Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thought For The Day

The people who support The Big Zero and the would be successors Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are who Robert Heinlein wrote Starship Troopers.

These idiots* simply do not understand the nature of human life and function of government in protecting it.  Not only that but they have been indoctrinated to believe that tyranny is right and freedom is wrong.  Under no circumstance should any of them be allowed to exercise authority as a voting citizen.

Heinlein's proposed solution to the idiot problem is relatively easy to look up for yourself. Or you can purchase a copy of Starship Troopers from Ace Books.

My solution to the idiot problem is simply proper education in the obligations of citizenship.

The course would be similar to a driver education course as presently taught. The first part of the class covers The Constitution, the proper functions of each branch of government, the function of each clause and amendment, the duties of the citizen as the sovereign authority of the nation, and what happened when the Federal Government was allowed to enter the failure mode.  The second part of the course covers the function and use of the instrument of political authority, the personal weapon. This covers rifle marksmanship and maintenance. Also covered is the basic organization and tactics of the citizen militia unit.  While the citizenship course will not be mandatory, completion and a passing grade in it will be required to exercise the authority to vote.

* A word which is derived from the ancient Hellenic word for someone who does not participate in public life as a citizen of the political body.

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