Thursday, January 09, 2025


I'm surrounded by morons.  One of those morons parked his walker to block my mailbox.

There's never a shortage of idiots.  

Ayn Rand was once asked if it was better to submit to Communism or to die.  She answered that it was to better to see the Reds dead.  I had to completely agree.

The problem with painting the streets with the blood of our enemies is that we have to clean up the mess later.  

Anyone who believes that they're invariably right is invariably wrong.

Do Russian nukes even work?

Most self declared opponents of Fascism wouldn't know a real Fascist if they saw one staring at them from the bathroom mirror. 

It's going to be a real mess for President Trump to clean up after Biden.  It was once said that the Emperor Nero fiddled as Rome burned.  What will be said about Joe Biden?  

It's always some Elitist that betrays the people and lets the barbarians in the city gates.  Elitists see their victims as things to be used and then are mystified as to why their victims want them dead. 
A problem with The Anointed is that they're the last to suffer the negative consequences of their own insanity. 

As far as the self styled Progressives are concerned anybody is good.  The content of the mind is irrelevant.  As long as one doesn't actually think. 
I've had a bad year so far.  Sometimes I just want to scream.

As far as I'm concerned the Gaza Strip should be flattened. 

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