Monday, September 03, 2007

Yoko Ono Joke of the Day

Today on Lifestyles of the Nomenklatura Rich and Famous:

YOKO ONO will never use an environmentally friendly car - because they are not as comfortable as her Bentley. The wife of late Beatle John Lennon has snubbed the Hybrid car - which is popular with Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz and Leonardo Di Caprio for its low pollution levels - in favour of travelling in luxury. She says, "Can someone make Hybrid cars as comfortable as a Bentley, please?"

What would John say?

(Hat Tip to Ed Driscoll)

1 comment:

Mark said...

I can actually appreciate her honesty on this matter. It is much more refreshing than the hypocrites who make a big deal about owning a hybrid car and then fly private jets on a regular basis.