Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Something I Wrote For The Resister

DIANA: Mangled Soul, Mangled Body

     Everyone Dies, not everyone learns how to live.
     The late Princess Diana didn't really seek her own destruction, she wanted very much to live and be a good person.  She sought happiness in her life, but didn't know what a human life really was.  She desperately required moral knowledge, what life was and how to live it.  What she was taught as a child was close to pure poison.
     Her parents sent Diana to a boarding school, the Church of England's equivalent of a Dewey camp.  Here she was pounded with the doctrines that selflessness was the moral ideal, that sacrifice and obedience were virtues, that independent judgement was evil, and that her mind was impotent to deal with material existence.  Her mind thus mangled, she was sent out to live a mangled life.
     Diana sacrificed fifteen years of her life to a sniveling piece of hominid debris and sacrificed her children to a barbaric tradition.  She sought guidance from psychics and astrologers and sacrificed her dignity campaigning for various "child hugger" groups.  Finally, she sacrificed her physical existence to the whims of a third world savage.
     All Diana had to do to avoid the aforementioned horrors was simply to say: "No, this is wrong, I won't do it."  To do so requires a valid knowledge of moral standards, and for her to know that she was right to exercise moral judgement.  It is not enough to know that there is an alternative to a particular course of action, one must know that the alternative is morally correct.

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