Monday, December 31, 2018


Those of us, like myself, made a promise to the nation when we enlisted.  Perhaps it's time to keep that promise?

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Busting A Myth

If there's one myth I'd like to bury, it's that Robert A. Heinlein is a Fascist.

(How did that idiot Sheila Jackson Lee get elected?)

Even if it kills me I will work to establish the Heinlein system as the government of the United States.

So what is the system Heinlein described in his novel Starship Troopers? (Don't bother to see the movie, it wasn't a proper adaptation of the novel.)

Heinlein wrote the novel to be the part of the juvenile series of science fiction novels published by Scribners and as a response to pro-Soviet peace activism. In the novel a young man grows from a naive high school student to a junior officer in the army. The narrative of the novel also serves as the framework for a series of lectures about the nature of man, morals, war, and government. The most controversial concept in the novel is that not everyone should be allowed to vote. In the place of universal suffrage Heinlein proposed the idea that the legal status of Citizen, who is a member of the sovereign class of the nation with the authority to vote, has to be earned.

Then as now there were people who clearly didn’t understand the concept of government. Then as now there were those who sought to exploit the ignorance of the mere voter in order to obtain political power. And worse to obtain power without restraint.  Heinlein had proposed the idea of earning the sovereign franchise as a filtering mechanism to prevent obvious fools--such as peace activists--from influencing government.

The idea of the restricted franchise is not new. In the Polis of Athens the franchise was restricted to property owning members of the tribe but there was no legal restraint on the state. As history had shown this led to dysfunctions such as legal murder of Socrates.  It was not enough to restrict the powers of government but to restrict who could actually participate in the process of governing.  In effect to idiot-proof the system.

So is it actually necessary to fully implement the system that Heinlein proposed?

The fact is that all forms of authority are based on knowledge and political authority is no exception.  But in the present system political authority is granted to any warm body without regard to their the actual state of knowledge. As a result some warm bodies have traded their votes for a material object such as an IPad or a wad of cash. Or worse they have traded their votes for the warm and fuzzy feeling of having been compassionate.

The result is out present state of our nation. Those who lack knowledge or simple concern for consequences should not have authority over another person, let alone the fate of a nation.

My solution to the problem is simply proper education in the obligations of citizenship.

The course would be similar to a driver education course as presently taught. The first part of the class covers The Constitution, the proper functions of each branch of government, the function of each clause and amendment, the duties of the citizen as a member of the sovereign authority of the nation, and what is expected to happen when the Federal Government enters the failure mode.

The second part of the course covers the function and use of the instrument of political authority, the personal weapon. This covers rifle marksmanship and maintenance. Also covered is the basic organization and tactics of the citizen militia unit.

While the citizenship course will not be mandatory, completion and a passing grade will be required to exercise the authority to vote. 

Punishing a man for an act he didn't commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Friday, December 28, 2018


Why did they write in a right to bear arms in the Constitution?

My answer to the question is simply this: WE THE PEOPLE are the sovereign authority of the United States of America.

There are several natural consequences of the political primacy of the citizen. I'll just cover the first two here:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
First, the citizen as the sovereign authority must be free to examine the facts for himself and communicate his conclusions to his fellow citizens. He cannot be compelled to believe a falsehood and therefore act on it.

Second, the citizen as the sovereign authority must possess the physical instrument of political authority and be prepared to use it. The ballot that is cast by the citizen, like the paper currency in common use, must be backed by a physical value.  The government must be subordinate to the sovereign authority, the citizens of the nation. And citizens must have the knowledge and the means to enforce their authority.

Contrary to what the practicing Kantians want us to believe, the first four words of the Second Amendment does not constitute a license to disarm the citizens and render them helpless in the face of a supreme state. It means that the citizens must be armed, trained, and organized to enforce their authority upon the government.  Now no rational person wants a civil war in our nation, but if the government would simply comply with the Constitution it wouldn't be necessary.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

A Truth

Once force is openly used against those who speak out against the Left then the gloves will come off and force WILL be openly used against the Left. Once the Left openly repudiates the rules for living in a civil society then their victims will no longer see themselves as subject to those same rules.  Or to put it another way to the Left, break the rules of civil society and you will leave us no choice but to break you.  It's called a civil war. And cars with bumper stickers, tee-shirts, and other examples of open posturing will make target identification very easy.

What part of "Liberty or Death" does the Left persist in not understanding?

It is generally considered to be bad form to advocate violence against someone simply because of their political views. But if some Leftist thug finds him or her self staring at the muzzle of an assault rifle it is because the stupid Leftist put him or her self there.  And the truth isn't a leftist strong point.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Thoughts Of The Day

We should consider ourselves fortunate that Uwe Boll never adapted anything by L. Ron Hubbard.  Yeah, Uwe Boll has a "piled higher and deeper" degree.  So what?

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Thought For The Day

I know today is supposed to be a special day.

If the Democrats want to behave like the NSDAP then they'll be treated like them, from the neck until dead.

Update 1836: 

Image from Mark Urbin.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Thought For The Day

Is Barrack Obama an Enemy of Mankind?


Should he treated as such?

Yes, from the neck until dead.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Gun Control

Here in Minnesota anyone regardless of their criminal history can buy books or groceries without a permit.  The purchase of any firearm requires a state issued permit and if you have a criminal background forget it.

Friday, December 21, 2018


The facts are that no two people are identically productive and there will be a difference in economic effect.  Weather has been and will continue to be driven by natural causes and is completely out of Human control.  And the species Homo Sapiens in the political context must be seen as a single race--the idea of morally and politically distinctive races was a fundamental cause of the lethal nightmare of the last century.  Yet the believers in these and other falsehoods demand that we submit to their insanity.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


In 1932 the Australian Government went to war against a bunch of flightless birds and lost.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


I once read Andrew Morton's biography of Diana Spencer and it took four months to work up the nerve to finish the first chapter. I was appalled by a mind crushed by a band of witch doctors. To be an adult requires knowledge of what human life is and how to live it. What Diana got was pure poison. She was pounded with the doctrines of selflessness as the moral ideal, of sacrifice and obedience as virtues, of independent judgement as evil, of the mind as useless in reality. With the mind mangled it wasn’t a surprise that her life would be mangled as well.

Diana’s intellectual and moral development arrested in childhood and was dependent on others for guidance. With her mind shut down it wasn’t a surprise that she had died. Diana was told that the royal family was the pinnacle of a civilized society. In fact British royalty was a useless remnant of a barbaric tradition and that the monarch was nothing more than a hand puppet for ruling party. During the engagement Diana discovered that her fiancee was a pragmatist with an active sexual affair with a married woman no intention of breaking off the affair. She should have dumped him on the spot but Diana asked her sisters for advice and was told to go through with the marriage out of duty.

Diana valued what others told her to value which led to the constant pursuit of public attention and she sought guidance from psychics and astrologers and even took advice from her own sons. It was with the approval of a psychic and her sons that Diana entered a close relationship with the playboy Dodi al Fayed. He was the son of a pull peddler who lived on an allowance, routinely bounced checks, and manipulated women. He also bribed limousine drivers to violate speed limits and was a top contender for the Darwin Award. Even if Diana was not aware of the other vices she would have seen his open contempt for his own life as cause for alarm. But on the advice of others Diana put her trust in him and died.

Diana could have avoided the aforementioned horrors by simply saying: "No, this is wrong and I won't do it." But to do so requires a valid knowledge of moral standards and for Diana to know that she was right to exercise moral judgement. It’s not enough to know that there is an alternative to an course of action, one must know that the alternative is right.

Monday, December 17, 2018

A Proposal

The People of the United States, being the sovereign authority of the nation, shall not be disarmed.  To petition for, to enact, or to enforce legislation to disarm the People shall be a capital offense.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

On Censorship

Censorship is the negation of the human mind.  As rational thought is necessary to living a human life the censor, and those who demand it, are Enemies of Mankind.  In my view censors are vermin fit only for extermination.

Punishing a man for an act he didn't commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Dealing With Children

Back during the Vietnam War there were Marxists who would set fire to buildings and then cut the hoses with an axe when the firefighters showed up to fight the fire.  But now the grandchildren of those same Marxists whine about their feelings being hurt by any statement of the truth.

Too bad, bitches.

These children wouldn't last ten seconds in infantry basic training at Fort Benning.  And that's a good thing because I absolutely wouldn't trust any of these utterly pathetic wastes of matter and energy on any field of battle with my life.  Seriously, if Comrade Stalin was still around these virtual morons would hand the entire planet over to him right now.

During the summer of 1976 I read a book and changed the way I saw myself and other people.

Robert A. Heinlein in his novel STARSHIP TROOPERS put forth the radical idea that adulthood was not only a physical state but a distinctly moral one as well.  And while physical maturity was obvious to an objective observer the moral state was not.  Given that the mentally and morally immature were not able to rationally perform the duties of citizenship he proposed to establish a system for sorting out the able from the unable.  As it's impossible to compel moral maturity what's required is voluntary system to separate functional citizens from the dysfunctional losers.  While Heinlein did present his system of Federal Service in altruistic terms it does allow the separation of moral dead weights, such as the losers above, from mentally and morally active people.

Punishing a man for an act he didn't commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Friday, December 14, 2018

My Theory

Well, the Left can't deal with reality because in reality they are the bad guys. They are constantly trying to live off the work of others thus they have to control their "livestock" by force. Since reason tells us that such behavior is morally intolerable they are left with emotional whining as their means of justifying their actions and allowing themselves to feel good about it. Any refusal to accept the emotional bullshit and obey the self-appointed masters is automatically translated on the emotional level as something to the effect of "die motherfucker!"

That's my theory, anyway.

Punishing a man for an act he didn't commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Question Of The Day

Why do intelligent people oppose Socialism?

Be Socialism never works.

There were warnings for over a century, and every warning was ignored.

Punishing a man for an act he didn't commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Thought For The Day

Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Socialism never worked, but that never stops idiots from trying.

Punishing a man for an act he didn't commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Monday, December 10, 2018

A Fact

Is there such a thing as Islamophobia?


It's perfectly natural to have a fear of being conquered by a bunch of ignorant and violent people.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Sunday, December 09, 2018

Happy Birthday.

Someone was born on this day in 1960.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Saturday, December 08, 2018

In Stock

Once upon a time ago, about the time I was posting the ASCII text versions of The Resister on Usenet, I bought an AK-47 chambered in 5.56 NATO.  It had the thumb hole stock mandated at the time by our masters in Washington.  As a former combat rifleman I took it upon myself to properly zero in the sights on the weapon.  As I was doing this at the Moon Valley range down in Eden Prairie I was rudely interrupted.  It appeared that a scraggly young man wanted to sell me a folding stock for the AK-47.  I said no.  He repeated his offer.  I repeated my refusal.  Eventually he got the point.  First, I actually had no interest in a folding stock for the rifle.  The folding stock for the Ak-47 series rifle is copied from the MP-38/MP-40 series machine pistols issued by the Wehrmacht.  They are inherently unstable and were used both by the Wehrmacht and the Soviets to shorten the weapon for carriage within an aircraft or armored vehicle. An acceptable trade off for them but not for me.  Second. folding stocks at the time were illegal.  I was not about to ruin a weapon by installing an inferior stock simply for the sake of disobeying our self appointed masters.  The proper way to deal with a master is to air out his head.  By his demeanor and his insistence on selling the stock to my unwilling self I concluded that this fellow was a stooge for the BATF.  I refused to fall into the trap.  A simple bit of common sense can go a long way.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Friday, December 07, 2018


What's a socialist?

A socialist is also someone who believe in the Primacy Of The State.

What part of Adolf Hitler was a socialist does The Left not understand?

 What part of National Socialist German Workers Party (the English name) does The Left not understand?

Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists are the crazy relatives that the mainstream left won't talk about. If there is one myth that I would really like to bury, it is the myth that National Socialism is a right wing ideology, and that the NSDAP and those in the present day who seek to emulate them are right wing parties.

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

Someone on The Left could repeat the above statement word for word and no one, in the usual leftist audience, or the Mainstream Media, would call them out on it. The myth that National Socialism is a right wing ideology basically originated in the the Kremlin and has continued to be repeated by those who are embarrassed about their German ideological relatives.  Seriously, if The Left were seriously and openly called out on this they would either have to drop their beliefs or bust their collective backsides to rehabilitate Hitler and the NSDAP.  Or they would just jump up and down and call us a bunch of liars.

To those who value power over all else, no act is too depraved and no bodycount is too high.  If history has taught us anything it is that those who imagine themselves to be infallible will fail.  And those who imagine themselves incapable of evil will do evil.  But try to tell that to a supporter of  Hillary Clinton and they will call you a liar.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Question Of The Day

What's a Fascist?

A Fascist to The Left is anyone that opposes them.  But in fact a Fascist is someone, like Hillary Clinton and Benito Mussolini, that believes in the primacy of the state.

But there is another definition.

According to Josef Stalin a Fascist is anyone who opposes him.  This included Leon Trotsky who was a lifelong Marxist and the founder and original leader of Red Army along with being a servant of Vladimir Lenin.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Thought Of The Day

If the FBI did it's job I would be in prison and so would Hillary Clinton.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Thought For The Day

I can't prevent someone from believing a falsehood, but I can treat him as such.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Monday, December 03, 2018

A Blast From The Past

The scientific concept, dictatorship, means neither more or less than unlimited power resting directly on force, not limited by anything, not restrained by any laws or any absolute rules. Nothing else but that.

-- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Without the restraints of human legislation or of natural and permanent moral laws we are left with one thing, the law of the jungle, to kill or to be killed.

It's simply impossible to reason with or otherwise peacefully coexist with any person, any group, or any nation, that believes that it has the right to control you or to take things from you by force. Such persons or entities can only be physically isolated from you or ultimately destroyed.  Peace is the absence of enemies but it's not priceless.  As long as there's one person who values power who lives there will be no peace.
Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Sunday, December 02, 2018

A Reminder

I'll start with a quote:

It is better to kill one hundred innocents than to let one guilty person go.

-- Dolores Ibarruri ("La Pasionaria"), Spanish Communist

We, the truly rational, tolerate the long and drawn out appeals process for death penalty cases, as frustrating as it is, because in we want to be certain that we will not put an innocent person to death. The self appointed masters, when they are in absolute power, simply don't care. The fact of the matter is that the only crime to those who value power is simple disobedience. To perceive and think as a proper rational person is fundamentally toxic to the masters. And reason must be suppressed by any means necessary. We the living believe in justice. The masters on the other hand, don't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they are firmly seated on top.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Saturday, December 01, 2018


L. Ron Hubbard was receiving a penny a word writing for the pulps when Ayn Rand had her novels published in hard covers and adapted for motion pictures.  Some of Ayn Rand's works are still in print while Hubbard's works have to be published by an internal department of the Church of Scientology.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.