Monday, December 01, 2003

Oh! The Poor Babies, Ouuuuuh!

North Korean looters demand compensation for lost slaves and loot

The total amount of human and material damage the U.S. imperialists have inflicted upon the south Korean people for nearly 60 years since their occupation of south Korea runs into 43,139,020,630,000 U.S. dollars.

Never mind the fact that South Korea actually has a real government with conventional air and ground forces that are far stronger than those presently deployed by the United States on the Korean Peninsula and that millions of Koreans will die before they allow themselves to be ruled by the band of thieves and murderers presently occupying the northern part of the country.

Communists are not human beings. Communists are in fact ANTI-HUMAN BEINGS. They are toxic, a demonstrated hazard to human life, in other words, they are vermin. To be isolated when possible or exterminated when necessary.

The United States does not owe 43 trillion dollars to any band of looters. And any attempt to collect on that false claim should be answered with cold steel, hot lead, and fast neutrons.

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