Friday, May 14, 2004

Oh, The Poor Babies!

The Arab News published in Saudi Arabia is whining about American hostility towards arabs and Islam.

One complaint of note is that:

The practice of anti-Islam in the US needs to be addressed.

Anti-Islam? What would that be?

Would it be the refusal to treat the collected rantings and raving of an illiterate pedophile-rapist-robber-murderer and Enemy of Mankind in General as the inerrant and divinely dictated word of God?

Would to be the refusal to degrade one's self by banging one's own head on the ground in prayer to a false deity?

Would to also be the refusal to violently violate my neighbor's rights of Life, Liberty, Property, and Faith, as well as keeping my hands off my neighbor's pre-pubescent daughter?

If being a rational and decent person is anti-Islamic then what is the problem?

We thank our Lizardroid Masters for the link.

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