Friday, August 11, 2023

On Pacifism

The narcissistic trash that makes up the membership of the so called peace movement simply don’t care whether you and your children live, or die, or suffer under the yoke of an unwashed barbarian.  They plaster their cars with bumper sticker, carry signs, bang on drums, throw Frisbees, and perform other useless rituals so that they can feel good about themselves and show the world how morally superior they are.  Never mind that they openly deny the fundamental fact which is the foundation of all valid moral law, that Human Life, life as a rational being in control of one's own life, is the standard of all moral values, and that those who’d damage or destroy Human Life must be removed from human society and if necessary be destroyed.  The adherents of pacifism have so inverted their own mental processes that they look upon the perpetrators of mass slavery and mass murder as good and those who take up arms to defend the society of consent as the most depraved evil.

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