Sunday, November 07, 2021


On this day in 1917 something very bad happened in the city of Petrograd (Saint Petersburg) of the former Russian Empire.  Even though the doctrine of Communism has been proven to be a load of toxic nonsense they're still true believers who're trying to impose it upon us.  Apparently 100 (+) million dead isn't enough.  Progressives have set the world standard for stupid since this day.  Since Lenin's coup d'etat (where he and his goons overthrew a democratically elected government) in 1917 the Soviets and other empowered followers of Marx have through starvation and deliberate homicide killed no less than 110 million people, including no small number of helpless children.  That's more than 3200 deaths a day on average.

I've said this for years and I will continue to say it: The advocacy of Communism is the advocacy of mass murder.  There's simply no excuse for anyone to continue to publicly call for the establishment of a political system that has on average killed over 3,200 people a day since Lenin's coup d'etat in November of 1917.  And the death toll continues to rise in Cuba, Mainland China, and North Korea. 

Peter Cresswell on the Bolsheviks and their coup d'etat:

The Bolsheviks were pissweak murdering liars. About the October Revolution, there is nothing—not one single thing—to celebrate.

And the hat tip for this quote goes to Dr. John Ray.



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