Saturday, August 31, 2024

Another Message For Lefties

Then you never wanted a president in the first place.  You wanted a dictator.  You wanted someone who would impose your will upon the rest of us.  The path to a free and human life takes all of us over the dead bodies of those of you who have always sought power over us.  Including you.  (By the way, you’ll find the real Fascist in your bathroom mirror.) 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Quote

"Some things, the more you understand the more you loathe them."

-- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


If history has taught us anything it's that those who imagine themselves to be infallible will fail.  And those who imagine themselves incapable of Evil will do Evil.

Monday, August 26, 2024

My Theory

Well The Left can't deal with reality because in reality they're the bad guys.  They're constantly trying to live off the work of others thus they have to control their "livestock" by force.  Since reason tells us that such behavior is morally intolerable they"re left with emotional whining as their means of justifying their actions and allowing themselves to feel good about it.  Any refusal to accept the emotional bullshit and obey the self-appointed masters is automatically translated on the emotional level as something to the effect of "die motherfucker!"

That's my theory, anyway. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

On Politics

We've should've learned during  the Century Of Death (a.k.a. the Twentieth Century) that a One Party state always leads to destruction.  The Democratic Party and their supporters appear to be moving towards a One Party state

Friday, August 23, 2024


I'm constantly surrounded by idiots.

Reality is always real.  Actions always have consequences.  The denial of Reality will always have negative consequences.

The exercise of force can't be tolerated in any civilization.

Actions always have consequences.  The consequence of being drunk is always a hangover.  I avoided getting drunk.  When I was stationed at Fort Benning and driving I always ordered a Diet Coke when I patronized a strip club.

To speak newspeak is to deliberately speak a falsehood.  If we are to survive and prosper as individuals and as a society we must remove the newspeakers from our educational establishments and if necessary isolate them from society altogether.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Question

A Leftist twit posted this question online:


A law is a standing order to the apparatus of the state to carry out acts of force to specific persons under specific circumstances.   In a civilized society the legal code directs the government to protect the rights (such as Life, Liberty, and Property) of the citizens and legal residents of a nation.  Under barbarism the apparatus of the state is directed to attack and plunder the subject population.  And Islam is barbarism on steroids.  Islam and the mass of contradictions that is claimed to be a system of law was the product of a thoroughly depraved individual.  Sharia is the codification of the nihilistic lust for power and plunder of the false prophet Mohammed whose moral values are essentially that of a predatory animal pretending to be a human being.  I could describe the false prophet Mohammed as a walking piece of excrement but that would be an insult to excrement.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

On The Income Tax

The first job I held where I received a paycheck and filed an income tax return was a part time janitorial job for ten hours a week at two Fanny Farmer candy shops in downtown Minneapolis.  The first job I held after my honorable discharge from the United States Army was a janitorial job cleaning up a multiplex theater in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.  I wasn't in any way demeaned by those jobs.  Ever.  What's demeaning is being taxed to pay for nonproductive trash to lord over us.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


If someone erased the city of Chicago from the face of the Earth right now they would be doing this nation a favor.

On Marxism

The illusion of social justice that a Marxist promotes denies the fact that the American Federal Government protects a society of free people against domestic criminals and foreign conquerors.  The Marxist vision is of an entire nation converted at gunpoint to a vast slave labor system.  To quote the first trustifarian:


“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” 

This is the exact description of the system of slavery.  The needs of those who impose and enforce the system have no absolute limits.  The needs of the Masters will always be greater than the needs of the Slaves.  The fact is that those who call themselves Marxists are some of the most violent Enemies of Mankind of all time.


Monday, August 19, 2024

On Deals

If presented with a "take the money and run" deal during the Second American Revolution a power addict would very likely refuse to accept.  I wouldn’t be surprised if a falsely elected American President following the example of such statist trash as Adolf Hitler and Salvador Allende ultimately ends up taking the final exit while cowering in a final redoubt.  As much as each of us may prefer otherwise the coming struggle is certain to be a long and bloody.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

On Tank Design

The State of Israel has an inherent manpower shortage.  This effects tank design.  The rear hatch on the Mercava tank  allows the crew to escape while the tank is under fire.  While the front engine doesn't constitute proper armor it does place more mass between the crew and the front arc of the tank.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

On The Political Scale

The Right-Left political scale was derived from the seating arrangement of the Estates General prior to the French Revolution.  It my opinion the Right-Left political scale should be replaced by a vertical political scale.

Friday, August 16, 2024

On Gun Control

The citizens of a free nation armed and ready to defend their lives and liberties have a commanding voice, which a politician may  ignore only at his peril.  Augustus Caesar understood this when he depoliticized the citizen body of the Roman Republic by replacing the citizen militia based army of the republic with a mercenary force loyal to himself.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

On Environmentalism

The fact is that we live in a dynamic universe.  A universe whose internal material components are subject to change by entirely natural means.  Life, including human life, is the result of a series of an entirely natural processes.  The process of life is also a localized acceleration of the process of entropy, the conversion of matter to energy.  Simply by living each of us is accelerating the ultimate decline of the known universe.  Oh, please don’t tell the environmentalists.


Human actions are ALWAYS caused by the beliefs of those who act.

The last thing any looter wants is the truth to be told.

That a non-volitional characteristic (such as race) should be politically irrelevant is such a radical idea that only a Republican (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) could have come up with it.

One of the things I've noticed about Conservatives is that we honor people for what they've written or said regardless of their political ideology.  We honor or quote both George Orwell and Christoper Hitchens even though both men identified themselves as Leftists.  

The one thing that the willfully depraved are loathe to do is to acknowledge the fact that there are people who are in fact better in some respect than they are.  To make such an acknowledgement is to issue an indictment of themselves and their own actions.  The willfully depraved will murder individuals or even exterminate entire nations before they will recognize the truth about themselves.  Anyone who feels that they're automatically right is automatically wrong.

Communists are not human beings.  Communists are in fact ANTI-HUMAN BEINGS.  They're toxic, a demonstrated hazard to human life, in other words, they're vermin.  To be isolated when possible or exterminated when necessary. 

I may have been only a simple cab driver but it looks like Leftism is basically an excuse to feel smugly superior to everyone else without regard to actual knowledge, actual ability, and the actual consequences of their actions.  Knowledge is the foundation of Authority in every field of life and Politics is no exception.  Yet the deceived, the willfully ignorant, and the outright insane demand that we remain silent and submit to their nonsense without question.  Never mind the obviously lethal effects.  The truth means nothing to them.  Only their feelings and never mind the bodycount.   

Civilized society simply can't tolerate predatory and destructive behavior by groups and individuals within it.  The ranting and raving of ideologists notwithstanding there can't be a possible excuse for robbery, murder, or any other form of predatory behavior.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

On Islamic Terrorism

We need to remember that there are still millions of folks out there who still believe that they've the Allah (not God) given right to murder those who've chosen to live a rational life.  Some of them still have money and organizational skills to apply to the problem of murdering infidels like you and me.  Islamic terrorism will continue.  Count on it.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

On The Coming Election

Calling President Trump and his backers of a bunch of Nazis is simply wrong. 

A vote to do something Evil is still Evil.

Democrats need to be held accountable for their actions.

Monday, August 12, 2024

More On Assassination

Adolf Hitler with his cronies didn't just had to be taken down.  The entire Third Reich with the NSDAP (That's the Nazi Party for historically challenged.) had to be taken down.  Political Assassination is absolutely useless.  The entire organization or movement behind the assassinated individual has to be taken down.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

On The Democratic Party

Just for fun try to compare the platform (if you can find a copy) of the Democratic Party with the twenty five point program of the National Socialist German Workers Party.  The program of the Democratic Party is essentially Totalitarian Socialism without the Ubermensch fantasy and the leather fetish.  But then the Democratic Party is really nothing more than a gang of despots, traitors, thieves, and murderers.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Did I Say That Hubbard Sucks?

Reality is always there.  Hubbard denied Reality.  There’s ALWAYS a price for denying Reality.  Hubbard died in hiding.  We the living are now paying the price for Hubbard’s denial of Reality.

Hubbard’s denial of Reality is the error that his other error’s are derived from.


Thursday, August 08, 2024


Tim Walz (That paragon of  Democracy) has been accused of practicing Stolen Valor.  Gosh, what a surprise!


What The Left doesn't understand is eliminating a specific person won't eliminate the movement the person represents.  The murder or legal elimination of President Trump won't eliminate The Patriot Movement.