Monday, June 04, 2018

The Left

There's no point in debating a leftist on individual issues because their overall epistemological methodology for all effects and purposes reverses the relationship between reality and fantasy. This leads to their well documented habit of systematically reversing good and evil.  While there are many grounds for complaint on the part of the Right (the refusal to prosecute the participants in the Waco Massacre), we could hardly call the Bush Administration a failure.  And it is no surprise that a leftist would openly label someone who opposed them as "sub-human."  Members of the Left, like many pre-literate barbarians before them, are essentially moral and material parasites. They must reject the society of consent and seek power over those who can perform the work that sustains their lives. This drives them to see other persons as either tools they can use to further their own goals, or as organic waste to be disposed of.  So when a leftist declares someone to be "sub-human", that is in practice a precursor to the murder of that person.  The mass graves that are constantly being dug up in nations where the Left has obtained unrestrained power serve as the unrefutable proof of this fact.

So when I see a leftist bumper sticker on a car, the first thought that comes to my mind is "murderer."

If I have a complaint about the Right it is that we have shown infinite godlike patience with the behavior of the Left.  Leftists can assault in public those who won't submit to them. Destroy property. And even call for the mutilation ("Lobotomies for Republicans") of opponents, and the murder of elected officials who are carrying out their constitutionally mandated duties, and we will not lift one finger to hurt a single hair on the otherwise useless head of a leftist.  I once told an editor that I worked for that we need not retorically dehumanise our opponents, all we have to do is accurately describe their ideology and behavior because they have by their own choice dehumanised themselves.

Free Tommy Robinson

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