Thursday, July 18, 2024


Denying Reality is always wrong.  Reality is real.  Anyone who has a problem with that is welcome to drop dead. 

Facts don't care about your feelings.

To the parasite power over the productive is life.

I'm constantly surrounded by morons.

Perhaps the illegal aliens wouldn't be so enthusiastic about entering the United States if we just gulaged the lot of them. 

Progressives posture as being the most knowledgeable and intelligent people on Earth but in fact they're the most ignorant and stupid.  Progressives are in reality predators and they see normal people as mere animals to be controlled and consumed.  As a result Progressives ABSOLUTELY LOATHE those who stand against them as the protectors of their victims.

Those who believe absurdities can commit atrocities. 

When a small evil isn't crushed it becomes greater.


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