Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Racists In Action

The National Socialists in Germany put forth the notion of a separate and superior racial identity for Germans.  And with the separate racial identity came the notion that the rules for living with others didn't apply to them.  Here in the United States we're witnessing the racial separation of the Black population and with it the ethical separation as well.  That many Blacks are now behaving as Brownshirts with the support of the ruling class isn't a surprise as they've adopted the racial doctrine of the National Socialists as their own.  The idea that Black people should be exempt from the laws that protect the life and property of all people regardless of their race is clearly wrong.  As far as a properly functioning government is concerned there is only one race: The Human Race.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Let's Make A Deal

This was a piece submitted to the original dead tree version of The Resister.


After months (or more likely years) of fighting, the beltway brigands declare that they are seeking a negotiated settlement to the Second Civil War.  After they make the usual noises about "power sharing" arrangements, etc., etc., the head of our delegation answers thus:

What we want from you Bill is this; You and your underlings will formally resign from office , you will surrender all claims of authority over the citizens and territory of the United States,   you will go into exile, and under no circumstances will you establish or support the establishment of a quote, government in exile, close quote.
You and your followers will take your offshore bank ATM cards and go. And please take the First Bitch with you.

In effect, the enemy is offered conditional amnesty.

The point in favor of such a deal is that we cut our own losses in blood and treasure.

 The points against are, firstly, while the deal is expedient, it is fundamentally unjust. The individuals responsible for the subjugation and slaughter of American citizens (the Waco massacre, etc.) are basically getting away scot-free.

The second point against it is that it is contrary to the nature of the beast we are facing. Although the deal allows the enemy to take their loot with them, plunder (on the part of the leadership) was not their primary goal, unrestrained power over us is. The apparent governing principle of (to name an example) Clinton's behavior in public office is L'Etat cest Moi, literally; "The State, that's Me". The leader is held to be synonymous with the state, opposition to malfeasance on the part of the leader is treated as anti-government hatred, in effect as nothing less than treason. Clinton's consistent answer to criticism of his actions has been to defame his victim's and his critics, and to demand silence and obedience regardless of the consequences to his subjects.  

The statist leader refuses to be subject to any legal restraints, nor does he pay heed to any superior authority. His victims, those persons who are to be subjected to his whims must be silenced and disarmed. This is nothing new, the military arm, be it a sword, a pike or a firearm, is the symbol and instrument of political authority. The citizens of a free nation, armed and ready to defend their lives and liberties, have a commanding voice, which a politician may  ignore only at his peril. Augustus Caesar understood this when he depoliticized the citizen body of the Roman Republic by replacing the citizen militia based army of the republic with a mercenary force loyal to himself.

 If presented with a "take the money and run" deal, a power addict would very likely refuse to accept. I would not be surprised if Bill Clinton, following the example of such statist trash as Adolf Hitler and Salvador Allende, ultimately ends up taking the final exit while cowering in a final redoubt.

 As much as each of us may prefer otherwise, the coming struggle is certain to be a long, bloody, fight to the death.

R. Hemmerding

This still applies to the current occupant of the White House.   The unpleasant fact of reality is that the our nation is under the rule of a man who clearly doesn't understand the proper role of government and clearly hates rational civilization.  And until he's removed from the office of president we're on the clear path to destruction as a nation.



Monday, July 29, 2024

Quote Of The Day

Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.

-- Ayn Rand

Sunday, July 28, 2024


The space shuttle Challenger was accidentally destroyed during launch with all seven souls aboard.  Also on this day the Church of Scientology made their official announcement that L. Ron Hubbard had died.  In doing so they put forth a nonsense story that their founder had dropped his body and no mention was made of the fact that he'd suffered a stroke a week before.*  The true believers were then shocked to discover that no one outside the cult gave a damn about that useless malingering REMF** piece of excrement.  They were particularly upset everyone was more concerned about the deaths of seven Wogs*** than with the passing of the most important being on the planet.****

* I personally favor the pillow over the face as the actual cause of death.
** Rear Echelon Mother F*cker.
*** Wog is the Scientologist term for a non-member and the functional equivalent of the N-word.
**** Adolf Hitler used to think of himself that way too.  

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nihilism In Action

If there was such a work as Introduction To Kantian Epistemology the complete text could be boiled down to three words: Reality is unreal.

For example, William A. Jacobson, a professor at the Cornell University Law School reported the following on one of his blogs:

Erik Loomis is an assistant professor of American history at the University of Rhode Island. He also blogs at “Lawyers Guns and Money” blog.

In reaction to the murders in Connecticut, Loomis tweeted that he had never been so angry except maybe for the invasion of Iraq (I guess 9/11 was chopped liver to him), and that he wanted the NRA chief’s “head on a stick”:

Now to the non-Kantian mind this constitutes a literal call for an act of murder.  Having been outed as a would be murderer Loomis then attempts to rhetorically cover his backside:

Dear right-wing morons, saying you "want someone's head on a stick" is a metaphor. I know metaphor is hard for you to understand.

Dear rightwingers, to be clear, I don't want to see Wayne LaPierre dead. I want to see him in prison for the rest of his life.

Well why didn't he just say so?   Would it be too clear?

Those of us who treat Reality as being real learned a hard lesson back in the Twentieth Century.  It was believed by many the when Hitler spoke of clearing the Jews from Europe that he was speaking metaphorically.  It was when the Allied armies liberated the death camps that we discovered that Hitler was speaking literally.

To us who aren't under the influence of Kant and in fact value our lives, a call for an act of murder has to be taken literally.  There's simply no other morally valid option.  Having been outed as a would be murderer Loomis then backtracks and says he would settle for an act of tyranny.  That he would settle for Wayne LaPierre to be imprisoned for life.

Punishing a man for an act he didn't commit is unjust.  Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical.  Disarming the citizens -- who're the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.

To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.

Friday, July 26, 2024

On Censorship

What is censorship?  It's the forcible prevention of the transmission of information.  In the context of an adversarial situation such as the invasion of a Free Nation by a Socialist State the act of censorship is morally mandatory.  Such an invader has no more right to information about the defending forces than a biker gang has to the location of your wife or daughters.   In the context of a civil society valid information concerning those holding or seeking public office and their goals and beliefs is necessary in order for members of the electorate to make a valid decision when they exercise their authority.   To vote correctly the voter needs to know the truth about office seekers and their beliefs and personal conduct.   Those who must suppress the transmission of valid information, such as corrupt office holders who're acting through their lieutenants, or through the local Campus Communist goon squad are harmful to the individual citizens and the political community as a whole.  Those who attempt to practice censorship in a civil society are enemies of that society and must be identified and dealt with as such.  

In the Third Reich it required the force of The State to get the media to engage in propaganda.  In the United States Of America right now our Mainstream Media is voluntarily engaging in propaganda.  Their continued support of the false president Joe Biden being a case in point.

Censorship is practiced by those who have to silence their opponents.  Censorship is practiced by those who know they’re wrong.  Censorship is the negation of the Human mind.  Censorship reduces Human Beings to mere animals.  As rational thought is necessary to living a Human life the censor, and those who demand it, are Enemies of Mankind.

The Tripwire
D. van Oort & J.F.A. Davidson
From The Resister

"How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive?"-- Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago

What would be the tripwire resulting in open rebellion? Examining the Bill of Rights, and considering EXISTING laws only, and not failed attempts, you will find that every clause has been violated to one degree or another.

Documenting those violations would fill volumes, and it is important to remember that only government can violate the exercise of unalienable individual rights and claim immunity from retribution. We omit martial law or public suspension of the Constitution as a tripwire. The overnight installation of dictatorship obviously would qualify as "the tripwire," but is not likely to occur. What has occurred, what is occurring, is the implementation of every aspect of such dictatorship without an overt declaration. The Constitution is being killed by attrition. The Communist Manifesto is being installed by accretion. Any suggestion that martial law is the tripwire leads us to the question: what aspect of martial law justifies the first shot?

For much the same reason, we will leave out mass executions of the Waco variety. For one thing, they are composite abuses of numerous individual rights. Yet, among those abuses, the real tripwire may exist. For another, those events are shrouded in a fog of obfuscation and outright lies. Any rebellion must be based on extremely hard and known facts. Similarly, no rebellion will succeed if its fundamental reasons for occurring are not explicitly identified. Those reasons cannot be explicitly identified if, in place of their identification, we simply point to a composite such as Waco and say, "See, that's why; figure it out." Any suggestion that more Wacos, in and of themselves, would be the tripwire, simply leads us back again to the question: what aspect of them justifies rebellion?

For the same reasons, we leave out a detailed account of Ayn Rand's identification of the four essential characteristics of tyranny. She identified them quite correctly, but together they are just another composite from which we must choose precipitating causes. These characteristics are: one-party rule, executions without trial for political offenses, expropriation or nationalisation of private property, and "above all," censorship.

With regard to the first characteristic of tyranny, what is the real difference between the Fabian socialist Republican Party and the overtly [Bolshevik] socialist Democratic Party? Nothing but time. Regarding the second we have the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team and the ATF's enforcement branch. In action they simply avoid the embarrassment of a trial. Regarding the third, we have asset forfeiture "laws," the IRS, the EPA, the FCC, the FDA, the Federal Reserve, the Justice Department's Antitrust Division, and a myriad of other executive branch agencies, departments, and commissions whose sole function is to regulate business and the economy. Regulating business for the common good (fascism) is no different in principle than outright nationalisation (communism).

However, the fourth characteristic of tyranny, censorship, is the obvious primary tripwire. When ideology and the reporting of facts and how-to instructions are forbidden, there is nothing remaining but to fight. Freedom of speech and persuasion -- the freedom to attempt to rationally convince willing listeners -- is so fundamental an individual right that without it no other rights, not even the existence of rights, can be enforced, claimed, debated, or even queried.

Does this censorship include the regulation of the "public" airwaves by the FCC, as in the censorship which prohibits tobacco companies from advertising -- in their own defense -- on the same medium which is commanded by government decree to carry "public service" propaganda against them? Does it include federal compulsion of broadcasters to air politically-correct twaddle for "The Children"? Does it include the Orwellian "Communications Decency Act"? Does it include any irrationalist "sexual harassment" or tribalist "hate speech" laws which prohibit certain spoken words among co-workers? The answer: unequivocally yes.

Although the above do not pertain to ideological or political speech, yet they are censorship and are designed to intimidate people into the acceptance of de facto censorship. We say that any abrogation of free speech, and any form of censorship, which cannot be rectified by the soap box, the ballot box, or the jury box, must be rectified by the cartridge box -- or lost forever.

Americans have been stumbling over tripwires justifying overt resistance for well over 130 years. On one hand, we submit that gun confiscation is a secondary tripwire only. It is second to censorship because if speech is illegal we cannot even discuss the repeal of gun control, or any other population controls. If only guns are illegal, we may still convince people to repeal those laws. On the other hand, gun confiscation may be a sufficient tripwire because the primary one, censorship, can be fully implemented only after the citizenry has been disarmed.

Resistance, in the context of this article, means those legitimate acts by individuals which compel government to restrict its activities and authority to those powers delegated to the Congress by the people in the Constitution.

The distinction to be drawn here is that the objective of patriotic resistance is to restore original Constitutional government, not change the form of government. To this end we believe: The enforcement of any laws -- local, state, or federal -- that through the action or inaction of the courts makes nugatory the individual means of resisting tyranny, justifies resistance.

The operative terms of the above statement are the parameters that must be defined and understood if resistance to tyranny and despotism is to be honourable, and for the cause of individual liberty, rather than anarchy resulting from a new gang of tyrants. Rebellion can never be justified so long as objective means of redress are available, which are themselves not subverted or rendered impotent by further or parallel subjective legislation.

The goal of patriots throughout the country must be the restoration of objective constitutional law and order. The failure to enforce a subjective law (i.e. the Communications Decency Act) does not justify that law existing, but it also does not justify resistance. This is because non-enforcement leaves avenues of redress, including the forbidden activity itself, still available. Should a lower court uphold or ignore a case that challenges subjective law, peaceable means of redress are still open by higher or lateral courts in another jurisdiction.

However, should the U.S. Supreme Court uphold subjective laws, or refuse to hear the cases challenging them, then the legislative, executive, and judicial branches have all failed to guarantee individual liberty, from the widest principles to the smallest details. A single refusal by the highest court in the land to overturn a whim-based subjective law, or to refuse to hear the case, is sufficient to justify resistance to that law because there is simply nowhere left to turn for further attempts at redress. At such time nobody is morally bound by that law. Tyranny gets one chance per branch.
America is either a constitutional republic or it is not. If we can restore our republic it will ultimately occur through reason, and reason will then lead our representatives to make unconstitutional those laws which, by any objective standard of justice, should have never been considered in the first place. However, we cannot assert our claim to restore our liberty if we but accede to a single socialist construct. Freedom and serfdom cannot coexist. We cannot have it both ways.

Life, and the means to preserve it, cannot coexist with disarmament. Liberty, and its rational exercise, cannot coexist with subjective constraints. Property, and its acquisition, use, and disposal cannot coexist with expropriation. The federal government's first task is to obey the Constitution. It has refused. Our first task as free men is to force the government to obey it again. The Constitution of the United States of America is a constraint on the federal government, not on the individual.
Likewise, the constitutions of the various states are constraints on the state governments, not on the individual. The Constitution contains many provisions allowing the violation of our natural rights as free men by immoral and unethical men in government. The true heroes of the ratification debates were the Anti-federalists, who secured Federalist guarantees that the Bill of Rights would amend the Constitution.

To their undying credit, the Federalists lived up to their promise. Nevertheless, only after constitutional limitations on government have been restored in their original form can we consider amending the Constitution to redress its very few remaining defects (for example, the absence of a separation of state and the economy clause).

Laws that make nugatory the means of resisting tyranny and despotism determine the tripwire. The creeping legislative erosion of the 2nd Amendment is not the only tripwire that justifies resistance. We submit that any gun control is a secondary tripwire. Not only because it can be effortlessly evaded, but also because it strengthens our cause. It is second only to censorship. If speech is illegal we can discuss neither repeal of gun control, or the repeal of any other unconstitutional "law."

Censorship is not a tripwire, it is THE tripwire. Thus, by default, censorship morally justifies rebellion.

Under censorship, no other rights, including the right to be free from censorship, can be advocated, discussed, or queried. It is incorrect to say that after censorship comes utter subjugation. Censorship is utter subjugation. There is no greater usurpation of liberty while remaining alive. After censorship come the death camps, and they are not a prerequisite of censorship, they are merely a symptom of it. Censorship qua censorship is sufficient in itself to justify open rebellion against any government that legislates, enforces, or upholds it.

However, that is not the half of it. Censorship is alone in being the only violation of individual rights that does not require actual enforcement or challenges in court, before rebellion is justified. When the government forbids you to speak or write, or use your own or a supporter's property to address willing listeners or readers, that government has openly and forcibly declared that the art of peaceful persuasion is dead and will not be tolerated. Upon that very instant, all peaceful avenues of redress have been closed and the only possible method of regaining that liberty is force. Whenever we give up that force, we are not only ruined, we deserve to be ruined.

Censorship is already being "legally" imposed through accretion by compromisers, appeasers, and pragmatists within government at all levels. Note the demands by "progressive" organisations and self-appointed "civil rights" groups to ban so-called "hate" speech (they mean thought and debate), or "extreme" language (they mean principled dissent), or "paramilitary" books (they mean the knowledge of how to resist). When our government imposes censorship, it will be because our ability to use force to resist censorship no longer exists. Buying copies of The Resister is not yet prohibited; buying machine guns already is. Unwarranted search for unlicensed books has not yet occurred; unwarranted search for unlicensed weapons has already begun. As your unalienable right of peaceable discussion and dissent is being daily abridged, your right to peaceably assemble and associate in advocacy of your own self-defence, according to your own free will, has already been outlawed (courtesy of ADL's "model" anti-militia legislation).

Unconstitutional federal agencies now arm themselves with weapons that you may not own, and train in tactics that you are prohibited from mastering. Before a government is sure you won't resist, it will make sure you can't resist.

The most irrational, contradictory, short-range, whimsical notion possible to men who claim the unalienable right to resist tyrannical government is the notion that they must first let their ability to resist be stripped from them before they have the right to use it. This is the argument of so-called conservatives who pish-tosh the notion of legislative "slippery-slopes," and sycophantic adherents of a supreme Court that has no constitutionally delegated authority to interpret the Constitution in the first place. We reject the notion of mindless compliance with subjective "laws." Subjective laws must be resisted on metaphysical and epistemological principles, moral and ethical grounds, and on constitutional and historical precedence.

No rational man desires ends without means. No rational man can be faced with his own imminent subjugation and truly believe that, once things are as bad as they can get, "sometime" "someone" will do "something" "somehow" to counteract that trend. Any man who counsels another to appeal to those mystical equivalents of "divine intervention" for "deliverance" from tyranny is our enemy by all principles conceivable within the scope of rational human intelligence.

The time to organise resistance is not after censorship, but before it. The time to prepare resistance is when our ability to resist is being threatened. The time to begin resistance is when that threat has been upheld or ignored by the courts. The unalienable rights that safeguard our ability to resist are limited to those which, if not violated, allow us to plan and use all materials necessary for resistance. We submit that only the following meet that criteria: freedom of speech and of the press, and the right to peaceably assemble--so that we may advocate ideas, report and discuss news, and instruct others how to carry out resistance activities (1st Amendment); the right to keep and bear arms -- so that we may have appropriate force in our hands should we need it, and be trained to use such force as necessary (2nd Amendment); the right to be let alone -- so that we may be free of government intrusion in our lives, liberty, and property (3rd Amendment)); the right to be secure in our persons, dwellings, papers, and property from unwarranted, unaffirmed searches and seizures -- so that our records, ideological materials, and weapons will remain in our hands (4th Amendment).

For the purpose of this discussion, we believe that no other rights are relevant because if every individual right other than those four were violated -- although it would be an unspeakably evil act on the part of the government, justifying immediate and unforgiving resistance -- their abridgement would not effect our ability to resist. If any of the first four amendments are infringed by legislation, enforced by executive power, and their abrogation is upheld or ignored by the courts, unremitting, forcible resistance, and aid and comfort to its citizen-soldiers, is a moral imperative for every single person who believes that life, liberty, and property are unalienable and self-existing, and not grants of government privilege.

"The United States should get rid of its militias." -- Josef Stalin, 1933

"The foundation of a free government begins to be undermined when freedom of speech on political subjects is restrained; it is destroyed when freedom of speech is wholly denied." -- William Rawle, LL.D. Philadelphia, 1825

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." -- Thomas Jefferson (1764) -- Quoting 18th Century criminologist Cesare Beccaria in On Crimes and Punishment

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Treason As Usual

One of the problems we have in the American Republic is our apparent reluctance to prosecute and punish the act of treason.  The last individual who was sentenced to death for joining the Japanese army and abusing American soldiers taken prisoner in the Philippines had his sentence commuted to life in prison by President Eisenhower.  And of course Jane Fonda and John Kerry are still free and politically active.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Once Apon A Time In Pizzaland

The managers at Pizza Hut Delivery liked me because I was constantly working and looking for things to do.  Not standing around waiting for orders.  For an Atheist I had one hell of a Protestant work ethic.  The store manager paid me at a rate that was eighty five cents on hour above the Federal minimum wage.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

On Law Enforcement Stupidity

We lost President Lincoln to law enforcement stupidity.  We nearly lost President Trump to law enforcement stupidity.

On Tyranny

The one word that tyrants and those who seek to become tyrants don't want to hear is the word NO.  Even to suggest that a person has the right to say NO is the equivalent of speaking a death sentence to tyrants and wanna-be tyrants.

Monday, July 22, 2024

On Leftism

They have an idea it's to replace the society of social and economic consent that we live in with the social and economic primacy of the parasites over the productive.  Or as their primary philosophical source (and founding trustifarian) put it, "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs."  As there's no limit to the needs of the parasite masters they'll be no limit on the burdens imposed on the productive slaves.  Poison is poison no matter how much flavoring one adds to it.  They can't avoid knowing that their ideal society is toxic to us and thus have no effective choice but to attack the opposition on trivial issues in order to head off a public examination of their basic ideological premises.  Political ideology is basically a means of giving the appearance of positive virtue to actions that are morally intolerable to the victims.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

On The Assassination Attempt

The shooter decided that HE would determine who would be the next President of the United States.  The will of millions of American voters, regardless of party affiliation, meant nothing to him.  I believe this was wrong.  I believe ONLY the American voters could determine who the President of the United States could be.


A Question For The Left

Are you really stupid or are you taking advantage of the fact that we aren't executing traitors?

Saturday, July 20, 2024

On Leftism

Leftists as a general rule are material and/or spiritual parasites.  Because of this they need to feel that they're in control of the hosts that they feed from.  For Leftists control is life.  Without the apparent certainty that they're control of the productive population the Left's fear of their own perishing kicks in.

Friday, July 19, 2024

A Suggestion

The next time you hear someone whine about the way the United States government treats psychotic mass murderers terrorists show the the whiner what a real gulag run by actual Communists is really like.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Denying Reality is always wrong.  Reality is real.  Anyone who has a problem with that is welcome to drop dead. 

Facts don't care about your feelings.

To the parasite power over the productive is life.

I'm constantly surrounded by morons.

Perhaps the illegal aliens wouldn't be so enthusiastic about entering the United States if we just gulaged the lot of them. 

Progressives posture as being the most knowledgeable and intelligent people on Earth but in fact they're the most ignorant and stupid.  Progressives are in reality predators and they see normal people as mere animals to be controlled and consumed.  As a result Progressives ABSOLUTELY LOATHE those who stand against them as the protectors of their victims.

Those who believe absurdities can commit atrocities. 

When a small evil isn't crushed it becomes greater.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Police Stupdity In Action

We’ve seen fictional police officers that were stupid.  The roof that that the young man who attempted to murder President Trump was operating from was in the police area of control.

I have my own story of police stupidity.  I lived in a house on the corner of 24th Street and Humboldt Avenue.  (About a block from Lake Of The Isles.)  Lyndale Avenue ran straight North and South.  Hennepin Avenue ran diagonally Northeast and Southwest.  The crossing point was a lighted intersection.  I was crossing East on the Green light in my car (which was based on the Chevy Citation platform but was badged as a Buick.) when a Chevy Camero on Lyndale Avenue ran the red light then impacted on my car.  The point of impact was the Left wheel well.  The force of the impact spun my car to face West.  Despite physical evidence and eyewitness testimony (including my own.) the police report stated I was driving West. 


On Fox News

Someone on Fox News has asserted that Mainstream Media isn't telling the truth about our false president Joe Biden.

Gee, Gosh, Wow, what a surprise!

Our Mainstream Media routinely lies.  I referred to this phenomena as Pravdaism.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Catching Up

Other people are apparently catching up with me.  False president Joe Biden is clearly unfit to hold public office.

Monday, July 15, 2024

More On Political Assassination

Political Assassination is absolutely useless.  The actual issue is the culture the person represents.  When the target is taken out another person will step in their place.  The murder of President Trump won’t translate into the ascent of The Left but will only result in his replacement.  Oh, the real Americans will be angry too.