Monday, May 31, 2004

Look! Its The Enemies Of Mankind!

The Green Left Weekly whines about "The Nightmare of Food."

Who suffers most? “Poverty. Class. Income. Over and over, these emerge as the key determinants of obesity and weight-related disease,” Critser says. He is no socialist though, and Marx doesn’t get so much as a mention in the book (Critser actually has a swipe at what he calls the “self-proclaimed ‘progressive left’”). His final chapter, on combating the epidemic, is the weakest in the book, and doesn’t go far beyond advocating better education and stronger parental control over diet and exercise. Still, despite its limitations, Critser’s book could very usefully be read by all socialists and all parents: he does us a great service in painting a vivid picture of the lurid world of McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Coca Cola, and their partners in corporate crimes against human well-being.

I work for Pizza Hut. And as an Objectivist I will look upon any attempt to forcibly shut down my employer as an attempt to murder myself and my fellow Pizza Hut employees.

The followers of Ayn Rand as a rule look upon the threat of being fired as being a form of a death threat.

If someone, in the time before the birth of Karl Marx, stood up on an old crate at a street corner in London, Paris, or Berlin, and tried to describe a world where food was plentiful and affordable to the working classes as "a nightmare" or in any other was as evil, he would dragged away to an insane asylum if he was lucky.

The Left, whenever it has gained unrestrained power as in Soviet Russia, Red China, North Korea, and Rouge Kampuchea, has enforced poverty and starvation and in some cases has seized or destroyed local food supplies as a means of killing off resisting populations.

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