Sunday, October 13, 2019

Freedom And Treason

The freedom of speech and of the press that's identified and guaranteed in the First Amendment to our Constitution is the freedom to speak and publish the truth.  But instead of publishing the truth, the established major media are proclaiming that that all patriots and citizens are a mob of brutal thugs.

Who needs a National Socialist Reichsministry of Propaganda and Culture to control what we see and hear when we have CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and the New York Times?  Even Fox News, in an effort to appear "fair and balanced", gives airtime to the enemies of our republic.  But just as there's no balance between food and poison there's also no balance between truth and falsehood.

So am I now calling for government control of the press?

No.  Do I look like a (expletive) piece of Socialist filth?

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