Sunday, May 14, 2023


Knowledge is the foundation of Authority in every field of life and Politics is no exception.  Yet the deceived, the willfully ignorant, and the outright insane demand that we remain silent and submit to their nonsense without question, never mind the obviously lethal effects.  The truth means nothing to them, only their feelings and never mind the bodycount.  The fact is they know nothing and thus have no authority.  We're under no obligation to submit to them and if they can't live with that then they won't.

Let's look at the concept of climate change.  The terrestrial biosphere is a dynamic environment within a dynamic universe.  Changes of climate happened naturally and will continue to happen naturally.  There's simply no way around it.  The idea that human action is the single cause of climate change is absolute nonsense.  It's nothing more than an excuse for the enlargement of political power and adversarial political actions against the productive people of this nation.  It's nothing more than an excuse for tyranny.  All of us who attended the Benning School for Boys have learned there is no such thing as a valid excuse.

The self styled Progressives have only ever had one idea which their ancestors came up with during the Stone Age that's to live as predatory animals with the thought and labor of others by force.  All of their subsequent thoughts have only been excuses for this behavior. 

The fact is that those who label themselves Progressives are in reality predators and they see normal people as mere animals to be consumed.  As a result Progressives ABSOLUTELY LOATHE those who stand against them as the protectors of their victims.  The American People are the Sovereign Authority of the United States.  We The People grant the Federal Government the authority to act for our benefit to protect our rights without exception. 

The client list for Jeffery Epstein is also the list of the suspects of the murder of Epstein.  Those who are being blackmailed are also opponents of the blackmailer. 

It doesn't matter what the literacy rate is if all that can be read is nonsense.

Life is THE learning experience, live with it.

It's ALWAYS open season on those who resort to force.

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