Sunday, February 06, 2005

Quote of the Day

Wretchard at The Belmont Club writes:

There is an implicit contract between the student and university that a reasonable education will be provided in exchange for the time, effort and money spent studying. It is hard to see how the University's end of the bargain will be kept if it allows it students to be instructed in ethnic studies by a fake Indian teaching fascism. One might be forgiven for wondering whether the students aren't being shortchanged.

We should wonder what kind of ride we are being taken on as a civilization when Marxism, the font of all the megahomicidal ideologies of the 20th Century, is still being treated and taught as a serious and valid political, economic, and moral doctrine.

The proper purpose of the process of education is to teach children to become functional, rational, and productive adults. There is absolutely no place in any educational establishment for indoctrination in Marxism, that is for teaching children to become mass-murdering enemies of mankind. And no taxpayer of any nation should be compelled to pay for indoctrination in such lethal nonsense.

So is anyone interested in doing a candlelight vigil for the victims of Marxism on this coming May 1st?

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