The Left, and the self styled intelligentsia in particular, stands by
and cheers as every new manifestation of barbarism rises and slaughters
good people and innocent children. The chattering classes willingly
support and serve the enemies of mankind and viciously slander and
condemn those who dare to raise a hand in defense of the defenseless. They sit on their fat asses in avant-garde coffee
houses cooking up paranoid conspiracy theories about how Christian
Conservatives are planning to exterminate their own particular and
pathetic social fringe group.
But if the stupid conspiracy theories of the Left were true they would all be dead. Let's
see...if we on The Right were to treat The Left the way that Great
Comrade Stalin treated anyone he suspected of being an opponent, let
alone someone who was an actual opponent, would any of these pathetic
lunatics still be breathing, let alone continuing to rant like a mob of
mentally disconnected lunatics who are off their meds?
I wouldn't think so.
If Conservatives dealt with the adherents of Libéralisme Moderne the way The Left has dealt with humans in general whenever the Left has
obtained unrestrained power, there wouldn't be any Liberals left
standing. Of the universities and the urban centers of Liberalism there
would be nothing left but smoking ruins, and there would mass graves
from coast to coast. We need to face the fact that the present
day Left, like the unschooled barbarians who plagued civilization before
them, are essentially parasites. If the Huns or the Mongols were to
take "no" for an answer to their demands for food and other material
goods they would die very quickly. Control of the productive population
is essential for their survival and well being. Compulsion, taking
things and persons by force, is inherently necessary to the parasite
manner of existence. Those who resisted had to be killed as an object
lesson for others.
The Left, our present-day literate
post-Marxist barbarians, not only need material support they also need
spiritual support as well. They need to feel that their victims are not
only submitting to them today but will do so tomorrow as well. Barbarian
chieftains and tribal witch-doctors demanded degrading and often
dangerous acts of worship from their subjects, up to and including human
sacrifice, in order to assure themselves that they would still have a
roof (or a tent) over their heads and food to eat the next day. Those
refused to obey were worked over by the goon squad or simply killed.
the classrooms, editorial offices, and coffee shops of The Left the
demand is for unquestioned agreement without regard to the actual facts
of reality. The self-styled intellectuals of The Left are the first to
demand “speech codes” and other forms of censorship lest they be
identified as frauds and poseurs and subsequently bounced out of their
comfortable ivory towers, no longer insulated from a real world that
demands real thought and real labor. The Left, being dependent
upon others for their sustenance, must stand in opposition to the
society of rational consent and openly support systems of compulsion, be
it various species of Socialism or the witch-doctor rule of Islam,
because to do otherwise is to condemn themselves to death.
Of course, in my view, if the Left would just die it would be nice.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Thoughts For The Day
Newspeak has become the dominant dialect of the academic and media establishment. In
Newspeak those who uphold, defend and spread economic and political
liberty are called Conservatives while those who seek to lock humanity
down under their total control are called Progressives. In the political
context the practical meanings of the political labels are reversed. A
function of language is to serve as the operating system of human
thought. But the function of Newspeak is to prevent correct
identification of the facts of reality. Thus blood soaked tyrants are
called liberators and actual liberators are called oppressors. Since
clarity of thought, which is the correct identification of the facts of
reality, is necessary for humans to survive and prosper a language form
that obscures facts and disconnects thought from reality has the effect
of being toxic to Human Life. Each subsequent revision of Newspeak, with
its increasing disconnection from reality, is increasingly toxic to
human life. An ultimate version of Newspeak in which any thought is
impossible would be completely lethal. Thus if we're to survive
and prosper as individuals and as a society we must remove the
practitioners of Newspeak from the educational and media establishments
and if necessary isolate them from society altogether.
I have a clue for Fox News: There's no balance between Truth and Falsehood.
On Vegan propaganda: Let's start with the fact that not all land used for pasture can be converted for grain or veggie production. Let's also note that a large part of what meat animals are fed, such as hay, and shredded corn stalks, is waste material from food production for humans. The elimination of meat production would actually require an increase in the use of land for farming in order to make up for the deficit in food production. In other words, the Vegan propagandists are engaging in mental inversion mode as usual, and let's face it, a diet without meat is unbalanced. The Vegans that I've met tend to resemble socialist labor camp inmates without the labor camp haircut and they tend to do stupid things like voting for Democrats or Communist trash like the Green Party.
I have a clue for Fox News: There's no balance between Truth and Falsehood.
On Vegan propaganda: Let's start with the fact that not all land used for pasture can be converted for grain or veggie production. Let's also note that a large part of what meat animals are fed, such as hay, and shredded corn stalks, is waste material from food production for humans. The elimination of meat production would actually require an increase in the use of land for farming in order to make up for the deficit in food production. In other words, the Vegan propagandists are engaging in mental inversion mode as usual, and let's face it, a diet without meat is unbalanced. The Vegans that I've met tend to resemble socialist labor camp inmates without the labor camp haircut and they tend to do stupid things like voting for Democrats or Communist trash like the Green Party.
Those who ideologically separate themselves from Humanity shouldn't
complain about being identified and treated as a hazard to Human Life. Political Ideology's basically a means of giving the appearance of
positive virtue to actions that're morally intolerable to the victims. The Left in its fundamental form is a group of essentially parasitic
beings that wish to demolish the present consent-based American
social-economic structure and replace it with a coercion based political
order that they regard as morally superior. Unfortunately for us The
Left's ideal version of America strongly resembles a Überkonzentrationlager
with themselves as the commandants and overseers. Anyone who stands in
the way of The Left in their quest to subjugate the American republic,
policeman, citizen soldier, or President Trump, is rhetorically
as being the vilest of monsters. Those who've consistently
demonstrated their hatred of American liberty, such as Hillary Clinton
and Nancy Pelosi, are worshiped as though they were the enactors of the
divine will. To govern is to restrain, those who can't or won't restrain
themselves have no place in a social institution whose function is to
restrain others.
Enemies of Humanity Barack Obama and David Miscavige have bought their own death sentences.
The Left passionately hates the Police and the Armed Forces both of whom have traditionally stood in the path of Holy Marxist Revolution and thus the establishment of the Holy Communist Society where all activities and relationships are dictated by the
self-appointed revolutionary saviors and enforced by the compulsory
power of the state. The obvious corollary is The Left appears to
have a passionate love for the destroyers of civil society such as
violent criminals and organized terrorists.
For a Leftist government to authorize the use of deadly force against any group of rioters would constitute a betrayal of its fundamental political premise, that civil society, where economic and social relationships are based on consent is fit only for destruction.
We need to treat Joe Biden as the Enemy of Mankind he actually is.
For a Leftist government to authorize the use of deadly force against any group of rioters would constitute a betrayal of its fundamental political premise, that civil society, where economic and social relationships are based on consent is fit only for destruction.
We need to treat Joe Biden as the Enemy of Mankind he actually is.
Enemies of Humanity Barack Obama and David Miscavige have bought their own death sentences.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
The Unpunished Crime Of William Jefferson Clinton
There's a right way to with deal someone like Koresh and it wasn't followed.
What happened?
The local office of the BATF received a report of automatic weapons fire at the residence of Branch Davidians outside of Waco, Texas. No inquiry was made with the local law enforcement agencies. Nor did they as allowed under the current regulations send agents out to inspect the federally licenced firearms dealer residing on the site. And they could have arrested Koresh as he made his morning run but did not do so. With his past history of cooperation with local law enforcement they could have simply asked him to come down to the local sheriff’s station. Instead they attempted to stage a military style assault, code named Operation Showtime, in order to impart a positive impression of the agency upon the current administration in Washington. After the task force was driven off the Hostage Rescue Team of the FBI, descended upon the Branch Davidians and laid siege to the residence.
On the day of the massacre The HRT used armored vehicles to destroy the exits from the building and to allow the wind to blow through it and then injected CS gas, known to be inflammable and toxic to children and elderly persons, into the wooden structure. HRT fired CS rounds, which are incendiary devices into, the building. A tactic to commit mass murder used by the Nazis in Poland and Russia was to confine civilians, especially women and children, in wooden buildings and set the structures on fire. To this day the perpetrators remain at large.
I reposted on THE NEW RESISTER an article about the Waco Massacre that was originally published on the Libernet Mailing List in 1993.
My Editorial Introduction.
Part One.
Part Two.
Part Three.
Part Four.
Part Five.
Koresh, if he was alive, would clearly be a mortal enemy of an Objectivist. But someone has to speak for him
Here's a thousand words why I will never vote for The Democratic Party.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Thoughts Of The Day
I've commented on the use of a rifle.
The disarmament of The People only benefits the criminals. It benefits those within The State by intent. It benefits those outside of apparatus of The State by accident. The claim that members of the public will be protected by their own disarmament is an absolute lie. Disarming the citizens of the nation is clearly an act of treason.
In reality the difference in personal incomes is the result of differences in human actions. This includes differences in knowledge and effort for each individual. Differences in economic income is simply a natural consequence of the differences of each person's actions in the economic sphere of action.
No person's perfect.
The problem is not the Emperor's attire or lack of it, the problem's that the damned fool thinks that he's the Emperor.
While over the course of the last century and a half real progress has been made to establishing the legal equality of all persons without regard to race or gender. The so called Progressive movement has negated all real progress by reversing the relationship between The People and the governments of our nation and the states. The federal and various state governments have assumed the role of master while The People are condemned to the status of livestock.
The Second Amendment isn't about sporting use or even self defense against violent criminals. The Second Amendment is an integral component of the Bill of Rights, which in turn clearly defines the relationship between the People of the United States and the Federal Government. The People are the political authority of the nation, and the Federal Government serves The People. The ATF needs to be treated as the criminal gang that it actually is.
As with their Aryan precursors the African Racial Collective has developed a cultural contempt for The Other. Those who aren't identified as members of the collective are deemed to be nonhuman as thus subject to attack. The Other, the Non-Africans, are simply attacked for the thrill of it with no material gains to be had. Non-Africans are hunted and assaulted as if they were members of a non-sentient game species. Given the African Racial Collective has begun to adopt National Socialist behavior it comes to no surprise that some of them are identified and treated as such. Some victims have responded with deadly force and have wounded or killed some perpetrators. The African Racial Collectivists and their backers are not only placing themselves in opposition to reality they have placed themselves in opposition to us who live by reason in reality. I would expect them to fully pay the natural and proper penalty. If the adherents of African Racial Collectivism continue to behave as old school National Socialists then we, Humanity in General, will have no morally valid alternative but to identify and treat them as such. From the neck, in the Nuremberg style, of course.
Those who complain about being deprived of political power should be deprived of political power. We all know that Joe Biden is an idiot. Justice consists of getting what you deserve, not receiving what you want. The absolute last thing the other side wants is justice, because that would result in their extinction. Has anyone noticed that the Republicans are clearly once again the party of liberation while the Democrats have resumed, through their advocacy and support for the various forms of Socialism, their old role as the party of subjugation? The distinction between the Democratic Party and a criminal gang is dissolving rapidly if it isn't gone already. There has to be a day of reckoning. We must take the actions necessary to ensure that this band of domestic enemies is no longer in a position to harm us ever again.
So how should we deal with Leftist brownshirt actions on election day? The first obvious thought that came to mind was to go to the polls in a group. Bring cameras (stills and video). Split into two groups, one group to go into the polling place and the other group in overwatch mode with the cameras. When the first group finishes voting they will take the overwatch position while the other group votes. In the event of a confrontation with any Leftist brownshirts the photos and video get turned over to Fox News or the appropriate Federal agency.
Prose style and sentence structure are irrelevant when your characters are tedious, dull, and just plain dumb.
The disarmament of The People only benefits the criminals. It benefits those within The State by intent. It benefits those outside of apparatus of The State by accident. The claim that members of the public will be protected by their own disarmament is an absolute lie. Disarming the citizens of the nation is clearly an act of treason.
In reality the difference in personal incomes is the result of differences in human actions. This includes differences in knowledge and effort for each individual. Differences in economic income is simply a natural consequence of the differences of each person's actions in the economic sphere of action.
No person's perfect.
The problem is not the Emperor's attire or lack of it, the problem's that the damned fool thinks that he's the Emperor.
While over the course of the last century and a half real progress has been made to establishing the legal equality of all persons without regard to race or gender. The so called Progressive movement has negated all real progress by reversing the relationship between The People and the governments of our nation and the states. The federal and various state governments have assumed the role of master while The People are condemned to the status of livestock.
The Second Amendment isn't about sporting use or even self defense against violent criminals. The Second Amendment is an integral component of the Bill of Rights, which in turn clearly defines the relationship between the People of the United States and the Federal Government. The People are the political authority of the nation, and the Federal Government serves The People. The ATF needs to be treated as the criminal gang that it actually is.
As with their Aryan precursors the African Racial Collective has developed a cultural contempt for The Other. Those who aren't identified as members of the collective are deemed to be nonhuman as thus subject to attack. The Other, the Non-Africans, are simply attacked for the thrill of it with no material gains to be had. Non-Africans are hunted and assaulted as if they were members of a non-sentient game species. Given the African Racial Collective has begun to adopt National Socialist behavior it comes to no surprise that some of them are identified and treated as such. Some victims have responded with deadly force and have wounded or killed some perpetrators. The African Racial Collectivists and their backers are not only placing themselves in opposition to reality they have placed themselves in opposition to us who live by reason in reality. I would expect them to fully pay the natural and proper penalty. If the adherents of African Racial Collectivism continue to behave as old school National Socialists then we, Humanity in General, will have no morally valid alternative but to identify and treat them as such. From the neck, in the Nuremberg style, of course.
Those who complain about being deprived of political power should be deprived of political power. We all know that Joe Biden is an idiot. Justice consists of getting what you deserve, not receiving what you want. The absolute last thing the other side wants is justice, because that would result in their extinction. Has anyone noticed that the Republicans are clearly once again the party of liberation while the Democrats have resumed, through their advocacy and support for the various forms of Socialism, their old role as the party of subjugation? The distinction between the Democratic Party and a criminal gang is dissolving rapidly if it isn't gone already. There has to be a day of reckoning. We must take the actions necessary to ensure that this band of domestic enemies is no longer in a position to harm us ever again.
So how should we deal with Leftist brownshirt actions on election day? The first obvious thought that came to mind was to go to the polls in a group. Bring cameras (stills and video). Split into two groups, one group to go into the polling place and the other group in overwatch mode with the cameras. When the first group finishes voting they will take the overwatch position while the other group votes. In the event of a confrontation with any Leftist brownshirts the photos and video get turned over to Fox News or the appropriate Federal agency.
Prose style and sentence structure are irrelevant when your characters are tedious, dull, and just plain dumb.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Thoughts For The Day
On April 14 in 1865 some actor who apparently believed in an older
version of the Primacy of the Parasite shot a sitting Republican
president in the head.
C'THULHU SAVES... YOU FOR LUNCH! Why settle for the lesser evil?
The Parasites and their partisans in the Mainstream Media are constantly going on and on about how stupid those who rationally oppose them are. They're really beginning to sound like the alien invaders in Plan Nine From Outer Space. If we look at the Democratic Party and their relationship to the problems we face at the social or political level one thing becomes very obvious. They're either the primary cause of the problem, the primary aggravating factor of the problem, or the primary obstacle to a rational solution to a problem. What the Democrats should do, as Ayn Rand once put it, is get out of the way. I think that those who continue to advocate Socialism should be shown what Socialism really looks like from the victim's point of view. The most efficient way of doing this is to fire one round into the Socialist's head in the old Soviet style. Journalism has become the practical equivalent of perjury carried out on a national scale. Perjury in a capital murder case may lead to the wrongful execution of an innocent individual or the wrongful release of an actual murderer and the subsequent murder of additional victims. The consequences of perjury in the field of national politics may require an accountant to keep track of the bodies.
Why don't we stop pretending that The Left represents any kind of legitimate political interest? The fact of the matter is that The Left as it is presently composed is little more than a band of brigands, parasites, and outright moral nihilists. Unfortunately, the Country Club Conservatives are too busy jamming their noses into each others terminal orifices to notice this and do something about it. To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions. And in an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse.
If we're unsuccessful in blocking the machinations of the bipartisan Washington establishment then our children and grandchildren will be loaded down with the burden of a national debt that they simply can't bear. We shouldn't be surprised to see our sons and daughters marching down a street chanting, "Hell no, we don't owe!" Nor should we be surprised when the parasites of the Washington establishment respond with violence. Anyone who can't or won't understand the difference between a citizen and a domestic animal has no place in government. Those persons who don't understand the difference between government and brigandage shouldn't be in government. Just because someone else's holding the gun doesn't change the fact that the other person's engaged in the act of robbery.
Projection is when the self-appointed deity, sitting on a throne of human skulls, points a finger of a blood stained hand at those who seek to stop his rampage and screams "murderers!"
C'THULHU SAVES... YOU FOR LUNCH! Why settle for the lesser evil?
The Parasites and their partisans in the Mainstream Media are constantly going on and on about how stupid those who rationally oppose them are. They're really beginning to sound like the alien invaders in Plan Nine From Outer Space. If we look at the Democratic Party and their relationship to the problems we face at the social or political level one thing becomes very obvious. They're either the primary cause of the problem, the primary aggravating factor of the problem, or the primary obstacle to a rational solution to a problem. What the Democrats should do, as Ayn Rand once put it, is get out of the way. I think that those who continue to advocate Socialism should be shown what Socialism really looks like from the victim's point of view. The most efficient way of doing this is to fire one round into the Socialist's head in the old Soviet style. Journalism has become the practical equivalent of perjury carried out on a national scale. Perjury in a capital murder case may lead to the wrongful execution of an innocent individual or the wrongful release of an actual murderer and the subsequent murder of additional victims. The consequences of perjury in the field of national politics may require an accountant to keep track of the bodies.
Why don't we stop pretending that The Left represents any kind of legitimate political interest? The fact of the matter is that The Left as it is presently composed is little more than a band of brigands, parasites, and outright moral nihilists. Unfortunately, the Country Club Conservatives are too busy jamming their noses into each others terminal orifices to notice this and do something about it. To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions. And in an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse.
If we're unsuccessful in blocking the machinations of the bipartisan Washington establishment then our children and grandchildren will be loaded down with the burden of a national debt that they simply can't bear. We shouldn't be surprised to see our sons and daughters marching down a street chanting, "Hell no, we don't owe!" Nor should we be surprised when the parasites of the Washington establishment respond with violence. Anyone who can't or won't understand the difference between a citizen and a domestic animal has no place in government. Those persons who don't understand the difference between government and brigandage shouldn't be in government. Just because someone else's holding the gun doesn't change the fact that the other person's engaged in the act of robbery.
Projection is when the self-appointed deity, sitting on a throne of human skulls, points a finger of a blood stained hand at those who seek to stop his rampage and screams "murderers!"
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
When will the pandemic be over? Unfortunately, I'm stuck in a blue state. The governor of the state of Minnesota is clearly an idiot. The good of the political party should be, at best, second place.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Thoughts Of The Day
Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough. Antisemitism is a subset of Racial Collectivism. We (Humanity) have to
condemn all forms of Racial Collectivism. We have to identify Black
Lives Matter as the Racial Collectivist group that it actually is. We
have to see that Antisemitism is a symptom of a deeper philosophical
problem. Rejection of Racial Collectivism shouldn't be a radical idea.
Advocates of Tyranny always lie.
Dr. John Ray believes that the Democratic Party is evil, so do I. Nancy Pelosi, Charles Shumer, Kamala Harris, and Letitia James, need to be identified as the Enemies Of Mankind they actually are. Democrats in general need to be identified as the Enemies Of Mankind they actually are. Violating our constitutional rights to be armed and freedom of association. Those are no big deal as far as a Democrat is concerned. Democrats believe they're the good people, so did the National Socialists. Democrats deny reality, so did the National Socialists. Democrats hate those who oppose then, so did the National Socialists. The fundamental value of the Democratic Party is Power, and no act's too vile to obtain it. Freedom is the negation of Power and therefore must be opposed. Or at least in public Freedom mustn't be supported lest the victims come to understand their actual position within the Socialist order. Democrats hold Humans in contempt. Democrats abhor the thought of being judged by their character because they have none. What's present is the black hole of their lust for power. A desire for control over every aspect of our lives that distorts or destroys everything that comes within their influence. The positive side is that if we don't drop below their moral event horizon we can escape from their influence. If the Democratic Party, and their bitches in academia and and the media continue to behave as if they're the ruling class of France before their revolution, then they'll be treated as such. The American people will paint the streets of our nation with their blood, but we'll be damaged as a result.
The Democratic Party has all of the credibility and respect for the citizens shown by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Which is to say: NONE AT ALL. In my mind the title of Democrat has become synonymous with the term Murderer. The Democratic Party in the United States has in effect become a totalitarian party, and like the National Socialists and Soviet Communists they must be identified and dealt with as such. To Democrats the fundamental value is power. Freedom is the negation of power and therefore must be opposed. Or at least in public Freedom must not be supported lest the victims come to understand their actual position within the socialist order.
Democrats at the present time have essentially degenerated to the point where they use words in a way that is opposite of their correct meaning. Just as the old Soviet Communists did in their day. I once wrote that Joe Biden was an idiot, now that he's become senile no rational person would vote for him as President, I certainly won't. It was obvious that Joe Biden was functionally a moron. This allowed Barack Obama to proof himself against impeachment and assassination.
Terror is merely the method. The ultimate goal is the establishment and maintenance of a state of tyranny. It doesn't matter if the tyrants calls themselves Communists, National Socialists, or Theocrats, they simply can't be reasoned with. Negotiations, summit meetings, and other gestures of good will can't stop them. Like any predatory animal they can only be driven off and ultimately destroyed. If we're to continue to live a proper human life then the hunting season on tyrants and those who willingly support them must always be open.
Doctor Susan Huck, who used to write for the John Birch Society, once said that Marxists are never found under the bed. She said that they're usually found in front of blackboards and behind desks. They're now found in our city streets.
Voting Republican is a rear guard action at best.
Advocates of Tyranny always lie.
Dr. John Ray believes that the Democratic Party is evil, so do I. Nancy Pelosi, Charles Shumer, Kamala Harris, and Letitia James, need to be identified as the Enemies Of Mankind they actually are. Democrats in general need to be identified as the Enemies Of Mankind they actually are. Violating our constitutional rights to be armed and freedom of association. Those are no big deal as far as a Democrat is concerned. Democrats believe they're the good people, so did the National Socialists. Democrats deny reality, so did the National Socialists. Democrats hate those who oppose then, so did the National Socialists. The fundamental value of the Democratic Party is Power, and no act's too vile to obtain it. Freedom is the negation of Power and therefore must be opposed. Or at least in public Freedom mustn't be supported lest the victims come to understand their actual position within the Socialist order. Democrats hold Humans in contempt. Democrats abhor the thought of being judged by their character because they have none. What's present is the black hole of their lust for power. A desire for control over every aspect of our lives that distorts or destroys everything that comes within their influence. The positive side is that if we don't drop below their moral event horizon we can escape from their influence. If the Democratic Party, and their bitches in academia and and the media continue to behave as if they're the ruling class of France before their revolution, then they'll be treated as such. The American people will paint the streets of our nation with their blood, but we'll be damaged as a result.
The Democratic Party has all of the credibility and respect for the citizens shown by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Which is to say: NONE AT ALL. In my mind the title of Democrat has become synonymous with the term Murderer. The Democratic Party in the United States has in effect become a totalitarian party, and like the National Socialists and Soviet Communists they must be identified and dealt with as such. To Democrats the fundamental value is power. Freedom is the negation of power and therefore must be opposed. Or at least in public Freedom must not be supported lest the victims come to understand their actual position within the socialist order.
Democrats at the present time have essentially degenerated to the point where they use words in a way that is opposite of their correct meaning. Just as the old Soviet Communists did in their day. I once wrote that Joe Biden was an idiot, now that he's become senile no rational person would vote for him as President, I certainly won't. It was obvious that Joe Biden was functionally a moron. This allowed Barack Obama to proof himself against impeachment and assassination.
Terror is merely the method. The ultimate goal is the establishment and maintenance of a state of tyranny. It doesn't matter if the tyrants calls themselves Communists, National Socialists, or Theocrats, they simply can't be reasoned with. Negotiations, summit meetings, and other gestures of good will can't stop them. Like any predatory animal they can only be driven off and ultimately destroyed. If we're to continue to live a proper human life then the hunting season on tyrants and those who willingly support them must always be open.
Doctor Susan Huck, who used to write for the John Birch Society, once said that Marxists are never found under the bed. She said that they're usually found in front of blackboards and behind desks. They're now found in our city streets.
Voting Republican is a rear guard action at best.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Thoughts For The Day
The doctrine of Totalitarianism holds Human life in absolute
contempt and sees people as things to be used or destroyed, over the
last decades Totalitarians have enslaved numerous nations and
murdered tens of millions of people, and surrender to such people,
regardless of the circumstances, is simply not an option.
When treason becomes the normal behavior of the ruling class then the ruling class must be replaced.
If a member of Black Lives Matter insists on behaving like an old school National Socialist then a member of Black Lives Matter will be treated as an old school National Socialist, from the neck until dead.
Racial characteristics aren't chosen and therefore irrelevant to human actions. What's subject to choice is a person’s beliefs and the actions derived from those beliefs. And for the record McVeigh himself was a Racial Collectivist who rejected human rights and human reason. As a result he rejected human reality. The actual Patriot Movement at that time fully rejected McVeigh, his beliefs, and his actions. This rejection was based on the actual moral values that were actually chosen.
Of all ideologies Racial Collectivism stands with the ugliest and most irrational of doctrines. It denies the minds and rights of all individuals and reduces all people to mere things. The content of character and the moral choices made by a person mean nothing. The race of person, something completely outside of choice is all that matters to the Racial Collectivist. In this case the Blacks are raised to the status of a Master Race and Whites are condemned to inferior status and death. We've seen this before. The Racial Collectivist mentally raises himself to a separate and superior status over Humans in general. To him the Rights of Man are rendered meaningless and he may rob and murder people at will and an with a posture of righteousness. We're deemed to be things that are used and disposed of. And for them murder is not a wrong but a moral duty. In fact a Racial Collectivist is an Enemy of Mankind in General. In a more rational day Enemies of Mankind were hunted down and killed. Let's return to reason.
Have you ever noticed that most so-called intellectuals can't tell the difference between the institution of government and a band of brigands?
There's a clear difference between simply reporting the news and being a propagandist.
If a member of Black Lives Matter insists on behaving like an old school National Socialist then a member of Black Lives Matter will be treated as an old school National Socialist, from the neck until dead.
Racial characteristics aren't chosen and therefore irrelevant to human actions. What's subject to choice is a person’s beliefs and the actions derived from those beliefs. And for the record McVeigh himself was a Racial Collectivist who rejected human rights and human reason. As a result he rejected human reality. The actual Patriot Movement at that time fully rejected McVeigh, his beliefs, and his actions. This rejection was based on the actual moral values that were actually chosen.
Of all ideologies Racial Collectivism stands with the ugliest and most irrational of doctrines. It denies the minds and rights of all individuals and reduces all people to mere things. The content of character and the moral choices made by a person mean nothing. The race of person, something completely outside of choice is all that matters to the Racial Collectivist. In this case the Blacks are raised to the status of a Master Race and Whites are condemned to inferior status and death. We've seen this before. The Racial Collectivist mentally raises himself to a separate and superior status over Humans in general. To him the Rights of Man are rendered meaningless and he may rob and murder people at will and an with a posture of righteousness. We're deemed to be things that are used and disposed of. And for them murder is not a wrong but a moral duty. In fact a Racial Collectivist is an Enemy of Mankind in General. In a more rational day Enemies of Mankind were hunted down and killed. Let's return to reason.
Have you ever noticed that most so-called intellectuals can't tell the difference between the institution of government and a band of brigands?
There's a clear difference between simply reporting the news and being a propagandist.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Thoughts Of The Day
I remember when Pluto was classed as a planet and not as a dwarf planet.
Those who try to control you is an enemy.
If a Leftists want to know why an American citizen needs to buy an assault rifle, all a Leftist has to do is look in a mirror.
We have to see Black Lives Matter as it really is, a Racial Collectivist group as the NSDAP was.
We should treat the leadership of the Democratic Party as the Enemies of Humanity that they actually are.
Power is death. Thus power must be dispersed, diminished, destroyed, or simply deleted altogether.
Nazi is short for National Socialist, Hitler himself came out and said the NSDAP was a bunch of Socialists.The KKK was the original terrorist arm of the Democratic Party and was a major factor in democrat victories well into the 20th Century. And the assholes who're attacking and beating up Conservative supporters are doing so in imitation of the original brownshirts.
Sacred Cows should be shot on sight.
Those who try to control you is an enemy.
If a Leftists want to know why an American citizen needs to buy an assault rifle, all a Leftist has to do is look in a mirror.
We have to see Black Lives Matter as it really is, a Racial Collectivist group as the NSDAP was.
We should treat the leadership of the Democratic Party as the Enemies of Humanity that they actually are.
Power is death. Thus power must be dispersed, diminished, destroyed, or simply deleted altogether.
Nazi is short for National Socialist, Hitler himself came out and said the NSDAP was a bunch of Socialists.The KKK was the original terrorist arm of the Democratic Party and was a major factor in democrat victories well into the 20th Century. And the assholes who're attacking and beating up Conservative supporters are doing so in imitation of the original brownshirts.
Sacred Cows should be shot on sight.
Friday, August 21, 2020
If there is one myth that I'd really like to bury, it's the myth
that National Socialism is a right wing ideology and that the NSDAP and
those in the present day who seek to emulate them are right wing
A Leftist could repeat the above statement word for word and no one in the usual leftist audience, or the Mainstream Media would call the person out on it.
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler
(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)
A Leftist could repeat the above statement word for word and no one in the usual leftist audience, or the Mainstream Media would call the person out on it.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Rants Of The Day
What the parasites and moral narcissists who push gun control refuse to
see is that to totally disarm the citizens of a free nation requires the
deliberate exercise of deadly force against individuals who rightfully
refuse to surrender their arms and who in no way have violated the life,
liberty, or property of any other person. The end of civil disarmament
can't be brought about without the murder of people who in objective
reality are innocent of any wrongful act. Those who'd disarm
us are nothing less than mortal enemies of all rational human beings. As
far as I'm concerned such depraved persons should be dealt with as
wolves are.
We identify The Holocaust and The Killing Fields as the vile acts they actually were. But we're looking at those acts objectively. Subjectively, the perpetrators of those acts saw themselves as good and their victims as evil. We're seeing this again with the perpetrators of public disarmament and censorship in America.
We constantly say "NEVER AGAIN", but it will happen again.
We identify The Holocaust and The Killing Fields as the vile acts they actually were. But we're looking at those acts objectively. Subjectively, the perpetrators of those acts saw themselves as good and their victims as evil. We're seeing this again with the perpetrators of public disarmament and censorship in America.
We constantly say "NEVER AGAIN", but it will happen again.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Quote Of The Day
There is no dealing with The Left. Their word is no good. You cannot make a deal with someone who
thinks lying and stealing are mere tactics, which the Marxists actually
brag about.
--Dr. John Ray
--Dr. John Ray
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Thoughts For The Day
Those who behave as an Enemy Of Mankind shouldn't be surprised that they're being treated as such, in the Nuremberg style.
Peace, Liberty, and Security are simply three words that a rational person uses to describe the same condition, the rightful ability to live one's own life without coercive interference by others.
Those who believe they're right is clearly wrong.
Anyone who believes that they can do no wrong, WILL do wrong.
To those who value power, no act is too vile. Such as this guy:
Posted by Leslie
Peace, Liberty, and Security are simply three words that a rational person uses to describe the same condition, the rightful ability to live one's own life without coercive interference by others.
Those who believe they're right is clearly wrong.
Anyone who believes that they can do no wrong, WILL do wrong.
To those who value power, no act is too vile. Such as this guy:
Posted by Leslie
Monday, August 17, 2020
On Evil Acts
If we objectively look at history, we find those that those who commit evil acts think of themselves as good people committing good acts. If we don't examine our own beliefs we WILL be those people committing crimes against Humanity.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Thoughts For The Day
Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough. We have to see that Antisemitism is a symptom of a deeper philosophical problem. We should treat Antisemites as the Enemies of Humanity they actually are.
A right of the individual is a restraint upon the powers of government and society as a whole. Which is perfectly all right for those of us who're rational and productive. But to those who irrationally choose parasitism as their mode of existence an individual right is like staring at the muzzle of a shotgun that is aimed at their own heads. The parasite basically views the productive population as a form of livestock. Therefore anyone who objects to this status or otherwise resists the moral and legal primacy of the parasite is identified as a diseased animal and is dealt with as such. Sometimes the whole herd is subjected to culling, as the Ukrainians were under Stalin. Lenin’s command to kill the Kulaks and Ibarruri’s open contempt for the lives of the innocent weren't aberrations, they're simply instances of the normal behavior of parasites in power. Rational people believe in liberty and justice. Parasites on the other hand, don't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they're firmly seated on top.
Many of us proudly proclaim, "NEVER AGAIN", but it's happening again. Many of those who're proclaiming, "NEVER AGAIN", will be those who'll make it happen again. Members of BLM should look at their images in the mirror, they may see a member of the next great Racial Collectivist gang. One of the things we should've learned during the Century of Death is that anyone could become a evil person.
Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics, unless you're in the Wehrmacht.
That which doesn't kill you isn't trying hard enough.
The distribution of sacred swords by strange women who're lying in ponds may not be an effective basis for a form of government, but it may be better than what we have now.
Homosexuality may not be a big deal.
A right of the individual is a restraint upon the powers of government and society as a whole. Which is perfectly all right for those of us who're rational and productive. But to those who irrationally choose parasitism as their mode of existence an individual right is like staring at the muzzle of a shotgun that is aimed at their own heads. The parasite basically views the productive population as a form of livestock. Therefore anyone who objects to this status or otherwise resists the moral and legal primacy of the parasite is identified as a diseased animal and is dealt with as such. Sometimes the whole herd is subjected to culling, as the Ukrainians were under Stalin. Lenin’s command to kill the Kulaks and Ibarruri’s open contempt for the lives of the innocent weren't aberrations, they're simply instances of the normal behavior of parasites in power. Rational people believe in liberty and justice. Parasites on the other hand, don't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they're firmly seated on top.
Many of us proudly proclaim, "NEVER AGAIN", but it's happening again. Many of those who're proclaiming, "NEVER AGAIN", will be those who'll make it happen again. Members of BLM should look at their images in the mirror, they may see a member of the next great Racial Collectivist gang. One of the things we should've learned during the Century of Death is that anyone could become a evil person.
Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics, unless you're in the Wehrmacht.
That which doesn't kill you isn't trying hard enough.
The distribution of sacred swords by strange women who're lying in ponds may not be an effective basis for a form of government, but it may be better than what we have now.
Homosexuality may not be a big deal.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Thoughts For The Day
The leading presidential candidate of the Democratic Party is a senile old man who can't remember what to say. Nancy Pelosi, Charles Shumer, Kamala Harris, and Letitia James, need to be identified as the Enemies Of Mankind they actually are. Democrats in general need to be identified as the Enemies Of Mankind they actually are. Violating our constitutional rights to be armed and freedom of association. Those are no big deal as far as a Democrat is concerned.
The Maginot Line actually worked, but the Wehrmact went around it.
Why do I somehow feel that getting a college education these days must in some way involve being lobotomized? College Students should just grow up.
The Maginot Line actually worked, but the Wehrmact went around it.
Why do I somehow feel that getting a college education these days must in some way involve being lobotomized? College Students should just grow up.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Thoughts Of The Day
Asking about the condition of Shelly Miscavige is a perfectly reasonable question that nobody SHOULD BE punished for asking.
I have a suggestion: Watch this YOUTUBE video.
Some people have come out as Gay. So what?
Those who can't remember the past arecondemned to repeat it a highly sought after voting bloc.
Anyone who feels that they're automatically right is automatically wrong. Anyone who feels that they're infallible is already in the failure mode.
Revolutions happen because the State fails. Political Power needs to be understood as the vice that it actually is. The proper way to deal those who proclaim themselves to be your masters is to exterminate them. Many Leftist Politicians need to be identified dealt with as Enemies of Mankind.
There's a very simple way to not do time for a crime, to not commit the crime.
I have a suggestion: Watch this YOUTUBE video.
Some people have come out as Gay. So what?
Those who can't remember the past are
Anyone who feels that they're automatically right is automatically wrong. Anyone who feels that they're infallible is already in the failure mode.
Revolutions happen because the State fails. Political Power needs to be understood as the vice that it actually is. The proper way to deal those who proclaim themselves to be your masters is to exterminate them. Many Leftist Politicians need to be identified dealt with as Enemies of Mankind.
There's a very simple way to not do time for a crime, to not commit the crime.
We in the United States are stuck with two political parties. The leadership of
one party is insane and the leadership of the other party simply doesn't
Perhaps its time to start a new political party. Is a new political party possible?
The answer is, I don’t know. The opponents of chattel slavery proceeded, even with public opposition. We, as opponents of political power, have to. We need to treat exercises of political power, such as censorship, as crimes against Humanity. We need to treat bans on firearms and free speech as the anti-Human acts that they actually are. Our political elites have apparently forgotten the lesson taught by our original civil war, that banning freedom doesn’t work. Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of alcohol, it didn’t work. Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of hard drugs, it doesn’t work. Our political elites will try to ban the voluntary ownership of firearms and freedom of speech, it will never work. Our politicians are supposed to do a specific job and they aren't doing it. We have to start a new political party to go around them. We don't have a choice.
We need to treat Kamala Harris as the Opponent of Humanity she actually is.
Perhaps its time to start a new political party. Is a new political party possible?
The answer is, I don’t know. The opponents of chattel slavery proceeded, even with public opposition. We, as opponents of political power, have to. We need to treat exercises of political power, such as censorship, as crimes against Humanity. We need to treat bans on firearms and free speech as the anti-Human acts that they actually are. Our political elites have apparently forgotten the lesson taught by our original civil war, that banning freedom doesn’t work. Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of alcohol, it didn’t work. Our political elites tried to ban the voluntary consumption of hard drugs, it doesn’t work. Our political elites will try to ban the voluntary ownership of firearms and freedom of speech, it will never work. Our politicians are supposed to do a specific job and they aren't doing it. We have to start a new political party to go around them. We don't have a choice.
We need to treat Kamala Harris as the Opponent of Humanity she actually is.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Something's Wrong
Something's seriously wrong at Microsoft, an operating system shouldn't need an update once it's installed.
On Democracy
If Adolf Hitler could get elected, then perhaps the Democratic process isn't a good thing.
If there's one myth I'd like to bury, it's that Robert A. Heinlein is a Fascist.
Even if it kills me I will work to establish the Heinlein system as the government of the United States.
So what is the system Heinlein described in his novel Starship Troopers? (Don't bother to see the movie, it wasn't a proper adaptation of the novel.)
Heinlein wrote the novel to be the part of the juvenile series of science fiction novels published by Scribners and as a response to pro-Soviet peace activism. In the novel a young man grows from a naive high school student to a junior officer in the army. The narrative of the novel also serves as the framework for a series of lectures about the nature of man, morals, war, and government. The most controversial concept in the novel is that not everyone should be allowed to vote. In the place of universal suffrage Heinlein proposed the idea that the legal status of Citizen, who is a member of the sovereign class of the nation with the authority to vote, has to be earned.
Then as now there were people who clearly didn’t understand the concept of government. Then as now there were those who sought to exploit the ignorance of the mere voter in order to obtain political power. And worse to obtain power without restraint. Heinlein had proposed the idea of earning the sovereign franchise as a filtering mechanism to prevent obvious fools, such as peace activists, from influencing government.
The idea of the restricted franchise isn't new. In the Polis of Athens the franchise was restricted to property owning members of the tribe but there was no legal restraint on the state. As history had shown this led to dysfunctions such as historic legal murder of Socrates. It wasn't enough to restrict the powers of government but to restrict who could actually participate in the process of governing. In practical effect to idiot proof the system.
So is it actually necessary to fully implement the system that Heinlein proposed?
The fact is that all forms of authority are based on knowledge and political authority is no exception. But in the present system political authority is granted to any warm body without regard to their their actual state of knowledge. As a result some warm bodies have traded their votes for a material object such as an IPad or a wad of cash. Or worse, they've traded their votes for the warm and fuzzy feeling of having been compassionate.
The result is the present state of our nation. Those who lack knowledge or simple concern for consequences shouldn't have authority over another person, let alone the fate of a nation.
My solution to the problem is simply proper education in the obligations of citizenship.
The course would be similar to a driver education course as presently taught. The first part of the class covers The Constitution, the proper functions of each branch of government, the function of each clause and amendment, the duties of the citizen as a member of the sovereign authority of the nation, and what's expected to happen when the Federal Government enters the failure mode.
The second part of the course covers the function and use of the instrument of political authority, the personal weapon. This covers rifle marksmanship and maintenance. Also covered is the basic organization and tactics of the citizen militia unit.
While the citizenship course won't be mandatory, completion and a passing grade will be required to exercise the authority to vote.
If there's one myth I'd like to bury, it's that Robert A. Heinlein is a Fascist.
Even if it kills me I will work to establish the Heinlein system as the government of the United States.
So what is the system Heinlein described in his novel Starship Troopers? (Don't bother to see the movie, it wasn't a proper adaptation of the novel.)
Heinlein wrote the novel to be the part of the juvenile series of science fiction novels published by Scribners and as a response to pro-Soviet peace activism. In the novel a young man grows from a naive high school student to a junior officer in the army. The narrative of the novel also serves as the framework for a series of lectures about the nature of man, morals, war, and government. The most controversial concept in the novel is that not everyone should be allowed to vote. In the place of universal suffrage Heinlein proposed the idea that the legal status of Citizen, who is a member of the sovereign class of the nation with the authority to vote, has to be earned.
Then as now there were people who clearly didn’t understand the concept of government. Then as now there were those who sought to exploit the ignorance of the mere voter in order to obtain political power. And worse to obtain power without restraint. Heinlein had proposed the idea of earning the sovereign franchise as a filtering mechanism to prevent obvious fools, such as peace activists, from influencing government.
The idea of the restricted franchise isn't new. In the Polis of Athens the franchise was restricted to property owning members of the tribe but there was no legal restraint on the state. As history had shown this led to dysfunctions such as historic legal murder of Socrates. It wasn't enough to restrict the powers of government but to restrict who could actually participate in the process of governing. In practical effect to idiot proof the system.
So is it actually necessary to fully implement the system that Heinlein proposed?
The fact is that all forms of authority are based on knowledge and political authority is no exception. But in the present system political authority is granted to any warm body without regard to their their actual state of knowledge. As a result some warm bodies have traded their votes for a material object such as an IPad or a wad of cash. Or worse, they've traded their votes for the warm and fuzzy feeling of having been compassionate.
The result is the present state of our nation. Those who lack knowledge or simple concern for consequences shouldn't have authority over another person, let alone the fate of a nation.
My solution to the problem is simply proper education in the obligations of citizenship.
The course would be similar to a driver education course as presently taught. The first part of the class covers The Constitution, the proper functions of each branch of government, the function of each clause and amendment, the duties of the citizen as a member of the sovereign authority of the nation, and what's expected to happen when the Federal Government enters the failure mode.
The second part of the course covers the function and use of the instrument of political authority, the personal weapon. This covers rifle marksmanship and maintenance. Also covered is the basic organization and tactics of the citizen militia unit.
While the citizenship course won't be mandatory, completion and a passing grade will be required to exercise the authority to vote.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Thoughts Of The Day
A person should mentally step back and check their own beliefs, they may not like what they find.
If you hear voices in your head, ignore them.
Who needs a Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels when the Mainstream Media lies to us already?
The Skyway Theater was built on the site of the Lyric Theater and the skyway connection would've gone though properties owned by two large contributors to the ruling party in Minnesota, so it wouldn't happen.
Evil people are supported by those who believe they've supporting virtuous people.
In Russia high school students are required to read The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn with assembling and disassembling a standard infantry weapon. American high school students can't even do that. American high school students are ignorant of Totalitarianism and tought to fear weapons. Many American High School students have become advocates of Totalitarianism. This is clearly wrong.
Liberals (or Progressives as they prefer to call themselves) come up with excellent reasons for decent people to just curl up and die. Liberals (or Progressives as they prefer to call themselves) have set the world standard for stupidity since November of 1917. Liberals (or Progressives as they prefer to call themselves) fully believe in the Stone Age notion of beating up people and taking their stuff.
Horrible things happen because the perpetrators seriously believe they're virtuous people doing good things.
If you hear voices in your head, ignore them.
Who needs a Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels when the Mainstream Media lies to us already?
The Skyway Theater was built on the site of the Lyric Theater and the skyway connection would've gone though properties owned by two large contributors to the ruling party in Minnesota, so it wouldn't happen.
Evil people are supported by those who believe they've supporting virtuous people.
In Russia high school students are required to read The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn with assembling and disassembling a standard infantry weapon. American high school students can't even do that. American high school students are ignorant of Totalitarianism and tought to fear weapons. Many American High School students have become advocates of Totalitarianism. This is clearly wrong.
Liberals (or Progressives as they prefer to call themselves) come up with excellent reasons for decent people to just curl up and die. Liberals (or Progressives as they prefer to call themselves) have set the world standard for stupidity since November of 1917. Liberals (or Progressives as they prefer to call themselves) fully believe in the Stone Age notion of beating up people and taking their stuff.
Horrible things happen because the perpetrators seriously believe they're virtuous people doing good things.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
On Mass Murder
We think of The Holocaust and The Killing Fields as unique events, but they weren't. The perpetrators of The Holocaust and The Killing Fields thought of themselves as good people and their victims as evil people. We think of Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot as as evil people, and they were, but they were just individuals, it was their followers that gave them the power to commit atrocities. I went over to the Underground Bunker and found those who would commit the next great atrocity were already posting in the forum. The monsters who would commit the next great atrocity are never under the bed, they're staring at themselves in the bathroom mirror.
Those who refuse to think about the beliefs and actions of their victims can never be your friend. I've learned this fact though direct experience. Someone I thought of as a friend tried to steal some firearms I owned while I was confined in a hospital. This person didn't understand that I would attempt to solve the alleged problem independently instead of simply turning the firearms over to him. I tried to post my actual experiences as a pizza delivery driver on a forum on the Underground Bunker and was called a liar for my trouble.
Those who refuse to think about the beliefs and actions of their victims can never be your friend. I've learned this fact though direct experience. Someone I thought of as a friend tried to steal some firearms I owned while I was confined in a hospital. This person didn't understand that I would attempt to solve the alleged problem independently instead of simply turning the firearms over to him. I tried to post my actual experiences as a pizza delivery driver on a forum on the Underground Bunker and was called a liar for my trouble.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Another Step Back, And A Noise Ccomplaint
January 10, 1976
New York City, United States of America
The Committee didn’t understand that coercion of the Uptimers didn’t work. The Committee didn’t understand that Mission Commander Evelyn Boatman went missing control of the Eagle would be transferred to his adopted daughter Doctor Alice Boatman. The Committee didn’t understand that after the kidnapping of Mission Commander Evelyn Boatman that they would receive an adverse visit from the reinforced Ranger Company embarked on the starship Eagle. The Committee also didn’t understand that the standard response to act of coercion on them by the Uptimers was exercise of deadly force. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, was crucified by the Uptimers when he attacked them.
Washington, DC
President Richard Nixon stared out at White House lawn. He was one of the people who hated the Uptimers, he especially hated Mission Commander Evelyn Boatman.
The Uptimers made many changes since they've arrived. The United Nations finally relented and allowed a delegation from The Republic Of Biafra. The United Nations was now allowed to occupy a zone surrounding the Suez Canal by the Uptimers. The city of Mecca was erased from the face of the Earth by the Uptimers. Jordan and Arabia were subsequently merged politically by force.
Mission Commander Evelyn Boatman also spoke on the subject of human error.
“Everyone makes mistakes, even I made a mistake, my first marriage ended due to my errors. Letting people come to their own conclusions may not appear to be nice, but it's something we have to do.”
Minneapolis, MN
Former Professor Thomas Archer was outside and freezing. Winter in Minnesota was a rehearsal for the next ice age. Professor Thomas Archer was fired from the University of Minnesota for trading grades for sexual favors. Now Professor Thomas Archer was homeless. Marxist professors and teachers were generally fired in the United States and around the world.
If I could talk, I'd ask a question of the occupant of APT #2312: What's it like to be a monster who takes advantage of someone's disability? I overheard him complaining about MY BEHAVIOR after I called, with great difficulty, the police with the seventh noise complaint. I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE SEVEN TIMES WITH A NOISE COMPLAINT.
New York City, United States of America
The Committee didn’t understand that coercion of the Uptimers didn’t work. The Committee didn’t understand that Mission Commander Evelyn Boatman went missing control of the Eagle would be transferred to his adopted daughter Doctor Alice Boatman. The Committee didn’t understand that after the kidnapping of Mission Commander Evelyn Boatman that they would receive an adverse visit from the reinforced Ranger Company embarked on the starship Eagle. The Committee also didn’t understand that the standard response to act of coercion on them by the Uptimers was exercise of deadly force. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, was crucified by the Uptimers when he attacked them.
Washington, DC
President Richard Nixon stared out at White House lawn. He was one of the people who hated the Uptimers, he especially hated Mission Commander Evelyn Boatman.
The Uptimers made many changes since they've arrived. The United Nations finally relented and allowed a delegation from The Republic Of Biafra. The United Nations was now allowed to occupy a zone surrounding the Suez Canal by the Uptimers. The city of Mecca was erased from the face of the Earth by the Uptimers. Jordan and Arabia were subsequently merged politically by force.
Mission Commander Evelyn Boatman also spoke on the subject of human error.
“Everyone makes mistakes, even I made a mistake, my first marriage ended due to my errors. Letting people come to their own conclusions may not appear to be nice, but it's something we have to do.”
Minneapolis, MN
Former Professor Thomas Archer was outside and freezing. Winter in Minnesota was a rehearsal for the next ice age. Professor Thomas Archer was fired from the University of Minnesota for trading grades for sexual favors. Now Professor Thomas Archer was homeless. Marxist professors and teachers were generally fired in the United States and around the world.
If I could talk, I'd ask a question of the occupant of APT #2312: What's it like to be a monster who takes advantage of someone's disability? I overheard him complaining about MY BEHAVIOR after I called, with great difficulty, the police with the seventh noise complaint. I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE SEVEN TIMES WITH A NOISE COMPLAINT.
Sunday, August 09, 2020
Thoughts For The Day
What part of NEVER AGAIN wasn't understood?
Democrats believe they're the good people, so did the National Socialists. Democrats deny reality, so did the National Socialists. Democrats hate those who oppose then, so did the National Socialists. The fundamental value of the Democratic Party is Power, and no act's too vile to obtain it. Freedom is the negation of Power and therefore must be opposed. Or at least in public Freedom mustn't be supported lest the victims come to understand their actual position within the Socialist order. Democrats hold Humans in contempt.
Democrats abhor the thought of being judged by their character because they have none. What's present is the black hole of their lust for power. A desire for control over every aspect of our lives that distorts or destroys everything that comes within their influence. The positive side is that if we don't drop below their moral event horizon we can escape from their influence. If the Democratic Party, and their bitches in academia and and the media continue to behave as if they're the ruling class of France before their revolution, then they'll be treated as such. The American people will paint the streets of our nation with their blood. But we'll be damaged as a result.
Nazi is short for National Socialist, Hitler himself came out and said the NSDAP was a bunch of Socialists, but try telling that to a Democrat and you'll be called a liar. The KKK was the original terrorist arm of the Democratic Party and was a major factor in Democrat victories well into the 20th Century, but try telling that to a Democrat and you'll be called a liar. And the assholes who're attacking and beating up Republicans are doing so in imitation of the original brownshirts, but try telling that to a Democrat and you'll be called a liar.
We proudly proclaim "never again" but it will happen again.
Scientology needs to be treated as the toxic doctrine that it actually is. Scientologists believe that a Suppressive Person may be deprived of property and liberty, National Socialists believed the same things about Jews. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard was a piece of excrement that took advantage of the First Amendment of our Constitution. The Church Of Scientology was apparently upset about that the American public was more concerned about the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger (and the seven people aboard) than the death of the false prophet L. Ron Hubbard. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard needs to be remembered as the monster he actually was. The United States of America should consider itself fortunate that the false prophet L. Ron Hubbard went into religion instead of politics. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard did smash his name into Human History, as a liar, cheat, and conman.
We have to accept the fact that the Church of Scientology is a criminal organization. Scientologists are told they're the most ethical people on the planet, in fact they're the most vile, outside of the Collectivists. The so called Church of Scientology has all the credibility of the NSDAP, which is none what so ever. Most bad people don't understand why they're identified and dealt with as bad people. What the false prophet L. Ron Hubbard called the religion angle needs to be closed. Those who believe that they're superior and infallible beings are already in the failure mode. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard was receiving a penny a word writing for the pulps when Ayn Rand had her novels published in hard covers and adapted for motion pictures. Some of Ayn Rand's works are still in print while the false prophet L. Ron Hubbard's works have to be published by an internal department of the Church of Scientology. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard and his self appointed successor David Miscavige need to be treated as the liars and Enemies of Humanity they actually are. The Church of Scientology talks about psychiatrists and critics the way National Socialists used to speak about Jews, as something to be destroyed. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard was wrong about a lot of things, he had opinions about washing windows, not once while working at Fanny Farmer candy shops did his method of washing windows was used.
In Objectivism an axiom is a statement that defines the base of knowledge and is a self evident truth. The three axioms of Objectivism are that Existence Exists, that Existence is Identity, and that Consciousness is Identification. The axioms of Objectivism flatly contradict Scientology in holding that the Universe existed prior to the evolution of consciousness. That things are what they are regardless of what one chooses to believe. And that to be conscious is to see things are they truly are without regard to the claims by an self proclaimed authority figure. An Objectivist would clearly see that the false prophet L. Ron Hubbard was putting out complete nonsense and therefore would be classed as a Suppressive Person in the doctrine of Scientology. Because it's a deliberate body of falsehoods created by a conman Scientology must hold that the act of identification, which is to see things as they truly are, as something that must be forbidden and punished. And in a world ruled by Scientologists the truly conscious must be be put down with lethal effect. We see The Holocaust, "Fair Game", etc as the vile acts they actually are, but we're looking at those acts objectively. In the subjective view the people who performed those acts believed they were the good guys and their victims were evil. We need to examine our own beliefs and look at them objectively.
Always tell the truth, especially if it reflects badly on you. When you tell the truth all the time you don't have to keep track of your own lies. The way to respond to criticism is to tell the truth. And if the truth's against you, then maybe you're the bad guy. Before one can lie to others, one has to lie to one's self. Anyone who feels that they're automatically right is automatically wrong. Those who advocate Censorship or respond negatively to their critics are wrong and they know it. Censorship is the negation of the human mind. As rational thought is necessary to living a human life the censor is an Enemy of Mankind. If you don't like someone's speech, don't listen to it. It's easy to refute someone when they insist on being wrong. All one has to do is tell the truth, but someone can't refute anyone when they insist on being right. That's why advocates of tyranny always advocate Censorship.
Democrats believe they're the good people, so did the National Socialists. Democrats deny reality, so did the National Socialists. Democrats hate those who oppose then, so did the National Socialists. The fundamental value of the Democratic Party is Power, and no act's too vile to obtain it. Freedom is the negation of Power and therefore must be opposed. Or at least in public Freedom mustn't be supported lest the victims come to understand their actual position within the Socialist order. Democrats hold Humans in contempt.
Democrats abhor the thought of being judged by their character because they have none. What's present is the black hole of their lust for power. A desire for control over every aspect of our lives that distorts or destroys everything that comes within their influence. The positive side is that if we don't drop below their moral event horizon we can escape from their influence. If the Democratic Party, and their bitches in academia and and the media continue to behave as if they're the ruling class of France before their revolution, then they'll be treated as such. The American people will paint the streets of our nation with their blood. But we'll be damaged as a result.
Nazi is short for National Socialist, Hitler himself came out and said the NSDAP was a bunch of Socialists, but try telling that to a Democrat and you'll be called a liar. The KKK was the original terrorist arm of the Democratic Party and was a major factor in Democrat victories well into the 20th Century, but try telling that to a Democrat and you'll be called a liar. And the assholes who're attacking and beating up Republicans are doing so in imitation of the original brownshirts, but try telling that to a Democrat and you'll be called a liar.
We proudly proclaim "never again" but it will happen again.
Scientology needs to be treated as the toxic doctrine that it actually is. Scientologists believe that a Suppressive Person may be deprived of property and liberty, National Socialists believed the same things about Jews. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard was a piece of excrement that took advantage of the First Amendment of our Constitution. The Church Of Scientology was apparently upset about that the American public was more concerned about the loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger (and the seven people aboard) than the death of the false prophet L. Ron Hubbard. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard needs to be remembered as the monster he actually was. The United States of America should consider itself fortunate that the false prophet L. Ron Hubbard went into religion instead of politics. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard did smash his name into Human History, as a liar, cheat, and conman.
We have to accept the fact that the Church of Scientology is a criminal organization. Scientologists are told they're the most ethical people on the planet, in fact they're the most vile, outside of the Collectivists. The so called Church of Scientology has all the credibility of the NSDAP, which is none what so ever. Most bad people don't understand why they're identified and dealt with as bad people. What the false prophet L. Ron Hubbard called the religion angle needs to be closed. Those who believe that they're superior and infallible beings are already in the failure mode. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard was receiving a penny a word writing for the pulps when Ayn Rand had her novels published in hard covers and adapted for motion pictures. Some of Ayn Rand's works are still in print while the false prophet L. Ron Hubbard's works have to be published by an internal department of the Church of Scientology. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard and his self appointed successor David Miscavige need to be treated as the liars and Enemies of Humanity they actually are. The Church of Scientology talks about psychiatrists and critics the way National Socialists used to speak about Jews, as something to be destroyed. The false prophet L. Ron Hubbard was wrong about a lot of things, he had opinions about washing windows, not once while working at Fanny Farmer candy shops did his method of washing windows was used.
In Objectivism an axiom is a statement that defines the base of knowledge and is a self evident truth. The three axioms of Objectivism are that Existence Exists, that Existence is Identity, and that Consciousness is Identification. The axioms of Objectivism flatly contradict Scientology in holding that the Universe existed prior to the evolution of consciousness. That things are what they are regardless of what one chooses to believe. And that to be conscious is to see things are they truly are without regard to the claims by an self proclaimed authority figure. An Objectivist would clearly see that the false prophet L. Ron Hubbard was putting out complete nonsense and therefore would be classed as a Suppressive Person in the doctrine of Scientology. Because it's a deliberate body of falsehoods created by a conman Scientology must hold that the act of identification, which is to see things as they truly are, as something that must be forbidden and punished. And in a world ruled by Scientologists the truly conscious must be be put down with lethal effect. We see The Holocaust, "Fair Game", etc as the vile acts they actually are, but we're looking at those acts objectively. In the subjective view the people who performed those acts believed they were the good guys and their victims were evil. We need to examine our own beliefs and look at them objectively.
Always tell the truth, especially if it reflects badly on you. When you tell the truth all the time you don't have to keep track of your own lies. The way to respond to criticism is to tell the truth. And if the truth's against you, then maybe you're the bad guy. Before one can lie to others, one has to lie to one's self. Anyone who feels that they're automatically right is automatically wrong. Those who advocate Censorship or respond negatively to their critics are wrong and they know it. Censorship is the negation of the human mind. As rational thought is necessary to living a human life the censor is an Enemy of Mankind. If you don't like someone's speech, don't listen to it. It's easy to refute someone when they insist on being wrong. All one has to do is tell the truth, but someone can't refute anyone when they insist on being right. That's why advocates of tyranny always advocate Censorship.
Saturday, August 08, 2020
Thoughts For The Day
Accept as a fact that you don't know everything.
One of the problems with human sacrifice is that there's always a mess that someone has to clean up.
While going out on a morning walk I passed a newly opened restaurant that had a sign out claiming that it served "organic" vodka. I thought this organic fetish was silly back in the seventies. What's next? Organic bathtub gin?
If our party doesn't clean up its act then we as rational citizens will have no choice but to start a new party if we want to peacefully make changes and restore a rational system of government. Revolutions (real revolutions, not Marxist ones) happen because the government fails to function.
Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.
I've been called a racist online by a Progressive, never mind the actual facts of reality. This person insists on believing absurdities, this person WILL commit atrocities. As a rule Progressives see the subjects of their whim as mindless morons. When their victims speak up the Progressives don't respond rationally but are the first to actively silence the voice of dissent. Hypocrisy is the pretense of governing in the name of The People while ruling in ignorance of their actual will. In other words Totalitarianism as usual. While on a morning walk I saw two yard signs for Black Lives Matter on 29th Avenue here in Northeast Minneapolis. But because I oppose racial collectivism I will be denounced as a racist.
Of all ideologies Racial Collectivism stands with the ugliest and most irrational of doctrines. It denies the minds and rights of all individuals and reduces all people to mere things. The content of character and the moral choices made by a person mean nothing. The race of person, something completely outside of choice, is all that matters to the Racial Collectivist. In this case the Blacks are raised to the status of a Master Race and Whites are condemned to inferior status and death.
We've seen this before.
The Racial Collectivist mentally raises himself to a separate and superior status over Humans in general. To him the Rights of Man are rendered meaningless and he may rob and murder people at will and an with a posture of righteousness. We are deemed to be things that are used and disposed of, and for them murder isn't a wrong but a moral duty. In the original version of National Socialism the Aryan peoples were identified as the Master Race, or the Herrenvolk. In fact a Racial Collectivist is an Enemy of Mankind in General. In a more rational day Enemies of Mankind were hunted down and killed. Let's return to reason.
The idea that Black men should be exempt from the laws that protect the life and property of all people regardless of their race is clearly wrong. As far as a properly functioning government is concerned there is only one race: The Human Race. Anti-fa and Black Lives Matter are being used by the elites, but they don't know it. The members of Anti-fa and Black Lives Matter need to be treated as the Enemies of Humanity they actually are.
The self styled Progressives have only ever had one idea, which their ancestors came up with during the Stone Age, that's to live as predatory animals, with taking the products of thought and labor of others by force. All of their subsequent thoughts have only been excuses for this behavior. If anything, the time I was delivering pizza for a living has caused my previous loathing of The Left to become deeper and more visceral. After all, why should any Leftist go through the effort of doing something that's objectively positive, such as tipping the delivery driver, when they can merely strike a pose and feel good about themselves afterwards? As with their Aryan precursors, African Racial Collective has developed a cultural contempt for The Other. Those who aren't identified as members of the collective are deemed to be nonhuman as thus subject to attack. The Other, the Non-Africans, are simply attacked for the thrill of it with no material gains to be had. Non-Africans are hunted and assaulted as if they're members of a non-sentient game species. Given the African Racial Collective has begun to adopt National Socialist behavior it comes to no surprise that some of them are identified and treated as such. Some victims have responded with deadly force and have wounded or killed some perpetrators.
Karl Marx and his partner Friedrich Engels took advantage of a dire situation.
One of the problems with human sacrifice is that there's always a mess that someone has to clean up.
While going out on a morning walk I passed a newly opened restaurant that had a sign out claiming that it served "organic" vodka. I thought this organic fetish was silly back in the seventies. What's next? Organic bathtub gin?
If our party doesn't clean up its act then we as rational citizens will have no choice but to start a new party if we want to peacefully make changes and restore a rational system of government. Revolutions (real revolutions, not Marxist ones) happen because the government fails to function.
Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.
I've been called a racist online by a Progressive, never mind the actual facts of reality. This person insists on believing absurdities, this person WILL commit atrocities. As a rule Progressives see the subjects of their whim as mindless morons. When their victims speak up the Progressives don't respond rationally but are the first to actively silence the voice of dissent. Hypocrisy is the pretense of governing in the name of The People while ruling in ignorance of their actual will. In other words Totalitarianism as usual. While on a morning walk I saw two yard signs for Black Lives Matter on 29th Avenue here in Northeast Minneapolis. But because I oppose racial collectivism I will be denounced as a racist.
Of all ideologies Racial Collectivism stands with the ugliest and most irrational of doctrines. It denies the minds and rights of all individuals and reduces all people to mere things. The content of character and the moral choices made by a person mean nothing. The race of person, something completely outside of choice, is all that matters to the Racial Collectivist. In this case the Blacks are raised to the status of a Master Race and Whites are condemned to inferior status and death.
We've seen this before.
The Racial Collectivist mentally raises himself to a separate and superior status over Humans in general. To him the Rights of Man are rendered meaningless and he may rob and murder people at will and an with a posture of righteousness. We are deemed to be things that are used and disposed of, and for them murder isn't a wrong but a moral duty. In the original version of National Socialism the Aryan peoples were identified as the Master Race, or the Herrenvolk. In fact a Racial Collectivist is an Enemy of Mankind in General. In a more rational day Enemies of Mankind were hunted down and killed. Let's return to reason.
The idea that Black men should be exempt from the laws that protect the life and property of all people regardless of their race is clearly wrong. As far as a properly functioning government is concerned there is only one race: The Human Race. Anti-fa and Black Lives Matter are being used by the elites, but they don't know it. The members of Anti-fa and Black Lives Matter need to be treated as the Enemies of Humanity they actually are.
The self styled Progressives have only ever had one idea, which their ancestors came up with during the Stone Age, that's to live as predatory animals, with taking the products of thought and labor of others by force. All of their subsequent thoughts have only been excuses for this behavior. If anything, the time I was delivering pizza for a living has caused my previous loathing of The Left to become deeper and more visceral. After all, why should any Leftist go through the effort of doing something that's objectively positive, such as tipping the delivery driver, when they can merely strike a pose and feel good about themselves afterwards? As with their Aryan precursors, African Racial Collective has developed a cultural contempt for The Other. Those who aren't identified as members of the collective are deemed to be nonhuman as thus subject to attack. The Other, the Non-Africans, are simply attacked for the thrill of it with no material gains to be had. Non-Africans are hunted and assaulted as if they're members of a non-sentient game species. Given the African Racial Collective has begun to adopt National Socialist behavior it comes to no surprise that some of them are identified and treated as such. Some victims have responded with deadly force and have wounded or killed some perpetrators.
Karl Marx and his partner Friedrich Engels took advantage of a dire situation.
Friday, August 07, 2020
If Communism was a good idea the Soviet Union would be the greatest
nation on Earth but the Soviet Union doesn't exist. Why do intelligent people oppose Communism? Communism was in
fact a bad idea. There were warnings for well over a century and many warnings were ignored by many intellectuals.
Thursday, August 06, 2020
Dealing With Democrats
So how should we deal with Leftist brownshirt actions on election day?
The first obvious thought that came to mind was to go to the polls in a group. Bring cameras (stills and video). Split into two groups, one group to go into the polling place and the other group in overwatch mode with the cameras. When the first group finishes voting they will take the overwatch position while the other group votes. In the event of a confrontation with any Leftist brownshirts the photos and video get turned over to Fox News or the appropriate Federal agency.
That's my $ 0.02
The first obvious thought that came to mind was to go to the polls in a group. Bring cameras (stills and video). Split into two groups, one group to go into the polling place and the other group in overwatch mode with the cameras. When the first group finishes voting they will take the overwatch position while the other group votes. In the event of a confrontation with any Leftist brownshirts the photos and video get turned over to Fox News or the appropriate Federal agency.
That's my $ 0.02
On Bombing

On this day in 1945 Colonel Paul Tibbets flying the B-29 Superfortress ENOLA GAY dropped an enriched uranium fission bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.
Some people have a problem with this.
I don't.
From Xerxes99 at as a caption to this photograph:
Nothing more beautiful in the world if you ask me...Especially when you get to witness trembling Japanese tourists taking pictures of it.
It's amazing how many problems can be solved with the application of weapons grade fissionables.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled reality.
Wednesday, August 05, 2020
Thoughts For The Day
Everyone, regardless of their social rank, needs to held accountable,
Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough. We should treat Antisemites as the enemies of Humanity they actually are. The novel 1984 was written as a warning to all of us. Not as an instruction manual for the Democratic Party or members of Anti-fa. Control over everything and everyone productive must be a Democratic or a member of Anti-fa wet dreams.
Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough. We should treat Antisemites as the enemies of Humanity they actually are. The novel 1984 was written as a warning to all of us. Not as an instruction manual for the Democratic Party or members of Anti-fa. Control over everything and everyone productive must be a Democratic or a member of Anti-fa wet dreams.
We have to understand that Marxism is a body of
absurdity. And those believe absurdities will commit atrocities.
There are those who still seek to establish a Communist state in America
(with themselves holding the whip, of course) even though Communism has
been proven to be toxic to human life.Revolutions (real revolutions, not Marxist ones) happen because of failure of the government. A state without a functioning mechanism of accountability and a
means of peacefully removing those who're unfit to govern will
eventually fall into corruption and a state of tyranny. One day while doing pizza delivery I saw someone wearing a red bicyclist shirt with the Hammer and
Sickle, and the letters "CCCP" emblazoned upon it, I passed up the
temptation to ask if he'd run out of brown shirts and swastika
armbands. Knowing Marxism is effectively knowing nothing. The most ignorant people in the United States are rioting for political power, but political authority like all forms of authority is based on knowledge. Marxism is fundamentally the denial of several facts of reality.
That Human Life is the fundamental moral value. That things of value
are those objects and actions that support and improve human life.
That actual values are identified by the full operation of the rational
Marxism denies more.
That things of value can be imagined by rational thought and made by real labor. That the creation of values by labor must be directed by rational thought. And that the distribution of values must be directed by reason on the basis of consent. And because the actions of no two persons in the process of production can have equal value the concept of equality of income is clearly invalid. Marxism isn't a new doctrine. It's simply a cover for the old barbaric notion of might being right. That by raising a sufficient number of fists they can negate the real value of real thought and labor. It's nothing more than an excuse to exercise force. But reality can't be erased by a show of hands, nor can a fact be overturned at the point of a gun. Every attempt to put Marxist doctrine into action has failed without exception. Every attempt to enforce the doctrine of Marx has resulted in millions of deaths. From the use of force to compel obedience and starvation from the failure of any Marxist system to produce food. There's simply no excuse for anyone to believe in or to attempt to enforce the doctrine of Marxism. So why's it happening now? In part because most Americans don't understand what is happening. The enemy has taken over educational and media establishments. They put out falsehoods that are believed by some people without question.
In the Marxist lexicon civilization consists of states that treat human beings as hominid livestock and which run up body counts in the millions. At last count the death toll due to the various attempts to practice what Marx preached runs from 100 million to 170 million and is still rising to places such as Cuba, China, and North Korea. In the Marxist lexicon arrogance consists of the moral certainty that each person has the inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property, and such rights must be defended by deadly force either by the individual or collectively through the institution of government. In the Marxist lexicon unwarranted bloodshed consists of the act of shooting back at and ultimately hunting down and killing those willfully inhuman creatures who, in accordance to the ravings of false prophets such as Mohammad and Marx, seek to forcibly enslave and murder human beings. In the Marxist lexicon idiocy consists of looking at the world through one's own eyes, thinking for one's self, and refusing to believe the immense load of ideological excrement left by Marx, Engels, and their intellectual heirs. (Yes, I know, calling them intellectuals is a contradiction) In effect in the Marxist lexicon reality is unreal. In Century of Death we've learned though direct experience that Marxism in theory has always led to mass murder in practice.
Karl Marx never worked, neither does Marxism. Karl Marx was one of the most vile men who ever lived. Without Marx we wouldn't have monsters like Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot. Marx was a raving anti-Semite. Old school Progressives (the one they NEVER teach you about in the public schools) had "issues" with those they saw as the "inferior" races. (Africans, Jews, Asians, etc.) Eliminating those who don't fit into the collective makes perfect sense to a collectivist. We need to teach Marxism as the absolute nonsense that it was. Karl Marx lied, millions died. Should Marxism be taught? Marxism should be taught as the actual disaster it was.
That things of value can be imagined by rational thought and made by real labor. That the creation of values by labor must be directed by rational thought. And that the distribution of values must be directed by reason on the basis of consent. And because the actions of no two persons in the process of production can have equal value the concept of equality of income is clearly invalid. Marxism isn't a new doctrine. It's simply a cover for the old barbaric notion of might being right. That by raising a sufficient number of fists they can negate the real value of real thought and labor. It's nothing more than an excuse to exercise force. But reality can't be erased by a show of hands, nor can a fact be overturned at the point of a gun. Every attempt to put Marxist doctrine into action has failed without exception. Every attempt to enforce the doctrine of Marx has resulted in millions of deaths. From the use of force to compel obedience and starvation from the failure of any Marxist system to produce food. There's simply no excuse for anyone to believe in or to attempt to enforce the doctrine of Marxism. So why's it happening now? In part because most Americans don't understand what is happening. The enemy has taken over educational and media establishments. They put out falsehoods that are believed by some people without question.
In the Marxist lexicon civilization consists of states that treat human beings as hominid livestock and which run up body counts in the millions. At last count the death toll due to the various attempts to practice what Marx preached runs from 100 million to 170 million and is still rising to places such as Cuba, China, and North Korea. In the Marxist lexicon arrogance consists of the moral certainty that each person has the inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property, and such rights must be defended by deadly force either by the individual or collectively through the institution of government. In the Marxist lexicon unwarranted bloodshed consists of the act of shooting back at and ultimately hunting down and killing those willfully inhuman creatures who, in accordance to the ravings of false prophets such as Mohammad and Marx, seek to forcibly enslave and murder human beings. In the Marxist lexicon idiocy consists of looking at the world through one's own eyes, thinking for one's self, and refusing to believe the immense load of ideological excrement left by Marx, Engels, and their intellectual heirs. (Yes, I know, calling them intellectuals is a contradiction) In effect in the Marxist lexicon reality is unreal. In Century of Death we've learned though direct experience that Marxism in theory has always led to mass murder in practice.
Karl Marx never worked, neither does Marxism. Karl Marx was one of the most vile men who ever lived. Without Marx we wouldn't have monsters like Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot. Marx was a raving anti-Semite. Old school Progressives (the one they NEVER teach you about in the public schools) had "issues" with those they saw as the "inferior" races. (Africans, Jews, Asians, etc.) Eliminating those who don't fit into the collective makes perfect sense to a collectivist. We need to teach Marxism as the absolute nonsense that it was. Karl Marx lied, millions died. Should Marxism be taught? Marxism should be taught as the actual disaster it was.
Tuesday, August 04, 2020
On Collectivism
It's happening again.
Many people loudly proclaim "never again," but they are the people who are going to do it again.
The Holocaust was the result of believing in Racial Collectivism. The Gulags and The Killing Fields were the result of believing in Class Collectivism, or Marxism as we politely put it .
Monday, August 03, 2020
On Bad Ideas
On Bad Ideas.
When I was pizza driver I saw a Kerry photo pasted in a car window as it were a sacred icon. I also saw a yard sign placed on the wall of a union hall as it were a sacred icon. In fact they weren't sacred icons, they were simply objects. In fact they were tools for human use.
In Objective Reality one has to mentally step back and look at one's thoughts and actions. One may not like what they find, but one has to do so. One thought common in Racial Collectivism is the belief that one is a victim. When we look at the doctrine of the NSDAP we see that the "Aryans" are the victims of the "Jews." We're seeing this idea again in BLM with the idea that the "Blacks" are the victims of the "Whites." (In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the members of BLM dismiss The Holocaust as a White on White action.)
In Newspeak the belief that all lives matter regardless of race is held as being racist. A function of language is to serve as the operating system of human thought. But the function of Newspeak is to prevent correct identification of the facts of reality. Thus blood soaked tyrants are called liberators and actual liberators are called oppressors. Since clarity of thought, which is the correct identification of the facts of reality, is necessary for humans to survive and prosper a language form that obscures facts and disconnects thought from reality has the effect of being toxic to human life. Each subsequent revision of Newspeak, with its increasing disconnection from reality, is increasingly toxic to human life. An ultimate version of Newspeak in which any thought is impossible would be completely lethal.
When I was pizza driver I saw a Kerry photo pasted in a car window as it were a sacred icon. I also saw a yard sign placed on the wall of a union hall as it were a sacred icon. In fact they weren't sacred icons, they were simply objects. In fact they were tools for human use.
In Objective Reality one has to mentally step back and look at one's thoughts and actions. One may not like what they find, but one has to do so. One thought common in Racial Collectivism is the belief that one is a victim. When we look at the doctrine of the NSDAP we see that the "Aryans" are the victims of the "Jews." We're seeing this idea again in BLM with the idea that the "Blacks" are the victims of the "Whites." (In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the members of BLM dismiss The Holocaust as a White on White action.)
In Newspeak the belief that all lives matter regardless of race is held as being racist. A function of language is to serve as the operating system of human thought. But the function of Newspeak is to prevent correct identification of the facts of reality. Thus blood soaked tyrants are called liberators and actual liberators are called oppressors. Since clarity of thought, which is the correct identification of the facts of reality, is necessary for humans to survive and prosper a language form that obscures facts and disconnects thought from reality has the effect of being toxic to human life. Each subsequent revision of Newspeak, with its increasing disconnection from reality, is increasingly toxic to human life. An ultimate version of Newspeak in which any thought is impossible would be completely lethal.
Sunday, August 02, 2020
Thoughts For The Day
Censorship should be a capital crime, but that's my opinion.
Atrocities are committed by people who really believe they are good people.
The job of the police in a functioning society is to protect rights. And those who deny rights will often act on their own beliefs. The difference between evil and idiocy is the bodycount.
If a Democrat really wanted to fight "greed and corruption" all they have to do is refrain from running for and holding public office.
What the parasites and moral narcissists who push gun control refuse to see is that to totally disarm the citizens of a free nation requires the deliberate exercise of deadly force against individuals who rightfully refuse to surrender their arms and who in no way have violated the life, liberty, or property of any other person. The end of civil disarmament can't be brought about without the murder of people who in objective reality are innocent of any wrongful act. Those who'd disarm us are nothing less than mortal enemies of all rational human beings. The fundamental problem is the culture that holds the rights of individuals in contempt and is willing to use force to reach their goals. As far as I'm concerned such depraved persons should be dealt with as wolves are.
David Hogg and Bill Clinton should be treated as the opponents of Humanity they actually are.
Atrocities are committed by people who really believe they are good people.
The job of the police in a functioning society is to protect rights. And those who deny rights will often act on their own beliefs. The difference between evil and idiocy is the bodycount.
If a Democrat really wanted to fight "greed and corruption" all they have to do is refrain from running for and holding public office.
What the parasites and moral narcissists who push gun control refuse to see is that to totally disarm the citizens of a free nation requires the deliberate exercise of deadly force against individuals who rightfully refuse to surrender their arms and who in no way have violated the life, liberty, or property of any other person. The end of civil disarmament can't be brought about without the murder of people who in objective reality are innocent of any wrongful act. Those who'd disarm us are nothing less than mortal enemies of all rational human beings. The fundamental problem is the culture that holds the rights of individuals in contempt and is willing to use force to reach their goals. As far as I'm concerned such depraved persons should be dealt with as wolves are.
David Hogg and Bill Clinton should be treated as the opponents of Humanity they actually are.
Saturday, August 01, 2020
We have to understand that both Islam and Marxism are bodies of absurdities. And those believe absurdities will commit atrocities.
There are those who still seek to establish a Communist state in America (with themselves holding the whip, of course) even though Communism has been proven to be toxic to human life.
Islam is not submission. Islam is in fact systematic and nihilistic aggression against Humanity and all aspects of Human life.
There are those who still seek to establish a Communist state in America (with themselves holding the whip, of course) even though Communism has been proven to be toxic to human life.
Islam is not submission. Islam is in fact systematic and nihilistic aggression against Humanity and all aspects of Human life.
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