Sunday, August 01, 2004

Our Motto Is Apocalyse Now!

Speaker of the House Denny Hastert has written in his now book:

“If you own property, stock, or, say, one hundred acres of farmland and tax time is approaching, you don’t want to make a mistake, so you’re almost obliged to go to a certified public accountant, tax preparer, or tax attorney to help you file a correct return. That costs a lot of money. Now multiply the amount you have to pay by the total number of people who are in the same boat. You can’t. No one can because precise numbers don’t exist. But we can stipulate that we’re talking about a huge amount. Now consider that a flat tax, national sales tax, or VAT would not only eliminate the need to do this, it could also eliminate the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) itself and make the process of paying taxes much easier."

I wouldn't think that this plan would actually eliminate the IRS, but it would certainly reduce and declaw it.

A program to double the GDP in 15 years, promote personal responsibility and property ownership, and otherwise increase the number of people with a stake in the survival and prosperity of America would solidify the Republican Party's position as the party of the rational and the productive, while at the same time effectively marginalizing the Democrats as the party of the irrational and the parasites.

For the Democrats this would be the apocalypse. And the Democrats must stop this at any cost.

If the collection of pressure groups that compose the Democratic party want to preserve their influence, which is to say their power and their loot, without which they will shrivel and die, they will resort to any means, no matter how depraved and destructive, to stop the Republican program.

We will certainly see a significant increase in election fraud and brownshirt actions -- assaults by campus commies and union thugs -- against Republican supporters. We should also expect a campaign of outright terrorism, assaults on persons and property , and assassination attempts directed at Republican office holders at all levels of government, their family members, and their local supporters. Such terrorism as carried out by a self-styled "people's resistance" could find eager support from hostile states such as Islamist Iran, North Korea, and Red China, or private support from a back-stabbing piece of garbage such as George Soros. (And if we're really serious about practicing the doctrine of pre-emption we should sic the SEC on Soros, I find it hard to believe that he has been able to play his destructive currency exchange games against several free asian nations and our ally Great Britain without violating at least one SEC regulation.)

Yes, things are going to get a bit scary.

We can either persue the Republican vision of a free, prosperous, and secure America, or we can silently march off to the gulags and mass graves that the inhuman filth on the left will ultimately condemn us to.

All I can say (as I lovingly look upon my modest stockpile of British surplus .308 ammunition) is:


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