Sunday, June 18, 2023


If you're not willing to use force to obtain justice you'll ultimately end up with an unjust world.

As an Objectivist I expect to be judged.

Those who believe they're superior beings aren't.

The theory of Communism was invented by a group of professional parasites in order to give the appearance of modernity and moral legitimacy to the stone age practice of beating up and killing productive people and taking their stuff.  Of course that's about the nicest description I could give to it. Normally I think of the practice of Communism as being the behavior of those who chose to act as subhuman predatory animals.  And as with any other predatory animal that attacks human beings I believe that they should be hunted down and killed.  Parasite mentalities as a general rule see themselves as superior beings and other people, the productive population, exist solely as either tools that they can use to pursue their goals or as trash to be disposed of.  Killing those who rightfully refuse to be the slaves of the self appointed superior beings isn't an act of murder, in their minds it's simply the disposal of hominid garbage.  In practical terms a Communist is a mortal enemy of Mankind and killing a Communist can be no more wrongful than putting down a rabid animal or destroying any other active hazard to human life.

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