Sunday, April 17, 2005

Quotes of the Day

A dumbass Democrat senator (yes, I know its a redundancy) had this to say about President Bush's plan to reform Social Security:

"U.S. Treasury securities have the ability to be paid under any circumstances based on the ability of the government to print money."

In other words, let them eat paper!

Here's what Dr. Ray had to say about this:

Inflating the currency is a dreadful idea that has landed much of Latin America in massive trouble. Like a latter-day Evita Peron, Corzine smiles upon the Argentine economic model: skyrocketing prices, a currency as disposable as Kleenex, and rising social chaos. Democrats have said many silly things in their crusade to scuttle President Bush's personal retirement accounts, but this must be the stupidest.

To vote for a change, even though reality requires it, is for the Donks an admission that they were in some respect wrong.

I wouldn't expect them to do it.

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