Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

If I had something so say to The Left it's that you're behaving like the people you claim to oppose.  Once force is openly used against those who speak out against The Left then the gloves will come off and force WILL be openly used against The Left.  Once The Left openly repudiates the rules for living in a civil society then their victims will no longer see themselves as subject to those same rules.  Or to put it another way to The Left, break the rules of civil society and you'll leave their opponents no choice but to break The Left.  It's called a civil war, and cars with bumper stickers, teeshirts, and other examples of open posturing will make target identification very easy.  What part of "Liberty or Death" does The Left persist in not understanding?  It's generally considered to be bad form to advocate violence against someone simply because of their political views.  But if some Leftist thug finds him or her self staring at the muzzle of an assault rifle it's because the stupid Leftist put him or her self there.  And the truth isn't a Leftist strong point.  If The Left want to behave like the NSDAP then they'll be treated like them, from the neck until dead. 

Marxism is fundamentally the denial of several facts of reality.  That Human Life is the fundamental moral value.  That things of value are those objects and actions that support and improve human life.   That actual values are identified by the full operation of the rational mind.  Marxism denies more. 
That things of value can be imagined by rational thought and made by real labor.  That the creation of values by labor must be directed by rational thought.   And that the distribution of values must be directed by reason on the basis of consent.  And because the actions of no two persons in the process of production can have equal value the concept of equality on income is clearly invalid.  Marxism isn't a new doctrine.  It's simply a cover for the old barbaric notion of might being right.  That by raising a sufficient number of fists they can negate the real value of real thought and labor.  It's nothing more than an excuse to exercise force.  But reality can't be erased by a show of hands.  Nor can a fact be overturned at the point of a gun.  Every attempt to put Marxist doctrine into action has failed. Without exception.  Every attempt to enforce the doctrine of Marx has resulted in millions of deaths.  From the use of force to compel obedience and starvation from the failure of any Marxist system to produce food.  There's simply no excuse for anyone to believe in or to attempt to enforce the doctrine of Marxism on this or any other nation.  So why is it happening now?  In part because most Americans don't understand whats happening.  The enemy has taken over educational and media establishments.  They put out falsehoods that're believed by some of our people without question.
The limousine liberals, a bunch of folks who haven't quite grasped the fact that Karl Marx was full of it, are calling for a riot when their efforts to regain power over us fail.  That's right, they will take by force that which they couldn't now obtain by consent.  After all, even without the armed forces and the constabulary in the mix, we on The Right still outgun, and out martial knowledge The Left in all of its manifestations.
Once a difference in opinion is criminalized a civil war is inevitable.

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