Thursday, December 29, 2022


Over the last century the supporters of Socialism* around the world have run up a body count of over one hundred million dead.  At the very core the doctrine of Socialism denies the very essence on Humanity and reduces everyone to a mere animal, a thing to be used by the Socialist state or to be disposed of.  If anything it's amazing that the bodycount isn't higher.

A proper government  upholds the Rights of Man including the Right of Life.  Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and the false president Joe Biden are Enemies of Mankind that a proper government would've put to death.  The only reason Donald Trump has any support is the bulk of the Republican Party are spineless dilettantes who would rather sit in their country clubs and watch our nation die at the hands of our enemies than to go out and do their jobs.  Needless to say they have to be dealt with as well. 

* Communism is Socialism on steroids.


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