Thursday, October 15, 2020

Thought Experiment

Let's do a thought experiment.

Let's eliminate Donald Trump.

The millions of people who voted for him as President are still there.  They're armed and they regard the order to disarm as very wrong.

If there's an assassination of the President, they're also be very angry.

Donald Trump is the one man standing between this nation and a civil war.  The next civil war won't be anything like the polite affair the first civil war was.  It'll be a bloody knockdown and drag out fight to the death and it'll make the Spanish Civil War of the last century look like a schoolyard brawl in comparison.  The enemy values power and under no circumstance will they willfully surrender it.  And in the areas under their control they'll go fully collectivist, anyone seen as a traitor or insufficiently enthusiastic will be put to death.   And those they can't use will also be put down.  Little girls confined to wheelchairs won’t have their stuffed toys taken from them out of malice, they'll be put down to preserve the resources of the collective, and the enemy will feel good about it too.  When we go into a civil war we'll have to kill every last one of them without exception. 

Imagine for a moment that President Trump has been assassinated.  Does The Left seriously believe that there'd be NO political changes as a result?  There will be political change, and it will be carried out over the dead bodies of everyone who wanted President Trump dead. 

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