Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Post Of The Day

My lack of an imaginary overlord! That drooling idiot is still at it!

If there is one thing I've learned from real experience in the real world is that arguing with a drooling idiot is a complete waste of time. And I'm just too old for this excrement.

So I'm going to end this nonsense by reposting a short piece I wrote on the subject of imaginary overlords:

The Truth About Penguins In The Traveller Universe. (A Repost)


Of course Kratman had to get in a final shot.

By the way, just so you don't misunderstand, those answers and comments above aren't really generally directed at you, barring the one or two that were obviously directed at you. You don't have much value to me. I've insulted you and enjoyed insulting you, because you're a mindless moron. Beyond that...meh. No, they're directed to Drak and BT, who do have value, and to any others that may read them, who presumptively have some value. Any time one can point out to someone worthwhile what an evil, hypocritical, nasty and Nazi bitch Ayn Rand was, and how foolish her followers are - foolish where not evil (don't sweat it; you're just self righteous and stupid, but probably not competent or effective enough to arise to the level of evil) - that's worth doing.

So run along, little one; your drool buckets need changing.

Let's see...I treat reality as being real, therefore I'm a drooling idiot?

I oppose A, therefore I am A?

Just the sort of doublethink they teach in modern education.

Kratman should just go all the way and convert to Islam.

Baen Books was the intended publisher for my first pro novel. But as long as they are publishing the keyboard droppings of Kratman I may as well summit to another publisher.

Tor Books looks like a good candidate.

Or other suggestions.


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