Friday, November 30, 2018

Thought For The Day

Socialism never works.  Killing a Socialist isn't an act of murder, it's an act of self defense.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thought For The Day

Reality isn't the opening scene of Zardoz.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Thought For The Day

I could go on about what I really think of peace activists but I'll keep it short by paraphrasing Keith Richards: I don't have a problem with shooting peace activists, I only have a problem with the police.

The fact of the matter is that the self-described "Peace Activist" does not act out of conscience but out of a fraudulent desire to pose as a morally superior being without any regard for the millions of innocents that they condemn to death and servitude. A "Peace Activist" is a willing accessory to the acts of mass slavery and mass murders committed by the various adherents of toxic ideologies such as Socialism and Islam. And killing a "Peace Activist" is not an act of murder, it is in effect the putting down of a diseased animal which is a demonstrated hazard to innocent Human Life.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A Fact Of Reality

Who needs a National Socialist Reichsministry of Propaganda and Culture to control what we see and hear when we have CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times?

Even Fox News, in an effort to appear "fair and balanced", gives airtime to the enemies of our republic. But just as their is no balance between food and poison there is also no balance between truth and falsehood.

So am I now calling for government control of the press?

No. Do I look like a fucking piece of socialist filth?

In the context of the present struggle between Western Civilization and Islamic Barbarism, the former is called telling the truth, the latter is called something else. What that something else is labeled and defined as follows:

Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
And that doesn't mean that they're fluffing up a Muslim's pillows now, does it?

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Some Proposals

Today I shall propose an Amendment: 

Congress, nor the States, shall make no law respecting the establishment of an institute of education, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Now why would I propose this? At the time of the founding of the republic the process of education was carried out by the churches in general.  Thus Freedom of Education was an inherent right of the People of the United States.  But late in the 19th Century the move to government run "Public" schools took off. This was in part because of the influence of collectivists of the Progressive Movement.  In the last generation the process of falsifying history and the general dumbing down of the students has become too obvious to ignore.  When I finally escaped from high school I promised myself that I would never send any child of mine to a public school.  In this amendment we restore to the parents the authority and responsibility of educating their children.

Another proposal:

Can we eliminate Islam from the face of the Earth?

To say that Islam is savagery is the truth and it apparently illegal under our so-called laws.  The grandparents of our so-called rulers welcomed Hitler and his goons with open arms and our so-called rulers are now welcoming Muslims with open arms.  Never mind that the false prophet Mohammed was, without question, a criminal.  As it is the guide to how the Federal and state governments must act with regard to the issue of religion, I will quote the First Amendment of the Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
When the First Amendment was adopted  the so-called religion of Islam was not practiced on the American continent.  Our nation's first and regrettable interaction with Islam was in the field of foreign relations.  It was during the administration of President John Adams that the European practice of making extortion payments to the states sponsored Barbary Pirates was adopted.  When in the process of delivering the extortion payment to the Dey of Algiers, Captain William Bainbridge of the frigate  USS George Washington was compelled at cannon point to deliver tribute, including slaves, to the Sultan of the Ottoman empire while under the flag of Algiers.  It was in response to this barbaric act that President Thomas Jefferson sent the United States Navy to the Mediterranean Sea to directly engage and suppress the state sponsored pirates.  While President Jefferson was fully a man of peace he clearly understood that the value of peace could not be separated from the value of freedom.  As long as Islam was solely an aspect of foreign affairs it would not become a constitutional issue.  But because emigration of Muslims to the United States and proselytism was permitted Islam has now become a political issue.  The fundamental problem is the criminal nature of Islam.  The open contempt for the rights of individuals and nations is written directly into the doctrine.  As a historically confirmed fact the doctrine of Islam was invented solely as a means to justify the predatory actions of the obviously false prophet Mohammed and his willing followers.  As a doctrine Islam allowed the followers of Mohammed to continue the profitable wave of crime and terror after his death.  And where the doctrine of Islam  does make a spiritual promise it only has a meaning with the criminal followers of Mohammed.  In this it is promised the followers of Islam will receive eternal access to a supply of eternal rape victims in Allah's eternal whorehouse.

In an actual religion the follower must comply with the rules set down by God, including the command to respect the rights of other people.  In effect to live a fully Human life.  The doctrine of Islam commands the followers to rob and murder those who properly reject Islam.   To behave as predatory animals.  Within a civilized nation this is absolutely beyond the boundary of toleration. To deal with the problem of Islam I had previously proposed an amendment to the Constitution:  

All religions which deny the validity of the Constitution shall not claim protection under it.  The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

The obvious question that has been raised in the past is why do I not call for a ban on Islam by name?  A name is only a mental label for the concept.  Even though it appears to be internally forbidden to change the doctrine of Islam, the doctrine also commands the believer to deceive the victims where necessary.   Thus deception, such as a name change, by a Muslim will occur.  It is by identifying a specific toxic attribute of Islam or Scientology that we can properly exclude it from protection under the First Amendment.  A fundamental attribute of the doctrine of Islam or Scientology is the denial of real laws.  The real acts of legislation by real governments that protect the real rights of the people.  In declaring "man made" laws to be invalid Mohammed opened the door to the commission of a multitude of crimes -- including rape, robbery, and murder -- that would be carried out by himself and for his own personal benefit.  This action is absolutely intolerable in a civil society.  In reality The People are the sovereign authority and the sole source of legislation.  In reality Islam has to go.  And in order for us to live a properly Human life we must allow our government to take a proactive role in defending our rights.  And the urban collaborators need to be dealt with as well.

And yet another proposal:

 I would replace The Second Amendment with the following:

The People of the United States, being the sovereign authority of the nation, shall not be disarmed.  To petition for, to enact, or to enforce legislation to disarm the People shall be a capital offense.  The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

And there's The Rand amendment:

 Ayn Rand on the final page of  the novel Atlas Shrugged proposed an amendment to The Constitution:

Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of production and trade.

At one stroke the entire body of progressive legislation imposed upon us is removed from existence.  We are freed from the burden of bureaucracy.  Socialism in effect if not name is abolished.   Our minds are freed from the chains imposed by the mindless and The Path of Life is cleared.  I could go on all day about the practical benefits of The Rand Amendment, but I have other things to do, and so does every other rational person.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

What Is Marxism?

Marxism is fundamentally the denial of several facts of reality.  That Human Life is the fundamental moral value.  That things of value are those objects and actions that support and improve human life.   That actual values are identified by the full operation of the rational mind.

Marxism denies more.

That things of value can be imagined by rational thought and made by real labor.  That the creation of values by labor must be directed by rational thought.   And that the distribution of values must be directed by reason on the basis of consent. And because the actions of no two persons in the process of production can have equal value the concept of equality on income is clearly invalid.  Marxism is not a new doctrine.  It is simply a cover for the old barbaric notion of might being right.  That by raising a sufficient number of fists they can negate the real value of real thought and labor.  It is nothing more than an excuse to exercise force.  But reality cannot be erased by a show of hands.  Nor can a fact be overturned at the point of a gun.  Every attempt to put Marxist doctrine into action has failed. Without exception.  Every attempt to enforce the doctrine of Marx has resulted in millions of deaths.  From the use of force to compel obedience and starvation from the failure of any Marxist system to produce food.  There is simply no excuse for anyone to believe in or to attempt to enforce the doctrine of Marxism on this or any other nation.

So why is it happening now?

In part because most Americans do not understand what is happening.  The enemy has taken over educational and media establishments.  They put out falsehoods that are believed by some of our people without question.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Thought For The Day

The Bad Guys really believe they're the Good Guys.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thought For The Day

Marx lied, millions died.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thought For The Day

We should consider ourselves fortunate that Uwe Boll never adapted anything by L. Ron Hubbard.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

What Would Orwell Say?

What would Orwell say?

Those who uphold, defend, and spread economic and political liberty are called Conservatives while those who seek to lock humanity down under their total control are called Progressives. In effect, in the political context, the practical meanings of the political labels are reversed.

The one of the functions of language is to serve as the operating system of human thought. But the function of Newspeak is to prevent correct identification of the facts of reality. Thus bloodsoaked tyrants such as Fidel Castro are called liberators and liberators such as President Bush are called oppressors. But since clarity of thought, the correct identification of the facts of reality, is necessary for humans to survive and prosper, a language form that obscures facts and disconnects thought from reality has the effect of being toxic to human life. Each subsequent revision of Newspeak, with its increasing disconnection from reality, is increasingly toxic to human life. An ultimate version of Newspeak, in which any thought is impossible, would be totally lethal.

Thus if we are to survive and prosper as individuals and as a society we must remove the newspeakers from our educational establishments and if necessary isolate them from society altogether.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thought For The Day

Central state planning never worked but the other party never got the memo.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Thought For The Day

Yeah, Uwe Boll has a "piled higher and deeper" degree.  So what?

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

A Reminder

It is better to kill one hundred innocents than to let one guilty person go.

-- Dolores Ibarruri ("La Pasionaria"), Spanish Communist

We on the Right tolerate the long and drawn out appeals process for death penalty cases, as frustrating as it is, because in we want to be certain that we will not put an innocent person to death. The Left, when it is in absolute power, simply doesn't care.

We on the Right believe in justice. The Left on the other hand, doesn't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they are firmly seated on top.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Reality Acorrding To Les

If there is one thing I have certainly noticed, it is that pacifists in general have no objection to enjoying the benefits of civilization but are unwilling to take the measures necessary to defend it from foreign and domestic barbarians. Such as the National Socialists, the Soviet Socialists, and the home grown socialists of the Democratic Party. Contrary to their general delusion of virtue, pacifists are in effect, moral and political parasites upon civilized society.

Peace in the real world is simply the absence of those -- such as the socialists -- who seek to deprive you, I, and our fellow citizens of our own Life, Liberty, and Property. Real peace can only be achieved by the physical isolation or outright elimination of those who seek to subjugate, plunder and murder us. This can only be done through the use of physical force. In short, true peace can only be achieved only through the possession of superior firepower and the moral will to use it.

The narcissistic trash that makes up the membership of the so-called peace movement simply do not care whether you and your children live, or die, or suffer under the yoke of an unwashed barbarian. They plaster their cars with bumper sticker, carry signs, bang on drums, throw Frisbees, and perform other useless rituals so that they can feel good about themselves and show the world how morally superior they are. Never mind that they openly deny the fundamental fact which is the foundation of all valid moral law, that Human Life, as a rational being in control of one's own life, is the standard of all moral values.  Those who would damage or destroy Human Life must be removed from society and if necessary be destroyed. The adherents of pacifism have so inverted their own mental processes that they look upon the perpetrators of mass slavery and mass murder as good and those who take up arms to defend the society of consent as being evil.

Now there are some folks, who regard themselves as morally superior beings, who question why the other bastard has to die. The answer is that the other bastard is attempting to impose his will, or the will of his leader, upon you by force. It is the act of coercion by force that makes what General Patton called the other bastard an enemy. Peace is simply the absence of enemies. But there's folks, who pretend to be morally superior beings, who would have us believe that "peace" could be achieved by submission to the will of the other bastard. In reality this isn't peace, it's slavery. There are some well meaning people, some of whom that I respect, who believe that there are times that one cannot have both peace and freedom at the same time. I have to disagree. Liberty is simply the condition of existence in which the person is free to live his own life in accordance with his own rational judgment. This does of course require the absence of some other bastard who is attempting to impose his will upon the person by force. In practical terms real peace and real freedom are inseparable. I will go further is saying that to a civilized person, peace, freedom, and security, are simply three words that can be used to describe the identical condition, the absence of another bastard imposing his will upon the civilized person. Contrary to what those who describe themselves as peace activists would have us believe, and as General Patton has ably demonstrated, the path to real peace invariably takes us over the real dead bodies of those other bastards who insist on violently imposing their will upon us. Unfortunately this process is by no means a safe one. Let us take this day to remember those who died on the path to real peace.

A rational study of the real world would show that a real state of Peace is indistinguishable from a state of Liberty.  A state of Security. Peace, Liberty, and Security are simply three words that a rational person uses to describe the same condition, the rightful ability to live one's own life without coercive interference by others. A rational study of actual history would show that the state of peace for the citizens of a free nation is the result of the violent elimination of the would be conquerors and their pet quislings. If we rationally examine those who constitute the membership of the so-called Peace Movement we find that virtually every one of them is an open advocate of the coercive subjugation of the productive members of the Human Race. The occasional exception being a self-blinded fool who isn't paying attention to what they're ideologically in bed with. In short, a "peace activist" and the "peace movement" are in fact enemies of Peace.

Peace is only an affirmative value to those who live in the condition of liberty, that's being in charge of one's self and able to set the goals for one's life. Peace can't be a value to the subjects of a totalitarian socialist state. To the victim of such a state, the ordinary worker who's bullied by a commissar, the inmate of a slave labor camp, or the occupant of a darkened cell awaiting murder at the hands of the local chekists, war, either an internal uprising against the socialist masters, or an invasion by an army of liberation, is in fact the positive value.

Punishing a man for an act he didn't commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens. who're the sovereign authority of the nation, is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Question On The Day

What's this thing about Rosamund Pike and sharp objects?

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thought For The Day

Uwe Boll never adapted the Alpha Centauri game for film.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Thought For The Day

When someone outlaws firearms then only outlaws will have firearms.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Thought For The Day

The leading presidential candidates for the other party are a crone who makes Richard Nixon look like a honest guy and a senile old man who has completely ignored the political history of the last century.  And their supporters stand as the most idiotic, ignorant, and insane people in this nation.  And that's assuming that they actually exist.

They call themselves the Democratic Party.

Why is that?

Democracy is the form of state that claims unlimited power from a mandate from an unlimited mess.

For those who desire absolute power Democracy is an ideal form of the state.

But in reality authority in any area is based on actual knowledge in that field.  Thus political authority must be based on knowledge in the field of politics.   But in the democratic form of the state the voter is not required to know anything on the subject of ethics, or politics, or in the case of Chicago to actually exist.

So why should we as Americans be subject to the will of Democrats?


Democrats in general have shown that they are not at all concerned about the actual facts of reality,   Nor are they concerned about the consequences of their actions.  That we will suffer and die as a result of their actions means absolutely nothing to them.

So why should we submit to them, let alone allow them to exist?


Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Thought For The Day

There will now be a second American Civil War.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Thought For The Day

The fact is that some adherents of what was politely called gun control are in fact the heirs of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party.  As a result it has become very-very-very-easy to predict what an advocate of public disarmament will say.  All one has to do is take any mouth dropping of Reichsminister Paul Joseph Goebbels and substitute the words Gun Owner for the word Jew.  Yes, it’s that obvious.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Messages To The Democratic Party

Power isn't a value.  You were warned about Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, just as our ancestors were warned about Adolf Hitler.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Friday, November 09, 2018

Thought For The Day

Yes, I listen to Pat Condell.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Thought For The Day

 (Image by Oleg Volk)

War is not peace, freedom is not slavery, ignorance is not strength, and consensual sex is not rape.  But to accept reality as being real would not allow some folks to pretend that they are some manner of superior person. Especially when they are doing something that is totally depraved.  I think some folks feel a need to achieve, but since they are not the creative or productive kind of person they must then resort to destruction in the place of positive achievement. Thus the need to denigrate their victims, those persons, groups, or nations who are actually good.  For the advocates of "Gun Control" it means calling someone who shoots in self-defense a murderer. For Mullahs, Marxists, and National Socialists it means the total dehumanization of the victims prior to murdering them.

Those who advocate "Gun Control" should be treated as the Enemies of Mankind that they are.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim

Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Quote Of The Day

Trying to be right is unhealthy.

– Diane Hahn, HealthEast Human Services Apparatchik, April 8, 2002
Okay dear readers, what’s wrong with the above quote?

To be unhealthy is have something wrong with one physically, or the context of the interview, to have a psychological disorder. In effect, attempting to be correct on an issue, such as the conflict I had with the brain dead thug of a site supervisor over a payroll issue, is somehow wrong.  I ended up leaving HealthEast.  Being right is a fundamental part of the job, when a doctor is wrong a patient suffers or dies.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Thought For The Day

Alester Crowley believed things that are clearly untrue.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim. 

Monday, November 05, 2018


It's easy to predict what a Democrat will say, just take a mouth dropping of a National Socialist and replace the word Jew with the word Republican.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Thought Of The Day

I'm getting tired of political advertising on YouTube.

Like all totalitarians the Democratic party has to lie about their opponents.

I wish the Democratic party would disappear.  But wishes never come true.
Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Saturday, November 03, 2018


What part of Adolf Hitler was a socialist does the Left not understand?

 What part of National Socialist German Workers Party (the English name) does the Left not understand?

Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists are the crazy relatives that the mainstream left won't talk about. If there is one myth that I would really like to bury, it is the myth that National Socialism is a right wing ideology, and that the NSDAP and those in the present day who seek to emulate them are right wing parties.

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

Someone on The Left could repeat the above statement word for word and no one, in the usual leftist audience, or the Mainstream Media, would call them out on it. The myth that National Socialism is a right wing ideology basically originated in the the Kremlin and has continued to be repeated by those who are embarrassed about their German ideological relatives.  Seriously, if The Left were seriously and openly called out on this they would either have to drop their beliefs or bust their collective backsides to rehabilitate Hitler and the NSDAP.  Or they would just jump up and down and call us a bunch of liars.

To those who value power over all else, no act is too depraved and no bodycount is too high.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

 Death to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Friday, November 02, 2018

Thought For The Day

We have the right of speech and press to ensure that we as citizens have the accurate information necessary to make rational judgements on the issues of the day.

Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Thought For The Day

What's the difference between the Democratic Party and the NSDAP?


Punishing a man for an act he did not commit is unjust. Imprisoning a man for speaking the truth is tyrannical. Disarming the citizens -- who are the sovereign authority of the nation -- is treason.  To say anything more would require the extensive use of barracks language.  There's no such thing as "common sense gun control" those who are in favor of banning firearms are enemies of Humanity and should be treated in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  And there's no limit to what a Statist can do to a disarmed victim.