Thursday, September 04, 2003

Dreams and Visions

I was dreaming that I was stuck in high school again, and that it was also [SHUDDER!!!] homecoming day. I used to hate the pep rallies. MY (lack of) GOD, those damned things were a [BLEEPING] waste of time. I actually preferred to be in class, any class, on any subject than to attend one of those things. Not even the presence on the stage of both of the young ladies who were the basis of the characters of the psychic sisters in Friends In High Places (they were cheerleaders and should know who they are by now) could ameliorate the ordeal.

And then my Mom (with whom I'm speaking again) calls me at 8 AM sharp (waking me up) and asks me if I want to go back to school.

According to Objectivist doctrine there should be no such thing as psychic phenomena.

But I keep seeing things in my sleep, and I once wrote to Art Bell about it:

In late August of (2001) I had a vision of people choking on toxic fumes in an unfamiliar office building followed by the collapse of the building. I originally dismissed it as just another weird dream, but then we all remember what happened on September 11.

(In January of 2002) I had a vision of workers tunneling underground to add space to one of Saddam Hussein's existing secret underground project sites, Saddam himself appeared in the dream to inspect the work . . . If I had to offer a predictive interpretation of these visions I would say that Iraq is going to hit us or it will be struck by us . . .

And I watched in fascination on Fox News and MSNBC as the Marines explored the tunnel system under Baghdad.

And then there was this:

What I find particularly disturbing is the dream I had (January 17, 2002). I had a vision of a white female cat wandering around in an unfamiliar bedroom "marking" (to use that charming euphemism) copies of LIBERTY magazine and clothing items I recognized to be mine. I am allergic to cats, none of the other residents of the house I live in has a white cat. If this is a predictive dream them someone owns a white cat, or worse, is symbolically represented by the white cat is about to walk into my life. As if my life wasn't already a mess.

I may have been wrong about the gender of the cat.

My life is still a mess, but any young lady (Ages 18 to 45) who has a white cat can reach me at my Yahoo mailing address:

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