Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thought For The Day

When the Nomenklatura want to grab something, they will simply proclaim that desired object was unearned by the rightful owner, or was otherwise stolen and grab it. And they will kill the rightful owner if they have to.  Given sufficient time and motivation the Nomenklatura will, if they are consistently acting in accordance to their own theory, even attack the bums who are begging at the roadside for the loose change in their pockets. After all, they didn't earn that paltry sum of money either.

When one scratches a self proclaimed liberal one will find the fascist underneath.  The fact of the matter is that the ideologies of Socialism, Fascism, et al, were nothing more than an attempt to give the appearance of legitimacy to old school savagery, which is basically the old stone age practice of beating up or killing  people and taking their stuff.  Progressive is now a synonym for barbarian and murderer.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.

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