Tuesday, August 05, 2003

An Interesting Theory of Liberal Behavior from "To The Point":

We thus need a deeper understanding of what motivates liberals that goes far beyond simply hurling epithets of treason and traitor at them.

For such understanding, we need to travel to the Amazon. Among the Yanomamo and other tribes deep in the Amazon rain forests, it is an accepted practice that when a woman gives birth, she tearfully proclaims her child to be ugly.

In a loud mortified lament that the entire tribe can hear, she asks why the gods have cursed her with such a pathetically repulsive infant. She does this in order to ward off the envious black magic of the Evil Eye, the Mal Ojo, that would be directed at her by her fellow tribespeople if they knew how happy she was with her beautiful baby. Anthropologists observe that for most primitive and traditional cultures, "every individual lives in constant fear of the magical aggression of others... there is only one explanation for unforeseen events: the envious black magic of another villager."

Envy is the source of tribal and traditional cultures' belief in Black Magic, the fear of the envious Evil Eye. Reflect for a moment on the extent to which tribespeople in a tribal, "primitive" culture suffuse their lives with superstition, witchcraft, sorcery, voodoo, "black magic," the "evil eye." The world for them is teeming with demons, spirits, ghosts and gods, all of whom are malicious and dangerous -- in a word, envious.

What Ann Coulter doesn't understand is that the liberal mind is an atavism, a regression to a primitive mentality. Liberals believe in Black Magic just as strongly as Yanomamos. What makes a liberal is his or her fear of the Evil Eye of Envy.

An American liberal's primary motivation is not to betray his country. It is to appease the envious. Liberalism is not a political ideology. It is a psychological strategy to avoid being envied. What causes someone to be a liberal is the fear of being envied. It is the fear of being envied that is the source of "liberal guilt."

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