Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Gosh, What A Surprise!

Hillary Stalinova just won the New Hampshire primary.

There can be a number possible reasons to consider the Iowa caucus results to be a fluke.

1. Hillary didn't offer a big enough bribe (farm subsidies) to the Iowans.

(Seriously, when I did two weeks of telephone fund raising for the GOP every time I got a farmer on the line it was always "gimme gimme gimme" with them.)

2. Iowa is just across the river from Illinois with a number of very convenient bridges to facilitate the transmission of Illinois Democrat cooties.

3. It's not who votes that counts, it who counts the votes!

4. Dude, it's Iowa.

(As a nearly lifelong Minnesota resident this pretty much explains it.)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled reality.

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