Monday, April 26, 2004

Rabid Animal Alert

If you will pardon me for quoting the New York Times:

In this former industrial town north of London, a small group of young Britons whose parents emigrated from Pakistan after World War II have turned against their families' new home. They say they would like to see Prime Minister Tony Blair dead or deposed and an Islamic flag hanging outside No. 10 Downing Street.

They swear allegiance to Osama bin Laden and his goal of toppling Western democracies to establish an Islamic superstate under Shariah law, like Afghanistan under the Taliban. They call the Sept. 11 hijackers the "Magnificent 19" and regard the Madrid train bombings as a clever way to drive a wedge into Europe.
First: Anyone who wants to see Britain subjugated under an alien and anti-human ideology is properly called a traitor. Although in this case there is something to be said for the term "vermin."

"All Muslims of the West will be obliged," he said, to "become his sword" in a new battle. Europeans take heed, he added, saying, "It is foolish to fight people who want death — that is what they are looking for."
I on the other hand want to live.

I want to live what Ayn Rand characteristically called The Life Proper to Man.

And I will accept no substitute.

What we should call Humanity is not merely a physical state but is also a state of mind. Or what may also be called a spiritual state.

To be properly Human is to live one's own life by own rational judgement and to recognize the right of others to do the same. To be properly Human is also to deal with other persons on the basis of consent, not deal with others as though they were mere animals.

But adherents of Islam, and their de facto allies in the west the socialists, indulge in the fantasy that we are nothing more than hominid livestock and that they are entitled by the will of their false god, Allah or the Collective, to treat us as such. No amount of evidence will dissuade them from these beliefs.

But then who can pay attention to reality when one's nose is firmly jammed into a copy of the Koran or the Communist Manifesto?

They willfully ignore the fact that it was an American (who due to a legal technicality at the time was still an Englishman) who said, "Give me Liberty or give me death!"

And Ayn Rand, a former subject of a communist state, when asked if one was better off being Red or dead replied, "Better see the Reds dead!"

As for myself, I will die before I degrade myself before the false priests and followers of a false god.

The fight for Liberty is a fight to the death.

Bring them on.

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