Sunday, January 17, 2021

On Democracy

What I have to say about Democracy isn't nice.  The United States was actually founded as a Constitutional Republic, which is an actual form of government with clear restrictions on the exercised powers and political participants.  Well let’s step back and take a look at the concept of Democracy.  Democratic Government is a contradiction in terms.  On the most basic level Democracy is a political system without a clear limit on the exercised powers of the state or who may participate in it.  As to political participation in a Democracy, any warm body without regard to actual knowledge or even sanity may do so.  In some places like the city of Chicago even the requirement to actually exist is completely waved.  And it was really bad to be Socrates in the democratic state of Athens.  Socrates was condemned by democratic vote for not believing in the municipal deities and disparaging democracy, I would’ve been condemned for the very same things.  You're in your seventies and your family is being lethally threatened by the municipal authorities would you drink the hemlock too?  The basic problem with Democracy is that there’s no inherent limitation of the state.  As I’ve said this leads to problems such as the murder of Socrates by a majority vote.  Adolf Hitler was democratically elected so Democracy isn’t automatically a good thing.  If Adolf Hitler could get elected then perhaps the democratic process isn't a good thing.

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