Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Wakeup Call

The doctrine of Islam denies that Human Life is the basic value of a real moral code.  Why then should a true Muslim NOT murder anyone at whim? The true Muslim has no real moral values.  The true Muslim is promised entry into the eternal whorehouse of Allah and supply of eternal victims to placate his most base carnal desires. 

From an Agnostic view: Rational men have identified God as the first and foremost of rational beings.  From this position rational men seek to join God in his community and to this tries to identify the means of doing so.  This the basis of the Western Monotheist Tradition. (WMT)

Furthermore in the WMT each man is responsible for and in control of his own life.  He must by his own thoughts and actions follow the correct path to enter the Community of God. Attempts by some rulers to enforce a vision of "righteousness" upon his subjects runs counter to reality and are doomed to failure.

In many Polytheist traditions Man is deemed to be the property of one or more deities.  Man exists solely to serve the deities and may be used or even killed in accordance to the doctrine of the religion.  Man is not held to comply with real laws enacted to protect the life and property of other persons.  Man must instead obey the commandments of the deities who claim ownership over him. 

Into this cognitive environment the false prophet Mohammed inserted the doctrine of Islam.  Islam was a theological fraud created to recruit a mob of criminals to enforce his will upon the vast sea of victims. 

Mohammed recycled a pagan deity as his substitute for the god as identified in the WMT.  To recruit the criminals required to commit his greater crimes Mohammed promised his followers the eternal gratification of the basest sensual desires.  Here the real criminal acts are elevated to the moral position of right.

As a result where the doctrine of Islam rules there is savagery and enforced poverty in the place of the social peace and prosperity of the civilized nations.

Because the doctrine of Islam fully denies the Rights of Man and the laws enacted to protect those rights those who practice this false faith have no place in any civilization.  And in fact have no place in existence.

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