Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Brownshirts In Action

The Racine, Wisconsin Tea Party held a get-out-the-vote rally Saturday (October 27, 2012) to energize conservatives for the final stretch of the upcoming election. Organizers for the rally arrived at the event venue to find hundreds of roofing nails spread across the parking lot where attendees were to park their cars.

It remains a mystery who left the nails in the parking lot, but it is just one more assault in a chain of attacks, likely incited by the left against Wisconsin conservatives who are openly expressing their views and gathering exercise their right to speak and assemble freely.

Such actions may be a surprise to certain members of the Democratic Party but they shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who's read The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff.  We must remember that the goal of Marxism is to clear the planet of the effects of Capitalism.  That's the behavior of decent and rational persons.  In other words, civilization.

Think of it as Marxism as usual.

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