Sunday, December 22, 2013

Meanwhile In The Real World

A member of The Blogmacracy site has discovered that the Sci-Fi Meshes site has been hacked by Muslims.

Here's the screen shot of the site:

The Human mode of life requires active perception and rational thought. Islam prohibits both.

Islam is absolutely toxic to Human life.  And those, including the enforcers of Islamic doctrine, who deny the Rights Of Man absolutely cannot claim those very same rights for themselves.Those who act to enforce the doctrine of Islam are absolute Enemies of Mankind.  They are fit solely for extermination.

What are your questions on this block on instruction?

Thank's to The Blogmacracy 2.0 site for this information.


Macker said...

You're welcome!

Leslie Bates said...

I just checked the Sci-Fi Meshes site, it is now only inaccessible.