Friday, April 17, 2009

Rant of the Day

Fellow Lizard "quickjustice" at LGF saw at the New York Tea Party:

I saw one young man walking through the crowd with a sign that said, "Face it. You lost."

What this is just another manifestation of a belief in what Ayn Rand used to call the Primacy of Consciousness, a belief that reality is not inherently real but is in some way alterable by a ruling consciousness. In this case, the Collective, which in many versions of Socialist doctrine has a distinct consciousness of its own. Some Leftists go as far as to claim that the individual perception of actual reality, which invariably contradicts the doctrines of the collectivists, is a form of false consciousness.

This explains why the Leftists have made the effort to gain control of the Mainstream Media, and why they insist on "shaping opinion" instead of simply reporting the facts. They are through the deliberate issuance of falsehoods trying to alter reality.

But reality is inherently real. Facts are facts. Or to put it in the simplest terms: A is A.

The number of votes the other side received (or in the Chicago system, claimed to received) doesn't change the fact that they are wrong. Might (or in the Chicago system, the appearance of might) is not right.

The other side is going to learn the hard way that reality is not subject to a majority vote.

What are your questions on this block of instruction?

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