Sunday, August 04, 2024

On Doublethink

In the Marxist lexicon civilization consists of states that treat human beings as hominid livestock and which run up body counts in the millions.  At last count the death toll due to the various attempts to practice what Marx preached runs from 100 million to 170 million and is still rising to places such as Cuba, China, and North Korea.  In the Marxist lexicon arrogance consists of the moral certainty that each person has the inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property, and such rights must be defended by deadly force either by the individual or collectively through the institution of government.  In the Marxist lexicon unwarranted bloodshed consists of the act of shooting back at and ultimately hunting down and killing those willfully inhuman creatures who, in accordance with the ravings of false prophets such as Mohammed and Marx, seek to forcibly enslave and murder human beings.  In the Marxist lexicon idiocy consists of looking at the world through one's own eyes, thinking for oneself and refusing to believe the immense load of ideological excrement left by Marx, Engels, and their intellectual heirs. (Yes, I know, calling them intellectuals is a contradiction.)  In effect in the Marxist lexicon reality is unreal.  Marxists in general have apparently mastered the practice of doublethink, the treatment of concepts as opposite of their true meaning.  The doublethinker treats the society of contract and consent, for which Marx invented the pejorative term CAPITALISM, as a slave system while SOCIALISM, which in practice requires compulsion, slave labor, and the outright murder of those who resist, is called true liberation.  The doublethinker treats the acts of robbery and murder as just while the act of self defense is punished as the foulest of crimes.  Ultimately the doublethinker treats the United States of America, the greatest and most morally advanced nation on Earth, as vilest of evils, fit only for destruction.  As an individual the doublethinker is merely insane.  As a political activist the doublethinker is a mortal hazard to individual persons and to Mankind in General.

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