Monday, October 20, 2008

Quote of the Day

"The people need to hear the sound of gunfire in order to restore discipline."

-- Kim Il Sung

Sure Kim, whatever you say.

There's also supposed to be a big announcement today. Dear Leader Kim will probably declare that he has invented the cheeseburger. I wouldn't put it past him.


Mark said...

The announcement will be set to music and feature a chorus of lovely young women dancing and singing the praises of the Dear Leader.

Anonymous said...

Mebbe he'll finally admit he wears platform shoes and that ridiculous hairstyle in order to not appear as midget?


Leslie Bates said...

I'm still going with the cheeseburger.

AuricTech said...

"The leaders need to hear the sound of gunfire in order to prevent tyranny."

There, I fixed it for Kim.