chains that a Democrat offers us.  And we will never embark on the path that always leads to the anonymous ditch outside of a town.   A Democrat is a believer in what Ayn Rand used to call the Primacy of Consciousness, a belief that reality isn't inherently real but is in some way alterable by a ruling consciousness.  The Collective, which in many versions of Socialist doctrine has a distinct consciousness of its own. Some Leftists have gone as far as to claim that the individual perception of actual reality, which invariably contradicts the doctrines of the collectivists, is a form of false consciousness.  This explains why the Left has made the effort to gain control of the Mainstream Media, and why they insist on "shaping opinion" instead of simply reporting the facts.  Democratic supporters in the media are through the deliberate issuance of falsehoods trying to alter reality.  But reality is inherently real.  Facts are facts.  Or to put it in the simplest terms: A is A.  If Hitler could be Democratically elected, then maybe the Democratic process isn't so good after all.

The Democratic Party's nomenklatura, being essentially a bunch of parasites, feel that they are entitled to rule over us.  How else does one explain the utter contempt of the nomenklatura for "the democratic process", and their ongoing desire to disarm us.  They feel threatened by the expression of the common citizen's rejection of the will of the nomenklatura and the presence of the citizen body's mean's of enforcing that rejection.  To a parasite, rejection is death.

The basic problem with the "know it all" mentality is the belief that they really do know everything. Thus any new information that contradicts their existing belief structure is often dismissed as being false.  The real results in the real world are a series of disasters that are too numerous to list.  Never underestimate the ability of the committed Leftist to willfully ignore the most obvious piece of verifiable evidence.  Just because someone else is holding the gun doesn't change the fact that someone is engaged in the act of robbery.  Peace is what happens when you run out of targets.  To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions.  In an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse.

The point of the First Amendment was to protect the right of the people, including what we now call the Media, to speak and publish the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be to those in (or wishing to be in) government.  The problem isn't only is this right being openly abused but any attempt to deal with this abuse would only create a power that'll with absolute certainty be abused by the other party should it regain power over us.  Laws are enacted, both respectable and contemptible, because someone acts in a way that is harmful other persons.  The point of having a First Amendment was that the voters would be properly informed about their elected officials and those who were seeking public office.  Instead we have an Established Media whose members have, on the basis of party affiliation, slandered a sitting president with very obviously forged documents and refused to report on the malignant behavior of a presidential candidate.  This is a gross and deliberate violation of the public trust.  And while this would not necessarily bring about a repeal of the First Amendment it may cause some to interpret it in a manner that is less tolerant of the present forms of media malfeasance.  This could lead to further problems in the future.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

On Fascism

What we're dealing with are people who believe they're good people.  We have to deal with them as such no matter how horrible the things they actually do.  The National Socialists and Soviets believed themselves to be good, we're seeing the same phenomena with Anti-Fa.  Anti-Fa claims to be opposed to Fascism no matter what they actually do.   Members of Anti-Fa will believe the lies they're told regardless of the consequences.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

To be a leftist requires a gross and consistent level of dishonesty.  That a leftist will lie is now as metaphysically certain as the rising of the sun in the morning.  The absolute fact is that compromise with evil empowers evil.

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem.  

The fact is that the personal weapon is the fundamental instrument of political authority, to disarm the citizen is to render him politically irrelevant.  Thus a free nation the attempting to disarm the citizens is in practical effect an act of treason.  Would you deprive a Mechanic of a wrench?  Most advocates of "Gun Control" don't realize that a firearm is simply a tool.  One person was actually frightened of an image of several firearms on a coffee cup.  The advocacy of "Gun Control" is the advocacy of Murder.  A government that legalizes Murder in this respect ceases to be a government and devolves to a gang of criminals.  As such it must be put down by deadly force.  And those who pushed and voted for the Murder of gun owners must themselves be put to death.  But is gun control effective?  No, it isn't.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Some people don't understand the difference between a thug and a soldier.  The Citizen Soldier of a free nation is living proof that the ideology and worldview of the Leftist is wrong.  The Leftist wants to believe that a soldier is an essentially mindless thug who robotically obeys their political masters regardless of the consequences.  In fact it's the mindless thug that the Leftists (and parasites in general) needs in order to inflict their will upon their productive subjects.  The Soldier on the other hand must be actively conscious in order to survive on the battlefield and carry out his mission.  Every one of them, from the individual rifleman to the commanding general must constantly perform the Boyd Cycle, the Observe-Orient-Decide-Act loop, as quickly as possible in the course of the conflict.  The Soldier, being mentally active as a virtue, can see through the reams of nonsense emitted by the Leftist demagogue.  And is thus feared and hated by The Left in general.  The Thug on the other hand may be useful to the Leftist ruler but is utterly useless on the battlefield. 

Thugs can be useful in the civil context.  I once had to close a checking account at TCF Bank.  The person I was talking to was making excuses for not complying with my request.  It was only when I told them that I would call the MN Attorney General’s office did they comply.  I suppose it did help that the sitting Attorney General was the DFL goon Skip Humphrey, who had a reputation of being one trench coat short of being a proper Soviet thug.

The Iron Law Of Bureaucracy is that no effort is made than is necessary to collect a paycheck.  I learned about the Iron Law Of Bureaucracy through direct experience.  When I was in the United States Army and stationed in the Harmony Church section of Fort Benning I had a dermoid cyst that had to be removed.  I was notified by receptionist at the troop medical clinic that I'd already missed two appointments to have the cyst removed.  I was never notified that the appointments existed, the receptionist called the company headquarters, twice.  As far as she knew I'd been notified when in fact I hadn't.

Was it necessary for the company clerk to notify me to collect the paycheck?


There's always been a normal way to deal with those who value political power (such as Hilary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, and Democrats in general), it's called a noose.

Wednesday, December 09, 2020



The age of sixty hits me today.  I now qualify as a dirty old man.  On this day in 1960 I was born.  There were no signs and portents in the sky and the most important thing to happen on that day was a performance by a garage band from Liverpool in a West German strip joint.

A copy of The Sensuous Dirty Old Man by "Doctor A" (Issac Asimov) would be nice.

I'm so old that I remember when Saturday Night Live was actually funny.

Tuesday, December 08, 2020


 World War Two veteran General Chuck Yeager has died of old age.

A Blast From The Past


My feelings toward the Japs could be described as a cold fury. I not only want them to be defeated. I want them to be smashed. I want them to be punished at least a hundredfold, their cities burned, their industries smashed, their fleet destroyed, and finally, their sovereignty taken away from them. We have been forced into a course of imperialism. So let it be. Germany and Japan are not safe to have around; we are bigger and tougher then they are, I sincerely believe. Let’s rule them. We did not want it that way–but if somebody has to be the boss, I want it to be us. Disarm them and don’t turn them loose. We can treat the individual persons decently in an economic sense, but take away their sovereignty.

– Robert A. Heinlein, Letter to John W. Campbell, December 9, 1941.

What are your questions on this block of instruction?

Monday, December 07, 2020


The Imperial Japanese Navy made a serious mistake on this day in 1941.

If the present staff of the New York Times were  on duty on the Infamous Day they would denounce the United States Navy and Army Air Force for racist violence against the Imperial Japanese Navy.


Sunday, December 06, 2020

A Message

I have a message for Americans who don’t believe in God.  Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic Party clearly cheated during the presidential election.  The evidence for cheating is so clear that only a literally blind person couldn’t see it.  The declaration that Joe Biden won by the Mainstream Media is so false that a Soviet or National Socialist propagandist could emit it.  The name of atheism was initially befouled by Karl Marx when he declared his own disbelief.  The name of atheism became fouler still when Madelyn Murray O’Hair supported the Soviet Union during the Cold War.  Issac Asimov had sense enough to say he wasn’t an atheist when he stopped believing.  The name of atheist will continue to be fouled by those who support Biden, Harris, and the Democratic Party, in their effort to gain power over the United States of America.  If a nonbeliever outside of the Objectivist camp finds themselves in a hole they only have themselves to blame for their situation. 

It's Happening Again

Those who don't remember history are a highly sought after group of followers.  We identify The Holocaust as the horrible act it actually was.  (And we should be horrified.)  But we're seeing The Holocaust from an objective perspective.  From the subjective perspective the perpetrators of The Holocaust saw themselves (apart from some psychopaths) as being good people doing good things with their victims and opponents as being evil.  We're seeing this again with the Marxists who make up the membership of Anti-fa.  They see themselves as being good and their victims as being evil.  I've said this before: Killing a Marxist isn't an act of murder, it's an act of self defense.  I have a warning for members of Anti-fa, when you Brownshirt someone, don't be surprised that you're treated as a Brownshirt.  I've found through direct experience that the opposition really believe they're the good guys.  If a member of Anti-fa wants to see a Totalitarian, all they have to do is look in a mirror.  Totalitarians are never hiding under the bed, they're in plain view.  For those who value power no act is too vile.  Killing a member of Anti-Fa isn't an act of murder, it's an act of self defense.  (Thanks to Mark Urbin@No Moss Here for the image)

Voltaire said it: Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities. 

Saturday, December 05, 2020



On this day in 1995 years ago Lisa McPherson, a devoted member of the Church of Scientology, died under the most appalling of circumstances.

Tony Ortega at the Underground Bunker has given us an account of her final day of life.

All I can say that there is absolutely no excuse for what was done to her, none.

Friday, December 04, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

I received a fundraising message in the e-mail from a televangelist, it proclaimed that the difference between Republicans and Democrats is a belief in God.  I have to disagree, the actual deity of the Democrats is the collective.  Of course I didn't send funds.

Why do I disbelieve?

Light from the galactic core takes 30,000 years to reach Earth, that's five times the age of the Universe according to the Book of Genesis, reality contradicts The Bible.  The deity depicted in Pascal's Wager is clearly a fool, an actual deity would know he was being fooled by Pascal.  Some people are claiming Jesus didn't exist, others are claiming that Christianity was created by the Roman government as a political control mechanism.  Atheists are welcome in the real Conservative movement, we just have to keep our disbelief to ourselves.

Political Revolutions happen (real revolutions, not Marxist ones) because the State does something wrong.  If a belief or practice has no effect on me then I don't care.  Some people have a problem with this, I don't.

The one thing that the willfully depraved are loathe to do is to acknowledge the fact that there're people who're in fact better in some respect than they are.  To make such an acknowledgement is to issue an indictment of themselves and their own actions.  The willfully depraved will murder individuals or even exterminate entire nations before they'll recognize the truth about themselves. 

Why do Leftists have such a problem with tyrannicide?  We must take into account the fact that the Left's ideal of society is one where the State controls all aspects of human life and where the refusal to submit to the will of the State is a punishable offense, punishments which include the penalty of death.  In short, the Left seeks to establish a state of tyranny, this may explain why they have a problem with those who practice tyrannicide.

Can we now do away with the polite fiction that the Democratic Party is a legitimate political faction and start treating it like the gang of traitors and thieves that it really is?

Is the Democratic Party insane?  Yes.  Who's responsible?

Given the long documented tendency for The Democratic Party to take positions that're consistently contrary to reality one should wonder what's really the driving force behind their apparent madness.

Thursday, December 03, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

What's the difference between a Fascist and a Progressive?  One wears a silly uniform and the other's just silly.  At the core of both movements is the belief that all aspects of human life must be controlled by the apparatus of the State.  Or, to put it another way, it doesn't matter if you're bitten by a rabid doberman or a rabid poodle, you're still going to get rabies shots.  The State, like fire, can be useful but it has to be limited.

Looters need Producers.  Producers don't need Looters.  The Looters despise The Rule Of Law because under The Rule Of Law the Looters would be imprisoned or executed.  Some people identify themselves as Progressives, but in fact they're Reactionaries.  Why?  The predator culture has existed from the stone age.  Predators are dependent on the thought and labor of the productive member’s of society for their sustenance and their excuse is a claim to superior status which is literally enforced by deadly force.  The dismissal of their excuses are in practical effect a death sentence to the predator.  Thus predators are hostile to reason and must actively opposed it, even to the open use of deadly force.  Some predator have created an academic culture that's now opposed to rational thought.  Falsehoods are now treated as facts and truths are held to be untrue.  And if a failing grade isn't sufficient to silence the critic open force will do.  So what's to be done?  How do we respond to the insanity?

Those who stand up for Liberty are called Conservatives and those who oppose Liberty called Liberals, this is nothing but Newspeak.  There are always those who follow orders, no matter how insane they are.

The members of the Democratic Party want to eliminate the Electoral Collage and the National Rifle Association.  The Electoral College and the National Rifle Association were created due to the membership of the Democratic Party.

Even though many Communist states that existed fell or had retreated from their doctrine the American fellow travelers who supported the ideology remained in place in the United States.  Here they continued to preach their doctrines and eventually their students would take full control of the nation.  Those who say that they oppose Fascism are in fact Totalitarians.

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

"What's The Difference?"

In reality both the Fascisti (and their ideological kin the National Socialists) and the self-styled Progressives of all eras share the same fundamental central idea, a belief in the Primacy of the Parasite.  A belief that treats the ordinary person as a tool to be used, with the product of their labor treated as the property of the collective which in turn is distributed in accordance to those needs which are identified by the leaders of the collective.  And as a rule the needs of the leadership, which is in reality a wish list, take precedence over the actual needs of the productive class.  Because willful parasitism is distinctly different as a mode of existence from that of being a rational and productive person, this leads to distinct differences in how parasites answer moral and political questions.  Where rational people prefer to deal with each other through explicit consent the parasite must take what it needs through coercion, either by fraud or by open force.

Because the parasite must control the productive population it must claim, always fraudulently, a superior status over their victims and must possess complete control over them.  This means that the parasites conception of law and justice is essentially the opposite of that of rational people.  Justice to a parasite is simply getting away with the parasitic mode of existence.  Crime is simply any resistance, regardless of intent or degree, to the actions of the parasite.  And laws are simply an excuse to carry out punitive violence against the producers.  The parasites in their delusion of superior status are tempted to feel that the ordinary productive person is nothing more than an animal.  And because they usually succumb to this temptation they usually seek to control the external stimuli that ordinary humans experience and thus control the behavior of those they have deemed to be livestock.  Thus the establishment of the Reichsministry fur Kultur by the Deutches stat under the NSDAP.  And also recent effort of American Progressives to censor Talk Radio and the Internet in order to reestablish the primacy of the Progressive ideological clique that effectively controls the Mainstream Media and the Internet.

Of course the control of external stimuli doesn't work with rational people.  When the attempt to control by fraud doesn't work the parasites have no alternative but to use open force.  To the parasites the active consciousness of the rational people isn't a normal state but is instead a sign that there's something wrong.  Those who don't obey the self appointed shepherds are looked upon as diseased animals.  Something that must be destroyed before they infect the entire herd.  The systematic murder of whole populations is looked upon not as a mass crime but as a moral necessity in the parasite's view. 

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

When one looks at horror X (The Homodor, The Holocaust, The Killing Fields, 9/11, etc) one finds that the perpetrators believe they are the good people with their victims and opponents being evil.  I won't quote Santayana (we ALL know the quote) but I will say this, those who have no memory of history are highly sought by those who value political power.  Some people want to behave as masters but don't want to identified as such.  The villains in Nightmare believe they're the heroes.

Putting a happy face on evil (like advocating "Democratic Socialism") doesn't make it less evil.  Evil remains evil, no amount of force (such as that wielded by Scientology) can ever change that fact.

Sacred Cows should be machine gunned.

An unchosen characteristic, such as race or gender, should be irrelevant in politics and in business.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Socrates was compelled to drink hemlock by the municipal fathers of Athens.  What was Socrates convicted of by democratic vote?  Not believing in the municipal deities and disparaging democracy.  I would have been convicted of the very same thing.  You're in your seventies and your family is being lethally threatened by the municipal authorities, would you drink the hemlock too?  It really sucked to be Socrates in Athens.

Justice consists of getting what you deserve, not receiving what you want.

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem.  

Anyone who believes that Human Life is in any way evil is an Enemy of the Human Race.  And anyone who believes that Human Life is evil is capable of doing anything, including mass murder.  They're in practical terms vermin fit only for extermination.  And I personally favor one round in the back of the head in the old Soviet style.

(And by that I mean execution as an exercise of state power.  There was one time that one socialist piece of shit who read this blog had willfully misinterpreted a call for governmental action and accused me of being a lone stalker and called me, "the embodiment of all evil on Earth."  Never mind the fact that the practitioners of the accuser's ideology had snuffed out no less than 100 million Human lives.)

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

If I had something so say to The Left it's that you're behaving like the people you claim to oppose.  Once force is openly used against those who speak out against The Left then the gloves will come off and force WILL be openly used against The Left.  Once The Left openly repudiates the rules for living in a civil society then their victims will no longer see themselves as subject to those same rules.  Or to put it another way to The Left, break the rules of civil society and you'll leave their opponents no choice but to break The Left.  It's called a civil war, and cars with bumper stickers, teeshirts, and other examples of open posturing will make target identification very easy.  What part of "Liberty or Death" does The Left persist in not understanding?  It's generally considered to be bad form to advocate violence against someone simply because of their political views.  But if some Leftist thug finds him or her self staring at the muzzle of an assault rifle it's because the stupid Leftist put him or her self there.  And the truth isn't a Leftist strong point.  If The Left want to behave like the NSDAP then they'll be treated like them, from the neck until dead. 

Marxism is fundamentally the denial of several facts of reality.  That Human Life is the fundamental moral value.  That things of value are those objects and actions that support and improve human life.   That actual values are identified by the full operation of the rational mind.  Marxism denies more. 
That things of value can be imagined by rational thought and made by real labor.  That the creation of values by labor must be directed by rational thought.   And that the distribution of values must be directed by reason on the basis of consent.  And because the actions of no two persons in the process of production can have equal value the concept of equality on income is clearly invalid.  Marxism isn't a new doctrine.  It's simply a cover for the old barbaric notion of might being right.  That by raising a sufficient number of fists they can negate the real value of real thought and labor.  It's nothing more than an excuse to exercise force.  But reality can't be erased by a show of hands.  Nor can a fact be overturned at the point of a gun.  Every attempt to put Marxist doctrine into action has failed. Without exception.  Every attempt to enforce the doctrine of Marx has resulted in millions of deaths.  From the use of force to compel obedience and starvation from the failure of any Marxist system to produce food.  There's simply no excuse for anyone to believe in or to attempt to enforce the doctrine of Marxism on this or any other nation.  So why is it happening now?  In part because most Americans don't understand whats happening.  The enemy has taken over educational and media establishments.  They put out falsehoods that're believed by some of our people without question.
The limousine liberals, a bunch of folks who haven't quite grasped the fact that Karl Marx was full of it, are calling for a riot when their efforts to regain power over us fail.  That's right, they will take by force that which they couldn't now obtain by consent.  After all, even without the armed forces and the constabulary in the mix, we on The Right still outgun, and out martial knowledge The Left in all of its manifestations.
Once a difference in opinion is criminalized a civil war is inevitable.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

On Gun Control

A firearm is simply a tool.  A firearm is an instrument of political authority.  That why the advocates of "gun control" want ordinary citizens to be disarmed.  A disarmed citizen is politically irrelevant.  A specific horror happened because of the beliefs of the perpetrators, NOT because of their instruments.

The National Rifle Association was founded by former members of the Union Army in 1871 to teach former slaves to defend themselves from the Ku Klux Klan, the terrorist arm of The Democratic Party.  The death toll of the National Rifle Association is zero.  From the rise of the Bolsheviks in 1917 to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 the average daily death toll of Marxists was 3200.  And that doesn't count American President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  Who are the murderers?  The Marxist trash who're pushing Gun Control are the murderers.

What part of NEVER AGAIN do the proponents of public disarmament not understand?


Friday, November 27, 2020

It's Happening Again

Those who don't remember history are a highly sought after group of followers.  We identify The Holocaust as the horrible act it actually was.  (And we should be horrified.)  But we're seeing The Holocaust from an objective perspective.  From the subjective perspective the perpetrators of The Holocaust saw themselves (apart from some psychopaths) as being good people doing good things with their victims and opponents as being evil.  We're seeing this again with the Marxists who make up the membership of Anti-fa.  They see themselves as being good and their victims as being evil.  I've said this before: Killing a Marxist isn't an act of murder, it's an act of self defense.  I have a warning for members of Anti-fa, when you Brownshirt someone, don't be surprised that you're treated as a Brownshirt.  I've found through direct experience that the opposition really believe they're the good guys.  If a member of Anti-fa wants to see a Totalitarian, all they have to do is look in a mirror.  We need to deal with members of Anti-Fa as the actual opponents of Humanity they actually are, with deadly force.  (Thanks to Mark Urbin@No Moss Here for the image)

Voltaire said it: Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities. 

To close, I'll say something in the language of the actual leader of Anti-fa, Comrade Lenin: "Ya by skazal vam idti yebat' tvoyu mat', no bylo by spravedlivo sovet."


Thursday, November 26, 2020

National Holiday

 On this day in 1620 some colonists celebrated the survival of their own stupidity.

The Pilgrims were Christian fanatics.  As a result they believed everything Jesus Christ preached, including the doctrine of Socialism.  As economic equality is actually impossible, the Pilgrims would have died off.  But the Native Americans intervened and fed the Pilgrims then taught them how to grow food.  Only a fool or fanatic could believe in the doctrine of Socialism.

Ayn Rand said that Thanksgiving was a celebration of successful production.  But was it actually necessary?

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Teaching Moment

Should the doctrine of Socialism be taught?

The doctrine of Socialism should be taught as the disaster it actually was.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem. 

Bad people never realize they're bad people.  Bad people routinely virtue signal.  Bad people are raised to believe they're the good guys.  The swastika originated as a good luck sign, it was adopted as a symbol by the DAP, and later by the NSDAP.  A person isn't entitled to a damned thing.

Various assholes around the world might not have as much faith in our weakness as a nation if we would just hang a traitor once in a while.  I should point out here that Socialism is toxic to humans whether it is practiced by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union or the National Socialist German Worker's Party.  It doesn't matter if grape flavoring or orange flavoring is added to the toxic brew, poison is poison.

Politicians never represent the people they supposedly represent.  Those who practice tyranny often don't understand why they're treated as tyrants.  Terror is merely the method.  The ultimate goal is the establishment and maintenance of a state of tyranny.   It doesn't matter if the tyrants calls themselves Communists, National Socialists, or Theocrats, they simply can't be reasoned with.  Negotiations, summit meetings, and other gestures of good will can't stop them.  Like any predatory animal they can only be driven off and ultimately destroyed.  If we are to continue to live a proper human life then the hunting season on tyrants and those who willingly support them must always be open.

If all it took to construct a building was to stack stones upon each other there would be no science of architecture and no point in writing The Fountainhead.  If all it took to fight a war was to use brute force without rational input there would be no science of warfare or any such thing as a military organization.  If all factors were equal in warfare then a simple majority of combatants would win every time.  But in reality all factors are never equal.  Thus the purpose of military science is to identify the factors that favor one side or the other and use or negate those factors to one’s advantage.

Monday, November 23, 2020


In Russia high school students are required to read The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn with assembling and disassembling a standard infantry weapon.  American high school students can't even do that.  American high school students are ignorant of Totalitarianism and tought to fear weapons.  Many American High School students have become advocates of Totalitarianism.  This is clearly wrong. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020


On this day in 1963 in Dallas, Texas, a pathetic little Communist murdered an open opponent of Communism.  He was doing what Communists normally do, commit murder and lie about it.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Reality According To Les

If there's one thing I've certainly noticed, it's that pacifists in general have no objection to enjoying the benefits of civilization but are unwilling to take the measures necessary to defend it from foreign and domestic barbarians.  Such as National Socialists, Soviet Socialists, and the home grown socialists of the Democratic Party.  Contrary to their general delusion of virtue, pacifists are in effect, moral and political parasites upon civilized society.

Peace in the real world is simply the absence of those, such as the socialists, who seek to deprive you, I, and our fellow citizens of our own Life, Liberty, and Property.  Real peace can only be achieved by the physical isolation or outright elimination of those who seek to subjugate, plunder and murder us.  This can only be done through the use of physical force.   In short, true peace can only be achieved only through the possession of superior firepower and the moral will to use it.

The narcissistic trash that makes up the membership of the so-called Peace Movement simply don't care whether you and your children live, or die, or suffer under the yoke of an unwashed barbarian.  They plaster their cars with bumper sticker, carry signs, bang on drums, throw Frisbees, and perform other useless rituals so that they can feel good about themselves and show the world how morally superior they are.  Never mind that they openly deny the fundamental fact which is the foundation of all valid moral law, that Human Life, as a rational being in control of one's own life, is the standard of all moral values.  Those who would damage or destroy Human Life must be removed from society and if necessary be destroyed.  The adherents of pacifism have so inverted their own mental processes that they look upon the perpetrators of mass slavery and mass murder as good and those who take up arms to defend the society of consent as being evil.

Now there are some folks, who regard themselves as morally superior beings, who question why the other bastard has to die.  The answer is that the other bastard is attempting to impose his will, or the will of his leader, upon you by force.  It's the act of coercion by force that makes what General Patton called the other bastard an enemy.   Peace is simply the absence of enemies.  But there's folks, who pretend to be morally superior beings, who would have us believe that "peace" could be achieved by submission to the will of the other bastard.  In reality this isn't peace, it's slavery.  There're some well meaning people, some of whom that I respect, who believe that there're times that one can't have both peace and freedom at the same time.  I have to disagree.   Liberty is simply the condition of existence in which the person is free to live his own life in accordance with his own rational judgment.  This does of course require the absence of some other bastard who is attempting to impose his will upon the person by force.  In practical terms real peace and real freedom are inseparable.  I'll go further is saying that to a civilized person, peace, freedom, and security, are simply three words that can be used to describe the identical condition, the absence of another bastard imposing his will upon the civilized person.  Contrary to what those who describe themselves as peace activists would have us believe, and as General Patton has ably demonstrated, the path to real peace invariably takes us over the real dead bodies of those other bastards who insist on violently imposing their will upon us.  Unfortunately this process is by no means a safe one.   Let us take this day to remember those who died on the path to real peace.

A rational study of the real world would show that a real state of Peace is indistinguishable from a state of Liberty.  A state of Security. Peace, Liberty, and Security are simply three words that a rational person uses to describe the same condition, the rightful ability to live one's own life without coercive interference by others.   A rational study of actual history would show that the state of peace for the citizens of a free nation is the result of the violent elimination of the would be conquerors and their pet quislings. If we rationally examine those who constitute the membership of the so-called Peace Movement we find that virtually every one of them is an open advocate of the coercive subjugation of the productive members of the Human Race.  The occasional exception being a self blinded fool who isn't paying attention to what they're ideologically in bed with.   In short, a Peace Activist and the Peace Movement are in fact enemies of Peace.

Peace is only an affirmative value to those who live in the condition of liberty, that's being in charge of one's self and able to set the goals for one's life.  Peace can't be a value to the subjects of a totalitarian socialist state.  To the victim of such a state, the ordinary worker who's bullied by a commissar, the inmate of a slave labor camp, or the occupant of a darkened cell awaiting murder at the hands of the local chekists, war, either an internal uprising against the socialist masters, or an invasion by an army of liberation, is in fact the positive value.

I could go on about what I really think of peace activists but I'll keep it short by paraphrasing Keith Richards: I don't have a problem with shooting peace activists, I only have a problem with the police.


Friday, November 20, 2020

Thought Experiment

Let's perform a thought experiment.

Let's suppose for a moment that you're the bombardier aboard the Enola Gay on August 6, 1945, you know there're children in the city below you, would still drop The Bomb?

My answer is yes, Binswanger's answer is apparently no.

Harry Binswanger has apparently proclaimed that I have advocated the murder of children.  From the objective point view this assertion is apparently false.

Who's responsible for the deaths brought about by a doctrine?  Those who proclaim the doctrine, or those who oppose the doctrine?  My answer is those who proclaim the doctrine, Binswanger's answer is apparently those who oppose the doctrine.

If the Cold War had gone hot during the Reagan Administration as a trained combat rifleman in the United States Army I would've been on the front line.  Who's responsible for the deaths brought about by Soviet Communism?  Those who support Soviet Communism, like the so-called Peace Movement, or those who oppose Soviet Communism?  

It doesn't matter what age a proponent is, killing them is NEVER murder.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Enslavement by vote is still the act of enslavement.  A Democratic Socialist is still a Socialist and still an Enemy Of Mankind.

Corruption notwithstanding, the worst of those who who follow Biden and Harris do so out of a belief in their own infallibility.  A large part of this feeling of infallibility comes from their adherence to what they feel to be a inerrant or infallible holy text.  Of course they have paid no attention to the fact that the author of the text was in the failure mode the moment he left school.  My fear is, given my own reading of history is that ending of this mess will involve a machine gun and a really long ditch.

The idea that Jeffery Epstein (who could testify against Hillary) was murdered is being dismissed as a conspiracy theory.  The Mainstream Media Drones are reporting Jeffery Epstein committed suicide.  Only the Mainstream Media Drones as well as those who listen to them believe it.  Any person or organization that objects to the establishment of a system of accountability may not be doing something that they don't want to be held accountable for, but that's certainly the way to bet.

The original National Socialists in Germany had to establish a Reichsministry to bring the press under control.  Yes, it is.  The one thing that the willfully depraved are loathe to do is to acknowledge the fact that there are people who are in fact better in some respect than they are. To make such an acknowledgement is to issue an indictment of themselves and their own actions.  The willfully depraved will murder individuals or even exterminate entire nations before they will recognize the truth about themselves.

As it's the guide to how the Federal and state governments must act with regard to the issue of religion, I'll quote the First Amendment of the Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It should mean that the force of The State doesn't back a faith.  Scientology interprets this as immunity from prosecution for its numerous crimes.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 On this day in 1978 another experiment in socialism failed.

Today's the anniversary of the Murder of Congressman Leo Ryan and the other deaths in what became known as the Jonestown Massacre.  Of course in order to create Jonestown the Rev. Jim Jones, as a self-styled Apostolic Socialist, had to totally ignore the historic one hundred percent failure rate of voluntary socialist communities.  In 1978 The People's Temple was a cult focused on the personality of Jim Jones  and his doctrine of Apostolic Socialism.  Which offered eternal salvation as a trade for self subjugation to the leader.  With this social-political premise the terminal failure of their colony was effectively ordained.   There're limits to what one can do in good faith.  The phrase, "drink the Kool-Aid", which commonly meant to participate in a mass suicide originated at this time.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Mentally step back and examine what you believe, you may not like what you find.  The difference between being evil and being stupid is basically a matter of style.

Revolutions happen the state was being stupid.  The Republican Party was founded because the Whig party was being stupid.  The Republican Party is being stupid.  If The Republican Party doesn't clean up it's act, a replacement political party will be founded.

A long deceased cynic from Baltimore once described a democratic election as an advanced auction of stolen goods. 

The worst enemy of a nation is its politicians.  Our colleges and universities used to be centers of tolerance and learning but under the tutelage of the Marxists they've become the centers of ignorance and hatred.  What happened?  I've been wrong, anyone who's read my blog knows I'm horrible at copy editing.  I have to admit that I'm fascinated by politics.  I've even wrote fiction depicting a political assassination.

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Unpunished Crime Of William Jefferson Clinton

From the Objectivist perspective there was a clear problem with David Koresh.  There was a right way to with deal someone like Koresh and it wasn't followed.

What happened?

The local office of the BATF received a report of automatic weapons fire at the residence of Branch Davidians outside of Waco, Texas.  No inquiry was made with the local law enforcement agencies.  Nor did the BATF as allowed under the current regulations send agents out to inspect the federally licenced firearms dealer residing on the site.  The BATF could have arrested Koresh as he made his morning run but did not do so.  With his past history of cooperation with local law enforcement the BATF could have simply asked Koresh to come down to the local sheriff’s station.  Instead the BATF attempted to stage a military style assault, code named Operation Showtime, in order to impart a positive impression of the agency upon the current administration in Washington.  After the task force was driven off the Hostage Rescue Team of the FBI, descended upon the Branch Davidians and laid siege to the residence.

On the day of the massacre the HRT used armored vehicles to destroy the exits from the building and to allow the wind to blow through it and then injected CS gas, known to be inflammable and toxic to children and elderly persons, into the wooden structure.  HRT fired CS rounds, which are incendiary devices into, the building.  A tactic to commit mass murder used by the National Socialists in Poland and Russia was to confine civilians, especially women and children, in wooden buildings and set the structures on fire.  To this day the perpetrators have died in peace or remain at large.

I've reposted on THE NEW RESISTER an article about the Waco Massacre that was originally published on the Libernet Mailing List in 1993.  I'm republishing it here for the benefit of those readers who aren't read in as to why I morally condemn the Democratic Party and those who willingly support them.

My Editorial Introduction.

Part One.

Part Two.

Part Three.

Part Four.

Part Five.


Koresh, if he was alive, would clearly be a mortal enemy of an Objectivist.  But someone has to speak for him.

Here's two thousand words why I'll never vote for The Democratic Party.


Sunday, November 15, 2020

On Gun Control

 Gun Control is clearly a bad idea.  Gun Control is clearly unconstitutional.  In fact the federal agency that's supposed to enforce it, the BATF, needs to be disbanded.  There's no valid excuse to disarm the citizens of a nation.  The Democratic Party has promised to uphold The Constitution.  They've broken that promise, now we must break them.  The Waco Massacre should be treated as the act of state terror that it actually is.

You can replace the words Gun Owner in the mouth droppings of the Democrats with the word Jew in the mouth droppings of any National Socialist, that's how predictable they've become.

The advocacy of a political end can't be separated from the advocacy of the means it's brought about.  The case in this point is that the disarming of The People requires the use of deadly force.  Some advocates of "Gun Control" don't have a problem with this.  In their view reality is subject to a vote and therefore a vote to legalize the murder of citizens who own guns is morally correct.  But Reality is Real.  Reality isn't subject to a vote, and Murder is Murder, no vote by any political body can change that. 

I would replace The Second Amendment with the following:

The People of the United States, being the sovereign authority of the nation, shall not be disarmed.  To petition for, to enact, or to enforce legislation to disarm the People shall be a capital offense.  The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem.

One can't achieve balance if one's nose is stuck in the sacred Marxist instruction manual.  Anyone who can't or won't understand the difference between a citizen and a domestic animal has no place in government.  Those persons who don't understand the difference between government and brigandage shouldn't be in government.  Anyone who believes that they're perfect isn't paying attention.  Good intentions never result in large body counts.

The leaders of the Democratic Party (or more accurately, the Despotic Party) whine about how conservatives lack compassion but are invariably unconcerned about the victims of Socialist despots like Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Pol Pot, and the North Korean Kim Dynasty.  The Democratic Party is really nothing more than a gang of despots, traitors, thieves, and murderers. 

Why don't we stop pretending that The Left represents any kind of legitimate political interest?  The fact of the matter is that The Left as it is presently composed is little more than a band of brigands, parasites, and outright moral nihilists.  Unfortunately, the Country Club Conservatives are too busy jamming their noses into each others terminal orifices to notice this and do something about it.  To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions.  And in an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse. 

I've said this before, The Republican Party is too nice.  I prefer the Kalashnikov system over the Stoner system, live with it.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Rant For The Day

A national election is being stolen before our very eyes.  It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes!  The United States of America is heading into another civil war.  The Second American Civil War wont be like the genteel affair conducted by President Lincoln, it'll be a knock drag out fight that makes the Spanish Civil War look like a schoolyard brawl in comparison.  Honest people want cheaters removed, The Democratic Party routinely steals elections.  The Democratic Party need to be identified and dealt with as the criminal gang it actually is.  Big name Democrats need to be identified and dealt with as the Enemies of Mankind they actually are.  For those persons who value political power no act is too vile.  Once differences in opinion are criminalized, the path to civil war is open.

If I've a complaint about The Republican Party it's that they've shown godlike patience with the behavior of The Democratic Party.  Democrats can assault in public those who won't submit to them, destroy property, call for the mutilation ("Lobotomies for Republicans") of opponents, the murder of elected officials who're carrying out their constitutionally mandated duties, and they'll not lift one finger to hurt a single hair on the otherwise useless head of a Democrat.  I once told an editor that I worked for that we needn't rhetorically dehumanize our opponents, all we have to do is accurately describe their ideology and behavior because they've by their own choice dehumanized themselves.

To Democrats the fundamental value is power.  Freedom is the negation of power and therefore must be opposed.  A Democrat wouldn't be caught dead standing up for an actual Human value.  Has anyone noticed that The Republicans are clearly once again the party of liberation while The Democrats have resumed their old role as the party of subjugation?
The worst enemy of any nation are it's politicians.  Having a Democrat whine about someone else engaged in the sexual abuse of others, being corrupt, or having a dictatorial lust for power is like Larry Flynt complaining about someone else being obscene.  If we're to have a future then governmental power has to be limited.  Those who demand unlimited power have to be treated as the Enemies of Mankind they actually are.  But the fact of the matter is that Democrats see people as something to be used. And if a person is unusable by The Democrats, why keep them alive?  The Democrats sent young men to die in the Vietnam War, a Republican administration stopped the Vietnam War.

I've proposed starting a new political party.  

If The Republican Party doesn't clean up its act then we as rational citizens will have no choice but to start a new party if we want to peacefully make changes and restore a rational system of government.  Revolutions (real revolutions, not Marxist ones) happen because the government fails to function.  We in the United States are stuck with two political parties.  The leadership of one party is insane and the leadership of the other party simply doesn't care.  Rank and file members now call establishment members a bunch of Vichy Republicans.

Perhaps its time to start a new political party.  Is a new political party possible?

The answer is, I don’t know.  The opponents of chattel slavery proceeded, even with public opposition.  We, as opponents of political power, have to.  We need to treat exercises of political power, such as censorship, as crimes against Humanity.  We need to treat bans on firearms and free speech as the anti-Human acts that they actually are.  Our political elites have apparently forgotten the lesson taught by our original civil war, that banning freedom doesn’t work.  Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of alcohol, it didn’t work.  Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of hard drugs, it doesn’t work.  Our political elites will try to ban the voluntary ownership of firearms and freedom of speech, it will never work.  Our politicians are supposed to do a specific job and they aren't doing it.  We have to start a new political party to go around them.  We don't have a choice.

Let's call our new party the Freedom Party.

Will the Freedom Party replace the Democratic Party?

I don't think so.  What's more likely is that the Freedom Party will replace the Republican Party just like the Republicans replaced the Whigs.

Some people want to behave as Totalitarians, let's treat them as such, in the Nuremberg style

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

I could go on about what I really think of peace activists but I'll keep it short by paraphrasing Keith Richards: I don't have a problem with shooting peace activists, I only have a problem with the police.

When we look at history, we find that the perpetrators of the great horrors believed they were good people with their victims and opponents being evil.  Some people choose to be evil, we don't have a choice in dealing with them as such.  I now believe that journalism is a mental disorder.  If Joe Biden were to strip naked and walk down Pennsylvania Avenue the Mainstream Media drones would proceed to describe the well tailored suit that he's clearly not wearing.  The problem with this is that The Democrats are a bunch of traitors, thieves, and murderers who don't care how high the pile of human bodies is as long as they're firmly seated on top, and thus are objectively unfit to hold any form of public office.  And if this wasn't bad enough as a former Army combat rifleman who refuses to be an mindlessly obedient drone in the socialist collective I'd be looked upon by The Democrats as some form of vermin.  The Mainstream Media are constantly going on and on about how stupid those who rationally oppose them are.  They're really beginning to sound like the alien invaders in Plan Nine From Outer Space.  There's a clear difference between simply reporting the news and being a propagandist.

Putting a happy face on evil doesn't change the fact that something is evil.  H. Beam Piper once wrote that political revolutions occur in a nation because the ruling class becomes discredited.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Some people wander in and read the blog, they repeatedly miss the point.  

Some piece of trash sent me a message, and I quote:

"Just remember however yoy (sic) vote. I'll Be cancelling your vote with mine."

This piece of trash doesn't care how many of us will be murdered so that it will feel good about itself.   I can't stop anyone from behaving as a Totalitarian piece of trash, Conservatives (and Libertarians in general) can treat them as such, from the neck until dead in the Nuremberg style.  Those who support monsters shouldn't be surprised to be treated as monstrous.

The total ideology of The Left can be politely reduced to one word:


Over the previous two centuries The Left has generated immense quantities of text and verbiage to conceal this fact.  But when the results are exposed the true goal of The Left is revealed.  the obtaining of Power as a mode of existence can only be practiced as long as there are victims.   Once the victims have isolated themselves from those who seek Power, or have died off, the power trippers themselves must die off.  Of course The Left is fully aware of this and as a result have actively to maintain their hold on their victims.  Even going as far to use deadly force on some victims to frighten the remainder into compliance.  But because the victims are themselves beings of definite limits even fear as control mechanism will fail as the victims reach their limit to produce.  The system of the power trippers will absolutely fail.  This has happened several times in recorded history but The Left refuses to understand the lesson.

I'm fallible and I've made mistakes.  I made the mistake that opponents of Gun Control were being spoken to, in fact the proponents were being spoken to.  An example is below in italics.

I'd never heard the word "twit" before I began watching Monty Python's Flying Circus on the local public television station as I was growing up.  When the Twitter service became available I avoided it because I associated the name of the service with the concept of "twit."  As reported by, the so called comic Sarah Silverman has unintentionally confirmed the validity of my decision.  Fortunately spittle can't be transmitted through the Internet.  First Silverman addresses us, the real citizens who accept responsibility for the armed defense of ourselves, our families, and our nation, with an apparently new pejorative term: Gun Boners.  The fundamental rule of argument is to address your audience with respect.  This is the case especially with those who clearly disagree with your proposition.  But then Liberals rarely had respect for their opponents or their victims.

The truth is never true to a Liberal.  Horrible things happen because the perpetrators believe they're the good people.  If a Progressive want to see someone who hates all they have to is view themselves in a mirror.  When I was involved with the U of M Objectivist Club we had several lecturers from the Ayn Rand Institute.  One of the lecturers was Dr. Peter Schwartz on the subject of Environmentalism.  The club put up several posters advertising the lecture.  Some of those posters were replaced by leftists with posters with obscenities scrawled on them, including swastikas.