Sunday, June 03, 2012

Rant Of The Day

----- Original Message -----
From: Hemdian
To: 'The Traveller Mailing List'
Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2012 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: [TML] An Idea For A Planetary System, By Leslie Bates (Age 51)

Leslie Bates wrote:
> What? No comments?

You are, of course, free to do whatever you want in YTU. But in
sharing it with others you might find your world view differs
from that of normal folk. For one I don't 'loathe' Iranians. In
fact I currently work with one and can tell you he is a nice guy
(though I don't know if he is a Muslim or not). And in the past
I have worked with devout Muslims (at certain times of the year
certain accommodations were necessary due to their beliefs) and
they were good people too. Perhaps the lack of comments is
because people mistook your post for a troll.

I would be interested in seeing a write up of a world that chose
Zoroastrianism, but please change or leave out the offensive
and implausible backstory.

Regards Hemdian

There was a time when I used to respond to nonsense like this by writing several paragraphs of flames. I've learned the hard way that such responses, especially to morons, generally don't work.

Somehow the moron that is being quoted above has taken offense at the idea that good people should be depicted as behaving like good people.

Oh, and that evil people should be identified and dealt with as evil people. I personally don't see anything wrong with loathing someone for adhering to an evil ideology. If Greater Germany were still under the rule of the National Socialist German Workers Party, I would have the same problem with them as I have with Iran under Islam.

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