Saturday, August 21, 2004

Why The Left Hates President Bush

Or at least one cause of the hatred:

The Left in its fundamental form is a group of essentially parasitic beings that wish to demolish the present consent-based American social-economic structure and replace it with a coercion-based political order that they regard as morally superior. Unfortunately for us the Left's ideal version of America strongly resembles a Überkonzentrationlager with themselves as the commandants and overseers. Anyone who stands in the way of the Left in their quest to subjugate the American republic -- policeman, citizen soldier, or President Bush -- is retorically blasted as being the vilest of monsters while those who have consistently demonstrated their hatred of American liberty, such as John Kerry, are worshipped as though they were the enactors of the divine will. Given the Left's preference for the use of coercive force, being a combat veteran, experienced in the use of force, is actually a plus for their candidate in their actual view. Thus its should not be a surprise that Kerry was, like Hitler before him, trying to play the war hero card in the presidential election. (Of course Hitler actually earned his Eisenkreuz.)

1 comment:

Leslie Bates said...

Actually, I've read some recently published material that suggests that Hitler was in fact a REMF who turned down several promotions, as it would require him to expose himself to more Anglo-French firepower.