Monday, July 15, 2024

Once Apon A Time Ago In Pizzaland

I had an interesting delivery run in April of 2005.

There were two customers on the run.  The first delivery was to someone with multiple Gay activism stickers plastered all over the front screendoor in such a way as to scream: LOOK AT ME, I'M SO [EXPLETIVE] WONDERFUL!  They paid for their order with a check for the exact amount.  The second delivery was to a working mother with a young son.  She paid for her order with a check with a two-dollar tip written in.

Months of delivering pizza for a living has caused my previous loathing of the Left to become stronger.  Why should any leftist go through the effort of doing something that's objectively positive, such as tipping the delivery driver, when they can merely strike a pose and feel good about themselves afterwards?

Why indeed?

I generally received better tips from Mexican immigrants who're working their butts off to support their families and are barely getting by than I do from hardcore liberals. 

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